Heart Sutra

Prajna Paramita Hrdaya Sutra





Diamond Cutter Sutra




Japanese tea ceremony


Homage to the supramundane victorious perfection of wisdom.


This is what I have heard: At one time, the Supramundane Victor [Buddha Sakyamuni] was residing together with a great community of monastics and a great community of Bodhisattvas on Vulture Mountain in Rajagriha. At that time, the Supramundane Victor was absorbed in the concentrated meditation of the enumerations of phenomena called “perception of the profound”. At that time the Bodhisattva great being, the Superior Avalokiteshvara [Chenrezig, Tibetan] , also was observing the practice of the profound perfection of wisdom and was viewing even these five aggregates [forms, feelings, discriminations, compositional factors and consciousness] as empty of inherent existence.


Then, through the Buddha’s power, the venerable Shariputra [Sharibu, Tibetan] said to the Bodhisattva great being, the Superior Avalokiteshvara:


How should a child of good lineage – who wishes to practice the profound perfection of wisdom – train?


The Bodhisattva great being, the Superior Avalokiteshvara, replied to Shariputra:



   Heart Sutra




Dependent arising. Emptiness is form, form is emptiness. No form without emptiness. No emptiness without form.

Shariputra, sons or daughters of good lineage who wish to practice the profound perfection of wisdom should view [phenomena] as follows. They should correctly and thoroughly view even these five aggregates [Skandha, Sanskrit] as empty of inherent existence [Sunyata, Sanskrit].


Form is emptiness, emptiness is form. Emptiness is not other than form; form is not other than emptiness. Similarly feelings, discriminations, compositional factors and consciousness are empty.

[Feelings is emptiness, emptiness is feelings. Emptiness is not other than feelings; feelings is not other than emptiness.

Discrimination is emptiness, emptiness is discrimination. Emptiness is not other than discrimination; discrimination is not other than emptiness.

Compositional factors is emptiness, emptiness is compositional factors. Emptiness is not other than compositional factors; compositional factors is not other than emptiness.

Consciousness is emptiness, emptiness is consciousness. Emptiness is not other than consciousness; consciousness is not other than emptiness.]



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