First of all, my name is Sharon.  And I live in the big beautiful state of Montana. I love it here. 

I was divorced about 5 years ago, and I'm much happier with my life now.  I enjoy spending a lot of time with my kids, they are a total kick!

My job also keeps me very busy.  I am such a work-a-holic.  I got promoted a couple years ago, and work has changed a lot because of that. 

I have two of the most beautiful children on the face of this Earth.   I have truly been blessed by their presence in my life.  I wouldn't have it any other way!  My daughter is 8 and I have a son that is almost 12 years old now. They are absolutely everything to me.   It's hard to believe they aren't little babies anymore.  I miss that, so much!

Thank you  so much for stopping in to visit! I'm getting a little better at this webpage thing. Hopefully, I will be able to update this more often, so come back again!

Take care! And God Bless!

Me at the Phoenix Zoo!
No man is worth tears and the one that is.. won't make you cry.
Email Me!
My handsome son!
Halloween 2001
Big Smile!
pictures of my little girl
pictures of my little cowboy
May 2003
December 2001
Last updated February 9th, 2005
March 2003
misc pics
misc pics2
misc pics3
misc pics4