Emma Shapplin

  I am not very good at making web pages. In fact this is the first one I have, and it is very rough. I have many ideas in my mind. However I think that the important thing are the spanish version songs of Emma Shapplin, right? Well, here they are. They are named *.doc so you only have to change the name to *.mp3

This songs were taken from her album Carmine Meo -Latinamerican Edition- It is basically the same as the original Carmine Meo, except for the two Spanish bonus tracks.

The above photograph is from "Discovering Yourself" video. I don't have enough space to have it here but you can visit Yariv Choen's Page to download it (See Links section below).

To download the songs just click the link and download the files "Cuerpo.doc" or "Estrella.doc" remember to rename them before you try to play them.


Here is a textual translation from the spanish version songs.(not as good as the original, hey I am not very good at "poetic-style-english") The lyrics vary a little bit from the italian ones.

Falta Tu Estrella - You're Star is Missing

(Spente le Stelle)
Tu me perdiste You lose me
Por un capricho. Because of a whim,
Me traicionaste, You betrayed me,
Te guardaré rencor. I 'll have a grudge against you.

Ahora te arrepientes,

Now you are regretful
Pides perdón...perdón... You ask forgiveness...forgiveness...
Ya no te oigo, I do not hear you.
Ya no tengo corazón. I have no heart left.

Hay que olvidar

One has to forget
Para poder vivir, So one can live,
Pero al caer la noche, la noche, la noche...Ah! But when the night comes, the night, the night...Ah!

Falta tu estrella

Your star is missing
Entre los dedos de la luna. Among the moons' fingers.
Llora mi alma,  My soul cries,
Porque te busca y sabe bien que ya no estás. Because it looks for you, but knows very well you're not here anymore.

Fría la noche

The night is cold
Y la esperanza siempre breve And the hope always brief.
Pura pena, amargo llanto, Only sorrow, bitter cry.
Un corazón desesperado que se va. A desperate heart that goes away.

Donde quedaron

Where did
Aquellos sueños. those dreams go. 
Solo dejaron,  They only left
La sola soledad. The lonely loneliness

Hay que olvidar

One has to forget
Para poder vivir, So one can live
Pero al caer la noche, la noche, la noche...Ah! But when the night comes, the night, the night...Ah!

Falta tu estrella

Your star is missing
Entre los dedos de la luna. Among the moon's fingers
Llora mi alma, My soul cries
Porque te busca y sabe bien que ya no estás. Because it looks for you, but knows very well you're not here anymore.

Fría la noche

The night is cold
Y la esperanza siempre breve And the hope always brief
Pura pena, amargo llanto, Only sorrow, bitter cry,
Un corazón desesperado que se va. A desperate heart that goes away.

Fría la noche

The night is cold
Y la esperanza siempre breve And the hope always brief
Pura pena, amargo llanto, Only sorrow, bitter cry,
Un corazón desesperado que se va. A desperate heart that goes away.


Cuerpo sin alma - Body Without Soul

(Cuor senza sangue)
Una lluvia que no cesa, A rain that never ceases
Un suspiro que perdí. A breathe that I lose.
Si tu cuerpo no me quiere If you're body doesn't want me
yo no quiero más de tí. I don't want anything more from you.

El sol no sale

The sun won't come out
Este viento que me duele,  This wind hurts.
Estas noches invernales This winter nights
Que no me dejan dormir. Won't let me sleep.
No viviré. I will not live.

Dolientes palabras

Mourning words
Destino sin fin. Neverending destiny
Un cuerpo sin alma A body without soul
No puede cantar. cannot sing

Medio frío, medio fuego,

Half cold, half fire,
Castigada por amar,  punished for loving
Esta vida se me escapa This life flies away
Como un río que se va. like a river that flows

Sigo llorando

I keep crying
Malgastandome la vida. wasting my life.
Más que odio, te detesto More than hate you, I loathe you.
Y si mi amor en vez de paz And if my love instead of peace
Guerra me da. It gives me war.

Dolientes palabras

Mourning words
Destino sin fin Neverending destiny
Un cuerpo sin alma A body without soul
No tiene más futuro que morir. Has no more future that to die.

Respóndeme Señor,

Answer me Lord,
Contéstame, por Dios, Answer me, God,
No puedo I cannot
Hablar Talk

Dolientes palabras

Mourning words
Destino sin fin Neverending destiny
Un cuerpo sin alma A body without soul
No tiene más futuro que morir. Has no more future than to die.


Other Links

The Unofficial Emma Shapplin Page
Excellent page! Includes some facts about Emma and a multimedia section that has different songs each week.

The Official Emma Shapplin Page
Still in construction :(

Yariv Cohen's Page
If you are looking for some Emma's Video, don't look any further. Here are some terrific videos of excellent quality. They are about 30 MB each but they all are worth it. Also there are the Real Player versions that are smaller.

Emma Shapplin: Lyrics, pictures, samples, information, and more
There are times when I cannot get to this page, there seems to be an eror but somethimes you will be lucky. There are pictures from Emma Shapplin and lyrics for the songs, some samples and information.


Please e-mail me so I can now your opinion

Last updated,  January 30, 2000