Chase Terry Williams

Birthday: September 14, 1999
Favorite things: Chocolate, bananas, and books!

Chase looking mischevious
This is one of those looks that says, "I've just done something I shouldn't have... but I'm PROUD of it!" I seem to recall he had just dumped out that cat's water and food dishes. But doesn't he look happy! That smile makes it hard to stay angry for long.

Chase eating ice cream
Did I mention that chocolate is one of Chase's favorite foods? I think he could live on the stuff! This was a nice snack on a hot summer day--chocolate covered ice cream!

My little "helper" in the garden. Now if only I could teach him to pull the weeds instead of the vegetables! Oh well, there's always next year.... Chase in the back yard

Chase age 3 days
Just a couple of days old.... Such a nice little smile on his face. Gas, maybe? Or lovely dreams about his new home and parents!

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