My Warehouse

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Sister site: Love For Eternity

Angel's Wings

   ::::Hi. Welcome to Amethyst Garden, where I keep my goods just for you!::::

   I haven't being working on the site a lot. In a way, it's just another place I put my stuffs in. Though, there are somethings that I uploaded for sharing.

   I tend to collect cute pictures(like the one on the left:) and beautiful sounded music.

   Anyways, I hope you enjoy what I have right now. I put more on the site than before. I hope you like them.:)

(<--Isn't is cute? Yuki-chan made it just for me!)

Updates & News

Happy Birthday To ME, happy birthday to ME!!

From This Day on, I Am Officially 1 Year Older~~

"New Layout"---Completed
"Secret Basement"---Completed

     The new layout is rather exceptional, wouldn't you agree? Okay, I know it's not perfect, but I made it, and that's all that counts.
     Anyhoo, I didn't really do a lot of updating except for the layout. I DID update the MP3 again, so check that out in the Music/Lyrics pages.
     Oh, yes, I also put up a basement somewhere in this site. You'll have to find it for yourselves, so be patient. I've put my newest written work in there, and for a reason, too. Afterall, I do write to express myself.
     Have Fun!

*let out a big sigh.....again*
I cannot believe I just did that!

"My Collections"---Completed

     Yahoo! So I finally updated the site. It took me a couple of months, but hey, who knows, you might actually find something interesting in here. For the mean time, check out this comic strip.
     Well, anyways, London Cruise added to "My Works"
     Tons of Pictures and Music for ya, Please read the terms before you post them up on your site. And check out Rani's Mp3 in Music, it's a special gift for you^^.
     Happy, happy, happy!

*let out a big sigh*
So Amethyst Garden is finally back on track(with a much better appearance, of course^__^)

"My Warehouse"---Completed
"Site Information"---Completed

     Now, I only have "My collections" left to work on. They will be ready in a couple of months.
     How come I think the next update isn't gonna be here soon? *sweatdrop*
     Well, aheh *cough, cough*, I'll try to finish the constructions ASAP.

About This Layout

Name: Angel's Wings
Version: 2.0

This is my first layout ever made. I'm pretty satisfied with the way it turned out, since it had turned out better than I thought. So, this one will be remaining with us for a while. Enjoy~!


Please contact me if I am invading any kind of copyrighted material. Thank you.

 Website (c) 2003 Shadowcat H.      Design (c) 2003 Shadowcat H.
All rights reserved.