Question (For Nicole) of the Week
Q: What do you find the most attractive in a guy?
Sweet Dreams are made of These..
By Annonymous August 01, 2003.
A: Depends... You mean physically, inwardly, or overall? Well, physically, I only look for guys faces and the way they dress. Not that I make bad judgments on the way guys dress, but it is a plus if they can dress nicely. But the only physical thing I look for is their face, they have to have a nice face. I don't care about their body. I really like eyes, especially. When it comes to the inward side, I dunno.. There's so many things.. I don't think someone can just be ONE characteristic trait to be good for me, you know? It has to be a combination of many little things.. But I guess it would be someone who can really make me laugh. Like an honest, genuine, hearty laugh. And I know no guy who can evoke that out of me. I know one or two girls who can, but no guy. So that would be a real keeper. Yes, we can all live on laughter... and maybe a few other things.. (food, water) :)
What are dreams exactly? Are they simply just what your subconscious is thinking during the day? Are they thoughts that you have while you are sleeping? Or maybe some form of your mind freeing itself? Maybe they are thoughts that you would think if you weren't bombarded with all of life's daily troubles. Perhaps they are some form of ESP. It could be that we live in two different worlds-one is a "dream" world, and the other is reality. But which is which?

Have you ever had a dream where you remember things from real life? Like you have a dream that you are sitting in your house, and you remember in real life something that had happened with a friend the other day, like a fight or something. Or in reality, you have memories of a dream. What if the dream world is reality and we have memories from what we think is the real world? Eh...Probably not. But maybe we are somehow all connected to this little place our subconscious goes to. Do animals dream? They could.

I wish I could find some studies on animal dreams. That would certainly be interesting. But I really wish that there were a machine that could be hooked up to you and could play your dreams on a screen, as seen in the movie Final Fantasy. I thought that up way before the movie, although I am sure that many others have as well.

What are dreams? And what is that about when you eat ice cream before you sleep you get crazy dreams? I heard that, and it actually worked for me. But then again, there is rarely a night where I don't get crazy dreams.

They have dream analysis books out there. You look up something, a key factor, in your dream. Say you dreamt about a fox chasing you. You would look up the word "fox" and see what it has to say. Almost all of the key words in dream books looked up are fortelling the future. A lot of them are correct. So dreams can possibly be connected to the future. I know I've had my share of prophetic dreams, and I'm sure many others have as well. We all have the 6th sense. Not everyone knows how to tap into it. But dreams can show us the way.
Dear Nikki,     
My girl friend found out that I masturbate and she's really pissed off... I think that's kind of dumb because all guys do, and I'm not cheating on her or anything, because she's not giving me sex, I'm pleasing myself in my own way. Am I in the wrong or is she?
           -Just your average raging hormones teenage guy
Dear Raging Hormones,
How did she find out? Did she catch you or did someone tell her? Or did you? Oh well, that shouldn't matter too much. Yes, you're right. Just about all guys do masturbate, and this is all natural. You are in the right, but you need to explain to her that you love her, (if you really do) and that masturbation is just a form of physical release, similar to cracking your knuckles or your neck or something else. It feels good and relieves. Just use that analogy, she might understand. Or maybe the fact that all girls have periods, then again, don't mention that to her. It' ll get her more pissed off, but now that I'm on that, I'll continue.. All girls have their periods, it's uncontrollable, just like the sexual urges of guys. Guys don't want to hear about girls' periods, girls don't want to hear about guys' jacking off experiences, it's hush hush, but everyone goes through it. Anyway, I wish you luck with this.
Movie Ratings
Eh, T3 kinda sucked..Then again, I didn't see the other ones.. so don't ask me.

American Wedding
Pretty good, pretty funny. Man, that guy in the movie.. I forget his name.. Jason something? Is realllly attractive. Haha, also that other guy.. The one who has sex with Stiffler's mom. Hooowee!

Alex and Emma
Kate Hudson is SO irritating in that movie. Eh, I didn't really like it that much...
Issue #8
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The Opinionated Column
August 01, 2003.
Everyone has an opinion on something. Who's to say what is right and what is wrong? No one, right? But what if you feel so confident that you are the one who is correct? For example, I am a free choice activist, and a part of that is being a Gay Rights activist. I've spoken to some people who say that "it's okay for people to be gay but they shouldn't sleep with each other. They shouldn't marry." Well why the hell not? They're people just like us. They love too. If you punch them, will they not bruise? If you tickle them, will they not laugh? (Although I know some people who don't laugh when I tickle them, but that is besides the point) The point is, they should be able to do whatever they want. Someone told me that they shouldn't have sex because God did not intend that. Well I don't think God inteded for PlayBoy either. People have sex to show their love for one another, and as a means of pleasure. Why can only straight people do that? Anyway, no, I'm not gay. I am just a free choice activist.