Question (For Nicole) of the Week
Q: What would you do if you found a wallet on the floor?
The BooBoo Article is an article that talks about all the booboos in our world and how we can work together to make the booboo all better,
The BooBoo Article
By Luke C. on Dec 24, 20001
A: If I found a wallet on the floor, I'd open it and see whose wallet it was, to see if there was any ID in it.. there has to be some kind of ID somewhere in it, and if there wasn't, like if it was a little kid's wallet or something, I'd take it to the front desk or something so that higher officials would hold on to the wallet, and I'd ask for them to make an announcement on the loud speaker saying that they have found a wallet.
BooBoo #1: What I see in the world is hate. There's hate everywhere. People greet each other with hate. You see it on the streets. You see it slandered on the walls of public restroom stalls. You see it in internet chatrooms. You hear it in the songs on the radio. Now that's something sad. Remember in the 60's they only had songs about love and peace? What do we have now? Sex, drugs, murder? God, it's terrible. What has our world come to that all we can sing about is hate and death?
BooBoo#2: The world is a trash zone. It's the biggest trash can I've ever seen. Do people actually think that they can put their liter anywhere they please? I try to go around picking up as much trash as I can when I go places but seriously.. That is not enough. We need to work together to clean our world. We might just survive.
Dear Nikki, my girl friend just told me that she doesn't know where the relationship is going. She thinks that I'm not doing my share and that we hardly ever get to see each other. But I've been so busy and stressed lately with college apps that it just doesn't seem to be possible to be with her every waking hour of the day 24/7. But I really do love my gf and I don't want to break up. What should I do?
                                                     ~Caring Boy Friend
Dear Caring Boy Friend,
I see where you are coming from. Yes it is stressful for a senior to go through the time of filling out college applications and yes it is a time in the year where things are very stressful, but I also see your girl friend's point of view. Relationships are like flowers. If you do not tend to them, they will wilt and die. Your girl friend thinks that your relationship is heading down the drain. But this is not so. Just tell her that in a few days, you will be back to your old self. Get the applications together, most of it will be all over by Jan 1, and you can be together. It will all work out, just do not let the relationship fail. Remember, it takes two to tango, and two to make a relationship fub up. If you care enough about it, it will not be ruined. It will be saved. Good luck to you and your girl friend, as well as your college applications!
The Non de Plume Article
The Non de Plume Article contains stories on how we hide behind non de plumes, or pen names, which can be compared to masks. We all wear a mask, whether it may be to impress someone else, or to keep from people knowing who you really are. The truth is, we have nothing to hide from, and don't need a mask
I always seem to act differently around different people. Sometimes I'm extremely talkative, whereas other times I'm as quiet as the wind on a calm day. I'd like to say that my actions are like a chamelion, that change depending on what kind of person I'm with. I guess that with each person I wear a different mask. If a person is loud, I become loud, to meet his or her liking. If a person doesn't like loudness, I become quiet to do the same. But these extremes of sound, for example, truly block out the real inner me that is dying to come out. Truthfully, I am more of a loud person, but my loudness doesn't really come out unless I am with another loud individual. We really shouldn't wear masks, but I suppose it's all natural.
My Utopia...
I am attracted to peoples' personalities. This is one of the reasons why I love the internet chat service. You get to meet someone before you know what they look like. This way, you can see how a person actually is, even though you do not know what they look like. And what actually attracts or disattracts you to the person is their personality. I think that is how the world should be. If people could see the inner beauty of everyone else, which would then attract them to those people, the world really would be a better place. In many cases, people just marry other people for good looks, and the relationship is completely fallible. And what is this about money? Ever hear of marrying for love? It just makes me sad that people get together with others just for looks or money. I think that if a person has a good heart, they should be the most attractive person, even though he or she looks bad on the outside. Sadly however, society models the "Perfect" image people through magazines. People who are supposedly gorgeous creatures, who are really in fact men and women who starve themselves, people who have sold their souls to the media. These are not real people. We shouldn't try to be people we can never be, by going through endless amounts of surgery, trying to perfect our bodies, when we could really be trying to perfect our souls. In the end, all of our bodies are just going to be a compost heap in some graveyard. Our souls, however, will still exist. Whether they are in heaven or hell is up to us. In my Utopia, people are judged by their inner character, not their fame, looks, or money.