Welcome to My Gliding Page


Gliding...... well what can I say?  It's an experience not to be missed by anyone of any age.  Basically, an adult will take a number of cadets to the nearest gliding center, where , both the adult/adults and the cadets will get a chance to go up in either:

a Viking

  The Viking is an un-powered glider.


a Janus

The Janus is an un-powered glider


a Vigilant

The Vigilant is a powered glider.


or a Valient glider.

The Valient is an un-powered glider.


The cadets and the adult will take it in turns to have a flight in one of the four gliders, as well as gaining the experience of how to connect them up for launch, launching them, and helping them to land.  After a hard days work, both the cadets and the adult will help take the gliders back to their hangers and clean them.


The cadets then put this new experience in their 3822 log books, as a reminder of what they have done in their years as cadets.


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