One of the foundations of being a Radical Cheerleader is knowing that cheering is more than raising awareness about important issues in our world today...cheering embodies the fun, anti-oppressive, community based activity that brings people together.  This is what we strive for in our lives and that we want to see in our world. 
Intro and Bios
Cheers Events want to become a Radical Cheerleader?  Here's How...
Anyone can be a radical cheerleader! No talent or experience required. Shy people with stage-fright have been known to embrace radical cheerleading with great relish. If you feel like you are not expressing yourself adequately against oppression, give RCing a try.

There are many squads around the world. Find one or form your own.

If you want to join the SFU Radical Cheerleaders (you do not need to be an sfu student, or even a student at all!), please email us at the address below.  Our regular meetings are at SF-P!RG, TC-326 in the Rotunda at the SFU campus on Burnaby Mountain, but we also have outside get-togethers, dance lessons, potlucks and pre-cheering bonding sessions. During the current summer semester, we are meeting every second Thursday at 1:30, but it is best to contact us first to confirm when/where we are meeting.
Last Updated:
Saturday, May 27, 2003
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