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The Landmark Group has kindly consented to admit SFS member families on Tuesday afternoons at discounted rates at the Fun City at the Oasis Center Shopping Mall, Abu Dhabi Highway. .

We are also in negotiations with the Louloudugong Play Area at the Ground Floor of Lamcy Plaza to get free entrance for SFS on two Fridays a month (1st and 3rd),  with a tentative time of 11am -2 pm. 
This, however, is yet to be confirmed. 

Please revisit this link in a few days to get confirmation of these scheduled timings.

If any of you know an employee of another play area who may be willing to offer us similar facilities, do get in touch with
Gulshan at 04 - 2096050.

Moreover, if you know of other public events which may be a good interaction point for our group members, do update Gulshan and she can organise an outing accordingly.

Joke of the Day !

Brain games, puzzles and pastimes !

The Hubble Telescope  - Science Today


Bollywood Stars and Updates !

Dubai movies, concerts, bands and promotional offers !