In the 1930s, Edward Bach,M.D., A British bacteriologist and immunologist, noticed a correlation between his patients emotional states and their physical ailments. He suspected that negative emotions could lead to physical illness...a theory now widely accepted by conventional and alternative practitioners alike. Convinced that there were substances in nature that would correct human emotional imbalances, Bach closed his practice to work on a new system of healing. On a morning walk through a dew-laden field he had a revelation: He sensed that each dewdrop would be imbued with the unique healing power of the plant it lay on....and so, Bach Flower Remedies was born.  
He experimented with different flowers, concocting formulas by floating flowers in glass bowls of pure spring water and leaving them in the sun to release their essences. Then when he felt fear, anxiety, or anger, he used his intuitive abilities to determine which flower may help. The end result: 38 essences, made from completely non-toxic plants which he felt corresponded with all the basic human emotions. Today flower essences are prescribed by more than 800 certified Bach therapists in 40 countries and used by countless millions. They are now used and recommended by chiropracters, massage therapists, acupuncturists, dentists, doctors, and even veterinarians.
Flower remedy practitioners encourage clients to open up by asking a series of questions that clues her in to the clients emotional and physical state...then the therapist devises a personalized formula with up to seven different essences that she feels will be most effective. The essences are then mixed with 30 millileters of pure spring water in a glass treatment bottle. The dosage is always the same: 2 drops , at least 4 times per day, under the tounge.
Try these remedies to ease some of your most common emotional complaints.....
Beach: Intolerance
Cerato: Advice Seeking
Chestnut Bud: Failure to learn from past mistakes
Clematis: Lack of interest in the present
Elm: Overwhelmed with responsibilty
Gentian: Hopelessness and Despair
Heather: Self Centeredness
Holly: Hatred and Jealousy
Impatiens: Impatience
Olive: Complete exhaustion
Pine: Guilt
Star of Bethlehem: Shock or Trauma
Walnut: Protection from Change.

And my all time favorite:
Rescue Remedy...a combination that has an immediate calming effect.

Visit your health food store or Practioner to purchase these remedies.