A collection of spells I have used, when using spells always change something in order to make it your own. Personalization is powerful. The biggest request I receive is for Love Spells. You must be very careful and remember Free Will when using love majick. If the attraction is already there I feel it is fine to enhance it, but do not use majick to try and force someone to be with you. It would be like capturing a very beautiful bird and then putting it in a cage....
Yes it is yours, but is it really? Do you think it prefers to be caged against it's will.
Just use your power wisely and always for the good. When I first started using spellcraft
I worried so much about the ritual itself, is this right and is that right. I was so worried about the "right" ingredients and just the "right" time ect. That I was missing the most important and powerful aspect of majick. That is spoken word, will, and intent combined with the power of positive and creative thought. If you want love, act and think as if you already have it and you will be a love magnet. And it is true with all else you desire. Majick is more powerful and fun when you speak your own words at a time when it feels right to you. Always remember that you must exercise caution with majick. It is a powerful tool, and you are under a moral obligation not to try to use it to gain control over someone else.  Blessed Be and remember you can make every act of your life, from the mundane to the spectacular a ritual to Our Lord and Lady.        
Being somewhat of a green, kitchen witch I use seeds, herbs and the Earth in my majick. I also use candles and oils. Because you can infuse them with so much of your own energy.
If yours is the story of always attracting the wrong person and your heart has been broken once too often, this is a good spell for you. You will need: Pansy seeds, a small clay pot, a piece of paper with your name on it, and some Earth that you dig on a Full Moon. Place the paper with your name in the pot, fill it with the earth, plant your seeds and tend it with love and care. When the first flower blooms, pick it and press it into a favorite book of love poetry or romance novel. Keep it with you always to attract love. 
To keep the passion going: Use a lavender scented candle or anoint your own lavender colored candle with lavender essential oil. Place yours and your lovers name on a piece of paper, light the paper and use it to light your candle. Chant...Flame burn bright through the night, Let me give you real delight. I usually do this when I am taking a romantic, aromatherapy bath.
If you and your lover have been at odds with each other and you want to sweeten the relationship. You will need: A small container that is freezer safe, some sweet clover honey, some rose petals, and a piece of paper with both your names. Place your names at the bottom of the container, sprinkle in the rose petals, as you pour the honey on top, visualize the two of you in a loving embrace, surrounded by a warm honey colored light and chant...Sweeten ye up in this healing cup. Place the sealed container in the freezer where it can stay undisturbed.
This is one I use quite often...If you and your lover have been cross with each other or if you have had a bad day at work, home or
with others, wash it away. Very simple yet powerful. I light a pink candle and fill the bath with my favorite bath salt or oil, usually lavender. Pour myself a glass of wine, put on some soothing music and SOAK!!!!! While in the bath I imagine all the ill feelings being absorbed into my bath water and when the bath is done, I chant...Drain, Drain, the stress and pain, as I watch them going down the drain. Then I put on Majick bath powder, which is usually just baby powder, but I imagine it having the greatest majickal power and call it my shield of sweetness.
As you can see I use easily obtainable items, very simple spells, but the words, intent and thought are what make them powerful. You do not need a text book or some Witch manual. Do what feels right and listen to your heart.  You know who you are and I know who I am, and we know what we are capable of. We are the wise, wild women and we already know how to make every aspect of our lives majickal. May all your days be filled with love and wonder.....My Sister....In love and light.... So mote it be!