Do you Sew? Would you like to start again?
American Sewing Guild of Fort Collins, Colorado

If you're a sewing enthusiast in Northern Colorado, or nearby, you've come to the right place!

Join us! You may attend one meeting before joining, with a $5 fee. You can join at the meeting, or you may fill out an application and join through ASG's National website.  At the ASG website, you will see that membership entitles you to discounts - what a deal! 

Our new, and improved website is

Many thanks to Yahoo Geocities for hosting our early site! Support them and their advertisers!

Our chapter normally meets from 7:00 to 9:00 PM on the third Wednesday of each month, from September through May, except in December when it starts earlier for our Annual Pot Luck.  We enjoy an informational program presentation, to inspire us and stoke those creative sewing energies.  In addition, there are smaller neighborhood group opportunities, and several charitable activities.  Once or twice a year, a special instructional day-long event is held.