The PurpleHouse of 7cattys
TINKERBELLE, aka "Tinkerbee," aka "Tinky," aka "Tink," aka "Queen of the Cats." My Official #1 Bed Cat. A beautiful DSH torbie (tortoiseshell over tabby stripes.) Tinky came from a pet shop in Eureka, CA, in 1990. She has also lived in Alexandria, VA, and made several visits to Charleston, SC, before moving to Alaska. *** Tinkerbelle died on May 28, 2004. ***
ALL of my Cats have ALL of their CLAWS!
TIGER LILY, aka "MyBabyKitty." I admit to having made attempts at cat-burglary beginning at the age of three years, but I was not successful until 1996, when I stole this kitty from my daughter and baby grandson. They made the mistake of leaving Tiger Lily with me while on an off-island trip. They're not getting her back... MyBabyKitty is another gorgeous DSH torbie girl. She is my Official #1 Bath Attendant. She also believes it her right to share anything I ead, excluding yogurt, which she doesn't like.
BOOGIE, aka "Seasonal Allergies," (because you never know when they'll attack!) Boogie is a tortoiseshell Siamese mix. She has all the Cattitude of a Meezer and then some. Miss Meowly-Growly-Hiss-&-Spit has firm rules concerning when, where, and why any living creature might approach her. Her special sleeping quarters are a laundry basket on top of the dryer, and she reserves the positions of Alternate Bed Cat, Alternate Bath Attendant, and Alternate Computer Cat.
SASSAFRAS, aka "Sassy," aka "Sasscattywan," aka "Sasscattacus," aka "Daddy's Girl." Sassy was unable to adjust to life at the animal shelter and faced euthanasia when she developed a case of misdirected aggression. When she moved into the PurpleHouse, she immediately charmed the man of the house and transformed herself into a Sweet Thing. She is a DMH mackerel tabby.
COCO CHANEL, aka "Closet Kitty." This elegant and gorgeous creature is a chocolate lynx-point Siamese mix. Coco came to the animal shelter after spending 1 1/2 days in a live trap. She was soaked in urine, her claws were scratched down to the nubs, and her nose was scraped. Recognizing the Grande Dame beneath this sad exterior, I adopted Coco promptly. After suffering such trauma, Coco chose to spend the next two months hiding in my bedroom closet, coming out only at night to crawl into bed with me. (Oddly enough, the other cats allowed her to do this for about a year before reasserting their Official Bed Cat positions.) Coco Chanel is still a bit on the shy side, but now lives completely out in the open. She is my Official #1 Computer Cat, assisting in all of my computing efforts when she is not busy elsewhere. *** Coco died on Valentine's Day 2003. ***
FELLINI, aka "Felony," aka "Iniiniini." This surreal little plumpling sincerely believes I am her Mother. She is a semi-feral tortoiseshell with a half-length tail which ends in a little candy cane curve. Click on her picture to read her story.
ZELDA FITZGERALD, aka "Illegal Kitty," (in the sense that I wasn't supposed to bring home a seventh cat.) Zelda is a lovely DMH calico feral girl. She is a "shadow cat," content to live in the house as long as none of the humans try to touch or approach her. She came to live in the PurpleHouse in Nov. 1999, aged 8 months old. In Jan. 2001 she started letting me pat her for about five minutes every evening - if I sit quietly in my chair and she stands safely on the end table. Zelda and Fellini are the same age but not related, and are best friends.

Welcome to the PurpleHouse of 7cattys. Click on each cat's picture to go to her purrrsonal page for more pictures and information.
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