A Little Bit About

Michele A. Buchinsky

In 1986, I was diagnosed with Lupus SLE and was given a 5-year life expectency.

I did not feel this was valid for me.

Previous to this diagnosis, I had received a vision of Healing Hands. Unbeknownst to me at the time, the word Reiki flashed with the Healing Hands and I was told to get to work.

On a long, extensive, healing vision quest, I pursued a trip to Kauai, Hawaii which accelerated my healing mission. During my stay in Kauii I was in a motor collision which accelerated my quest for natural healing modalities. Afterwards, I made a connection with a Shiatsu Massage Therapist and I had my first cognizant out-of-body experience.

During this experience, I met a Kahuna who took me to his cave and gave me various instructions to carry out. My spirit merged with an Eagle. I was gifted a Lotus Blossom, when I returned, my life completely changed thereafter.

My energy had transformed to the point where lava rocks were literally coming from the walls and landing before my feet. I blessed them with ceremony and knew this was the beginning of a very powerful journey.

When I returned home to Long Island, NY - my clairaudial and clairvisual senses opened up extensively. People started coming to me and asking me to heal their children. Truthfully, I was quite frightened, but something stirred my soul to pursue it at a higher level.

I received in vision a Medicine Man's name - it was Chief Archie Fire Lame Deer. It took some time for me to finally meet him in physicality. He was conducting a sacred Inipi ceremony which I attended. I had asked Archie if he could facilitate healing within me and help me to heal myself. He took a deep breath, looked into my eyes, closed his eyes and asked me why?

My response was, "I must be whole and healed, prior to me facilitating healing in others."

His response was, "Yes, I will help you."

After many years of following his teachings in the traditional Lakota Medicine Path, my dearest spiritual mentor and teacher returned to spirit. I continue to carry his teachings in my heart through chanunpa, prayer and lodge.

I aggressively studied homeopathy and herbology and became finely tuned to my spiritual guides and teachers who guided me concerning which medicine to take and when. I decided not to go the allopathic medicine way because of the grave side-effects of the medicines prescribed to me - loss of eyesight, severe organ damage and ending up in a wheelchair.

When I mentioned homeopathy to one of the top neurosurgeons in Manhattan at an AMA Meeting, he became quite belligerent with me and then I knew I was onto something. I continued with the homeopathy, herbs, prayers and lodges and before I knew it, I became more whole.

I also followed through with the 3 levels of Traditonal Usui Reiki. I am an initiated and certified Reiki Practitioner.

In the meantime, I was told I could have no more children. I couldn't walk, I couldn't drive. I went through my denial process, my anger process and finally complete surrender. Basically, through the human experience, I felt quite alone and abandoned, because my family was in complete denial. I decided I was on my own, so I turned to the spirtiual realm for comfort. And this reawakened my journey to a much greater and higher level.

After all, we are spiritual beings having a human experience, not the other way around.

With what I experienced through the sacred lodges with Archie and what I was gifted to see, it gave me a confidence and a knowing that we are never alone.

During this time, I had many, many strong and powerful connections to the animal kingdoms - grizzly bears, cougars, hawks, eagles, horses... I learned to communicate with them, which enhanced my process as well.

I then opened Mikalah Moon Lodge Healing Center in New York. During one of my times of doing prayer ties, in preparation of lodge, someone gave me a man's number and said you need to call him. And this is how I met Salahddin, who is the grandmaster of the Divine Healing Rays. He was gifted this position because of prior lifetimes doing this work along with his ultimate integrity and commitment in service of the most high.

The initiation that took place in the center was so powerful for those who came, that he got up and cried and wept. I personally was speechless for quite some time, which was extraordinary for me. I took my blanket and sat on the Earth for quite some time. The initiates were truly blessed beyond all measure. What a blessing!

I took a vow to dedicate my life to this service - it is my Soul Purpose and the journey has taken me from New York, to Colorado to Sedona Arizona, and finally to the Heart of the Dove - the Missouri Ozarks.

I am a substitute teacher. I have worked extensively with children as well. I am dedicating my time with Make A Wish Foundation children. And I facilitate Soul Readings for those who need assistance on their journey.

I am the mother of 4 children and grandmother of one.. I am a reverend and I preside over weddings amongst other things. I am very much alive, regardless of my 5-year life expectancy. I am an energetic, passionate, fun-loving woman who is devoted and loves her work. I love to write and I love to play.

In 1995, I retook the blood test and no longer am diagnosed with Lupus.

That is just one of the many, many miracles I have witnessed with this healing modality.

You too can do this work!

It's just incredible!

What a blessing way it is to be able walk this walk and share the knowledge for others to be able to become self-empowered.

So remember - Do Laugh, Play Often, Love Deeply and Enjoy your Journey!



*For more information re: the next upcoming workshop, contact:

Email: wildwoman@getgoin.net
Call: 417-741-7412