The Cambridge Corrupter

Editor: Andy Brown, Setite Ruler of Cambridge

In this Issue:

A message from the editor.

A timetable of planned Temple meetings

Featured Site

A decklist

Final Word

A Message From the Editor:

Happy New Year to you all!

Hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year, and are feeling fully refreshed and ready for the coming onslaught. There is plenty happening in the World of Darkness, and pretty soon you should all have plenty of challenges.

I have spent some time looking at my bloodlines cards, and have managed to create a reasonable Tremere/Gargoyle deck (featured below) and a Gangrel/Ahrimanes deck (which I shall publish next issue if someone doesn't send me something else!)

The bloodlines cards are proving interesting, and with them now officially tournament legal, it will be interesting to see how many get played in future tourneys.

Speaking of which, please remember that next Tuesday's meeting will be a mini-tourney, unsanctioned. 1 round and a final. If more than 5 turn-up, then it would be even more exciting, so tell your friends! I have also applied for sanctioning and prize support for a tournament to be held on the 23rd of February (hopefully). I will mail you all, and the newsgroup ( as soon as I know more (mainly just trying to arrange a venue now.

Well, don't want to put everything in this bit, so bye for now. Hopefully see people on Tuesday.

May the night be yours!


A Timetable of Planned Temple Meetings:

Regular meetings are held on Tuesdays, 7.30pm at the Cornerhouse Pub, Newmarket Road.

Next meeting: Tuesday 8th January 2002

No meeting Tuesday 15th January 2002, as I believe that I should be at an AmDram meeting. I will mail if this changes.

Normal services resume Tuesday 22nd January 2002 (2 days before my birthday!)

I think it would be nice to start the new year on a high note, so we'll have a little mini-tourney (unsanctioned). This will consist of 1 round and a final. The first round will be random seating order, choice in final based on points scored in first round. There will be a 1 1/2 hr time limit on the first round, so we need to start promptly.

Dave Hammond ( is organising a tournament on Sunday 27th January 2002. I am hoping to get to this one, it is sanctioned, and will be using the new Table Wins rules. Also Bloodlines cards will be legal. He is also giving extra prizes for:

Biggest Bleed (last time won with a bleed for 17)

First person to successfully play Up Yours!

Person with most innovative card combo. Check deck with him on the day to see if you qualify.

The Venue is the Flag Public House in Watford, starting at 12pm (when the pub opens). Entry fee £3. There will be seats available in my car for any interested parties. Just email me asap.

Featured Site:

Game Players Network. This site appears to be recently established for V:TES and has lots of things of interest. You can submit decks, essays about V:TES, hints and tips, and comment on others that are there. Recently I found an article on how to play solo V:TES, which is also a good way of tuning decks (although it doesn't appear to allow for corner-case deck designs).

The site is pretty straight forward with no mess or clutter, and quite easy to navigate once you have logged in, although after Rustwurks and of course SetitesUK, you may find it a little drab. I personally like the simplicity of it, and it should become a useful resource for experienced and new players alike.

Find it at

Check it out, and let me know about any others you find. Also write a small bit about it, and I'll put the whole article here.

A Decklist:

Deck Name: The Gargoyles are Revolting
Created by: Andy Brown
Description: Get large numbers of gargoyles, and inflict damage.
A fairly reactionary deck, rather than a full out rush deck.

Crypt: (12 cards)
1 Aisling Sturbridge (AUS dom THA, Tremere, 5)
1 Blythe Candeleria (AUS THA, Tremere, 3)
1 Ferox, The Rock Lord (ani FOR POT VIK, Flight, Gargoyle, 7)
1 Fidus, The Shrunken Beast (for tha vik, Flight, Gargoyle, 4)
1 Goratrix (vis ANI AUS DOM THA, !Tremere, 10)
1 Hannigan (AUS dom THA, !Tremere, 5)
1 Jing Wei (dom tha, Tremere, 3)
1 Merrill Molitor (aus dom THA, Tremere, 5)
1 Obsidian (for pot VIK, Flight, Gargoyle, 5)
1 Pugfar (aus for vik POT, Flight, Gargoyle, 5)
1 Roreca Quaid (tha, Tremere, 2)
1 Sarah Cobbler (dom THA, Tremere, 4)

Library: (62 cards)
Master (16 cards)
2 Academic Hunting Ground
1 Arcane Library
3 Blood Doll
1 Chantry
1 Information Highway
2 Minion Tap
5 Thaumaturgy
1 Tribute to the Master

Minion (44 cards)
4 Blood Fury
3 Circle
4 Collapse the Arches
1 Conscripted Statue
3 Create Gargoyle
1 Dead-End Alley
5 Flow Within the Mountain
3 IR Goggles
4 Movement of the Mind
1 Mr. Winthrop
1 Outcast Mage
2 Patrol
2 Pounce
1 Praxis Seizure: Barcelona
3 Razor Bat
1 Rock Cat
6 Skin of the Chameleon
3 Soar
1 Soul of the Earth
3 Sport Bike
4 Stone Quills
1 Swoop
5 Theft of Vitae

This deck works by getting plenty of minions out, and blocking your prey and predators actions. It works reasonably well in two player, and using the solitare game on the Game Players Network, has an average score of 7. It is slow to build up, but once you have spent a few turns doing this, the deck picks up quite substantially.

A useful tool when designing decks is David Anderson-Davilla's Elder Library Deck Builder. It is now available for downloading. You can access the download site from the White-Wolf page

There is plenty in the deckbuilder. All the original features, plus additional ways to search for cards, and the deckbulder part of the program has been rejigged and is a bit easier to use.

However, the download is an 9.2 MB zip file, and so takes a while to download. Once downloaded, unpack and use. It is quite straight forward.

Final Word:

A shortish Newsletter this time, as I was reasonably busy over Christmas. Please send your contributions in, and hopefully we can all make the Corrupter a newsletter worth reading (I will run out of ideas soon!)