Hi folks, here’s the next chapter.  I decided to change the name of this fic.


Standard disclaimer: DBZ doesn’t belong to me.


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Chapter 1: Remembered Tears


Gohan flew slowly toward Capsule Corp.  He was tired from his night’s exertions but at least he had a hefty bank roll to show for it. 

Most of which had come from Desha, the wife of Hercule Satan.

Her husband was supposedly the strongest man in the world; the only one strong enough to defeat the tyrant Cell four years ago. 

That’s what the world thought, that Satan was their hero, their savior from total annihilation. 

Gohan knew the truth though, he and the other z fighters.  He knew who really defeated Cell; he should for it was he. 

That was a day that changed Gohan’s life forever. 

The day that he truly became the strongest warrior on Earth and perhaps the Galaxy or Universe as a whole, the day his father died.  Son Goku, that name had meant so much to so many.  He saved the world countless times, saved them that day too at the expense of his own life and when given the chance to be wished back by the dragon balls, he, the noble Son Goku, turned it down, saying that he was the reason why so many came to destroy Earth.

 How honorable his friends said, how heroic for him to give up his life like that, to leave them all behind. Yeah, Gohan thought bitterly, how noble, how honorable, how fucking hypocritical. 

Gohan had watched his mother deteriorate before his eyes at the lost of her husband, and from what he was to find out later from Vegeta, from the lost of her soul mate. 

Apparently Goku had finally life mated with Chichi before his demise.

 Vegeta, in a particularly chatty mood, told Gohan of Saiyan bonds, of how strong they could be, of how if one of the mated died before the other then the surviving mate would surely follow.  How could one not, how could one live missing the other half of one’s soul?

And that’s what happened to his mother. 

She gave up the will to live over grievance of her lost mate. And if the loss of her mate was not enough to send her over the edge, the loss of her father surely would. 

A month after Goku died, the Ox King followed.  Supposedly his great love of fatty foods caught up with him.  The old man had a stroke. 

That month, the month of her father’s death, Chichi discovered she was pregnant with Goku’s child.  It seemed then, to Gohan and every one else (except Vegeta), that Chichi would pull herself out of her depression to nurture this new life.  To an extent she did.  She ate right and took care of herself while she was pregnant. 

But during labor she died, died before she even saw her newborn child, with his name whispered from her lips.  Goten.  And so it was to be, the newborn demi-saiyan was called Goten.  Gohan had officially lost both of his parents and at the age of 12 gained a baby brother to take care of.  Of course, Bulma, sweet Bulma immediately stepped up to take care of the situation.  She offered to take in Gohan and the baby, and to take care of the medical bills that Chichi had from having little Goten in a hospital.

 They wanted to keep Goten in for observation, it seems as though a baby had never been born there with a tail before.  Bulma being as rich as she is was able to explain that away though in the best type of language, money.  So Gohan and his little brother was moved into Capsule Corp a few days after Chichi died, his home, the only home he had ever known, left behind.  The first couple of weeks living with Bulma were like a blur to Gohan.  He was really not aware of anything, so caught up in his own grief. 

Finally, after walking around like a zombie for a month, he began to come out of his stupor.  On his thirteenth birthday, he announced to Bulma and Vegeta that he would find himself a job. He was tired of living off of Bulma; his pride wouldn’t let him do it anymore.  And plus he missed his home.  He wanted his brother to grow up in the house that he grew up in.  Bulma, of course protested. 

‘How can you take care of your self’ She argued

‘You’re just a child, Gohan and you are more than welcome here’.  Before Gohan to say anything Vegeta did.

‘Woman, this boy saved this pathetic planet from Cell, on Vegeta-sei he would have long since been considered an adult’. 

A shocked Bulma and an equally shocked Gohan just stared at Vegeta.  He rarely defended anyone, especially not the ‘Third class baka’s son’, which he normally referred to Gohan as. 

‘Well, I hope you will stay here but I know I can’t stop you’.  Bulma had said relenting somewhat. 

Now, two years later, he and his brother lives at the home their father built, the home their mother cleaned and cooked in, their home.  Bulma keeps three year old Goten while Gohan’s at work, so he didn’t completely get away from needing her, but at least now he didn’t feel as though he was using her. 

Anyway Goten loved it over Bulma’s, especially since his best friend, Trunks is there for him to play with.

Gohan finally touched down at Capsule Corp. 

It was still very early, from the looks of it 6:00 am.

 He hoped everyone was still asleep, especially Vegeta, he really didn’t want to run into the older man until he showered. 

Gohan had managed to keep everyone in the dark about his ‘job’, they thought he worked at a restaurant.  Gohan had a feeling that Vegeta somehow suspected what he was up to, at least that he had been with a woman or women for that matter.

He believed that Vegeta could possibly smell the women on him; Gohan knew first hand how sensitive Saiyan senses could be.

Gohan walked to the door fumbling for his key along the way.

He unlocked it and walked in trying not to make any noise.  He floated up the stairs to Trunks room.  Goten, as he suspected was sound asleep, beside his best friend. 

Gohan sighed softly, thinking of how innocent the boys looked all curled up in that bed, like neither had a care in the world. 

‘I could wait until the squirt wakes up to take him home’.  Gohan thought, deciding not to disturb his brother.

‘Anyway I can catch a nap and maybe spar with Vegeta.’  

 He gently closed the door and headed down the hall to the room he used whenever he stayed at Capsule Corp.  He walked into the huge room, big enough to accommodate half his house.  The bedroom had its own bath, so Gohan decided to take a quick shower before hitting the sheets.  He looked into the closet finding some of his old gi bottoms and a tee shirt. 

He placed the clothes on the bed and walked into the bathroom stripping along the way. 

Gohan quickly washed up, trying to wash away any evidence, scent or otherwise, that might rouse the prince’s suspicions. 

After dressing, he finally allowed himself to rest, barely covering himself with the thick blanket before drifting off to sleep, his dreams taking him back to where his earlier thoughts left off. 






Read and Review.  In the next chapter Gohan dreams about how he obtained his job and Desha drops in for a visit.

Stay tuned.