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This site is brand-spankin' new, and VERY under construction.
Click on the stars below to navigate, and don't forget to sign the guestbook!
Smiles up :)

Serenamonster's Updates:

  • 8.29.07 - Resized all the background images so they should hopefully load faster.
  • 8.29.07 - Finally figured out how to make an image map. Changed the way the menu works.
  • 8.23.07 - Added some nursing links, fixing font colors & formats of pages.
  • 8.21.07 - Added background images to all major pages.
  • 8.21.07 - Added a Dreams and Friends sections.
  • 8.21.07 - Wrote a crappy precursory list of musicals that I've seen.
  • 8.21.07 - Added a couple items to my list of alternative cancer treatments.
  • 8.21.07 - Added random placehold blather to most pages in this site to provide at least some gratification to the unfortunate clickers who have stumbled upon this site.
  • 8.21.07 - Added this here updates box. Now to see if it'll actually scroll...
  • 8.20.07 - I made this webpage! Hooray for reviving geektastic phases from 6+ years ago. Also added a guestbook & counter.