Name: Gosaku Vashtahl
Occuption: Trickster Prince of Chaos
Birthplace: Ochibaro, Japan
Age: 316 (Apparent: 16)
Known Relatives: Ganan Vashtahl (brother), Lord Vashtahl (father)
Affiliation: Demon House Vastahl of Makai
Stage: Corrupted Shinto Temple
Hobbies: Entertaining Children, Playing Keyboard, Theft, Starting Fires
Favorite Color: Green
Blood Type: O Rivals: Morrigan, Jedah, Bulleta, Q.Bee, Hsien-Ko, Demitri
Friends: Ganan, Zabel, Lilith, Marionet, Genbu, Cecil
Known Powers: Teleportation, Invisibility, Shapeshifting (2 alternate forms), Flight
After Demitri's first rise to power, Lord Vashtahl became extremely interested in human potential. He wanted to find a way to explore what it was about the humans that allowed them to rise to such power. That is when he got an idea. Leaving his infant son in the care of humans from the small island nation of Japan, he allowed them to raise the child. The woman who was given the baby named him Gosaku. A magical spell allowed Gosaku's body to grow up normally so long as he remained in the form of a human. He grew up with an older brother in a small town, never suspecting his true origins.
However, it was very clear that Gosaku was different than the other boys in the town. Instead of being interested in becoming a great soldier or farmer in the name of the land's lord, he was more interested in intellectual persuits. While he did indeed show some skill in swordplay for a boy of his size, he was hardly what one would consider athletic.
However, his greatest sin was not favoring intellect over brawn. It was his crush on the town's miko. When it came time for him to be married, only 16-year of age, he performed two very underhanded acts. First, he arranged it so that the girl he was supposed to marry would go to a rival of his own brother, so that the other boy would not marry the girl who his brother wished to marry. After doing this, he managed to catch the miko, Ume, alone and then proposed to her. Appalled by his offer, Ume left, but promised she would not tell what he'd done if he'd just forget it. However, after she left he tried jumping off of the bridge.
To his surprise, instead of drowning he was caught by a large turtle-man, a kappa. The kappa, who referred to himself as Genbu, told Gosaku of his true nature and said that he could arrange it so that Gosaku could leave this world and go back to where he belongs. Gosaku accepted without hesitation. So on his own brother's wedding night, Gosaku was seen being taken away by a servant of his true father, who happened to be a tengu. The servant returned later in human form and the village was lead to believe that the tengu had transformed Gosaku into an old wizard.
Upon returning to Makkai and meeting his real family, Gosaku was put into a time freeze chamber where his chaos energy was to be returned to him. During this time however, Jedah made a successful assasination attempt on Lord Vashtahl while the three demon kings were working on fixing Morrigan's unbalanced energy. Jedah stole Morrigan's extra energy and Belial knew that Jedah was going to attempt to kidnap a child from each of the rival demon houses in order to secure his rulership over the realm. Belial sealed the chamber Gosaku was in, his ring being the only thing that could break the seal.
Ganan tried many times to wrest the ring from House Aensland to free his brother, but time and time again his plans fell. That is, until Lilith was recovered by Morrigan. Using his shape-shifting servant, Marionet, to trick the young demoness he used her to break the seal and open the chamber. The first thing Gosaku saw after his nearly 300-year sleep was Lilith. Perhaps very understandably, the young demoness instantly captured the heart of the reformed demon boy who'd never seen any demon girl before in his whole life.
However, after his brother was awakened, Ganan chased Lilith away and explained to Gosaku about the situation in the demon world and how House Aensland was their blood enemy. Though, this never stopped Gosaku from persuing Lilith afterwards and the two quickly became friends. Though she isn't the only Darkstalker he's managed to come to friendly terms with, he gets alone with Zabel quite well as well. He also has no trouble getting along with any of the children since he enjoys making children laugh. Unfortunately, most Darkstalkers don't have such a great sense of humor and find his pranks and jokes to be more annoying than anything else.
Gosaku's tengu nature seems to be a result of the chaos energy. Each member of their family seems affiliated with a particular animal and demonstrates some aspects of it. His brother is a ram, he is a crow. Though he normally does not have wings, since he is still too young, when in great danger or stress he can summon them up for a few moments and fly away. Also, despite his normally goblinish appearance, he retains the ability to look like a normal boy... that is if normal boys had purple hair and red eyes (though they don't glow in human form). But while in this human form he loses all his powers, so he doesn't use it except to blend in with normal people.