A Pro-Life Al Gore?

“It is my deep personal conviction that abortion is wrong. I hope that some day we will see the current outrageously large number of abortions drop sharply. . . . Let me assure you that I share your belief that innocent human life must be protected . . .” (Letter from Rep. Al Gore to a Constituent, 7/18/84)

An interesting pro-life candidate would be the young Al Gore.* With so many Democrats who are pro-life, it's puzzling the party has reversed itself in that area. Not only Al Gore but other prominent Democrats once made strong pro-life statments.** All that changed in the seventies and eighties. By 1992 they did not allow Pennsylvania Governor Bob Casey to address the convention out of fear he would speak for the unborn. Formerly the defender of the weak, the party has become the home of elites.***


*On June 26, 1984, Representative Al Gore cast an extremely pro-life vote. While debating the Civil Rights Act of 1984, Representative Siljander proposed the following amendment.

"For the purposes of this act, the term 'person' shall include unborn children from the moment of conception."

After debate, Mr. Siljander demanded a recorded vote. The amendment was defeated 219 to 186. Among the recorded votes for the amendment was that of Al Gore.

Contrary to Al Gore's current campaign statements, this amendment cannot be counted among those distinguished as votes only against federal funding. This amendment was in direct opposition to Roe v Wade.

The text of the amendment, the debate, and the recorded vote can be found in the Congressional Record, Volume 130, Part 14, pages 18865-18870.

**See Altlantic Monthly article On Abortion: A Lincolnian Position by George McKenna: "A long list of Democrats who were once pro-life--Edward Kennedy, Jesse Jackson, even Al Gore and Bill Clinton--turned around in the seventies and eighties as the lobbies tightened their grip on the party. In 1992 Robert Casey, the pro-life governor of Pennsylvania, a liberal on every issue except abortion, was not even permitted to speak at the Democratic National Convention."

***A Playboy Magazine executive testified to this connection with cultural elites. After the Democrats backed down on a fundraiser at the Playboy Mansion, he stated:

"I would never have expected this from a party that we have supported financially and editorially through the pages of this magazine for many years." (Richard Rosenzweig, executive vice president of Playboy Enterprises, August, 2000) See Catholic League News

Joseph Lieberman's Pro-Life Views (1988)

Homily on a Woman's Right to Choose

Abortion and Free Choice


See also: An Eternally Unbridgeable Chasm

The Fiery Furnace

Jesus Teaching Concerning Heaven

Other Homilies


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