
The Seal Pages

For the genealogical research of the Seal name

On these pages you will find records of births, marriages, deaths, wills and other genealogical information for people with the Seal surname in the UK. You will also find links to other people worldwide who are researching the surname Seal and its variants.

"Seal: English origin. 1.Topographic variant of Sale. 2.Occupational name for maker of seals or signet rings.
3.Occupational name for maker of saddles from Old French seele = saddle.
4.Nickname for plump or ungainly person from the animal of the same name."
Hanks & Hodges, A Dictionary of Surnames, OUP 1988.


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BIG UPDATE: 22nd December 2006
All Births, Marriages and Deaths index are now complete!
You can't move for empty sherry glasses as we celebrate - after nine years - the completion of the births, marriages and deaths indexes for England and Wales. You may find that some headings aren't complete on the more recent pages, but we thought it more important to get the data up for the Christmas holidays and put the finishing touches to it later!

Happy Christmas everyone, and good luck in finding your missing Seals!

Site maintained by Martin Whitehead

You can email me at webmaster@sealpages.co.uk.

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© 1997-2006 Martin Whitehead