Shawn Moore



Section 1 Journal

“The Unexamined Life is not Worth Living?”

The unexamined life is not worth living because if you don’t know where you have come from or what you plan on doing, then you will feel incomplete. If you don’t’ examine yourself, you won’t know who you are and you won’t know what to do with yourself. You would end up like the people who are in Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave”, these people have been imprisoned their whole lives. All they can see is the shadows of others who walk by baring gifts and they believe what they see are a reality, when actually what they are seeing is an illusion. Deion Sanders is another example of a person who was living in what he believe was reality.  Deion was living a life that would be wanted by most people; he had wealth, fame, women, all the things that people dream of having. He had all these material possessions, but he still felt a void inside that none of these things could feel. He even attempted suicide, but he failed. After the attempt of suicide, Deion decided to commit his life to God and he finally found what he has been missing.


3 Key Ideas

·                    The Five Foundational lessons explain what we do in our decision making in our everyday lives. These ideas help explain why we do certain things. It helps us know what every human being struggles with in life and what everyone is struggling with is the choices they make. Choices like what to do today, what to war, what to eat. We are always making choices and the five foundations helps us to know why.

·                    Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” and Socrates- Socrates, just as the man who was set free and came back to tell his friend what reality is, was also persecuted for his teachings. Socrates often question society in Athens and often criticizes their public affairs. Socrates was trying to get Athens out of the illusion they were going through after they suffered a disappointing loss to Sparta. He questioned Athens to get them to think about why they do certain things in society. He wanted to get them thinking of what was reality and what was illusion. By them realizing what was and wasn't real, they getting closer to get from under the illusion they were living under. Because of Socrates teachings, he was executed.

·                    Eubris-Many times people believe that they are invincible and that nothing will happen to them. An example is the story of Icarus and Daedulus. Daedulus was a brilliant engineer for King Minos, who decided that he no longer liked him and decided to lock him and his son up. Daedulus found some feathers and made two sets of wings for an escape. Once they got out Icarus saw a dove and started to chase it. He was having too much fun to stop and he didn’t think anything was going to happen to him, but instead he ended up flying to close to the sun that his wings melted off and he fell into the sea and drowned. This still happens today. Most teenagers think because they are young that they can eat whatever they want to and be find. But what they don't know is that what you eat now will affect your health in the future and what you eat today can shorten your lifespan. Because people think they are invincible and that nothing ever will happen, the more they continue to do what might harm them and end up having serious consequences.


Question to lead me in studying

Am I Living an unexamined life?

I believe that some in some areas of my life I do. Some areas of My life I don't know what I'm goin to do. I think as I grow older and mature, and as I continue to keep my faith in God, that those areas of my life that I am not sure of will become evident of what I will, in the future, do in it.