We re-mind you to treat each other with respect,  nurture one another and to play well together. This is more than  a way for us to end our communications. It is these  words that hold the key to stepping into the higher vibrations of humanity on the earth. Recognize and  emphasize your connection to the whole and this will  bring the balance to move forward. Even those that you have labeled as dark or negative energies have  important parts to play in this game. It is the degree  to which you understand this connection that will determine your ability to balance. There are four  important words we offer you to help in this concept:  You are not alone.Imagine yourself as a triangle  balancing on a point. Walking the path to higher vibrations  you find it very difficult to keep balance on this  point. You humans do not usually choose the gradual escalator to the next level. Instead, you jump on  the express elevator and shoot up 160 floors and  then attempt to walk before you have assimilated  the energy. To us you appear much like these triangles  attempting to keep balanced upon a singular point.  Now see the many other triangles around you. Often  your limited perception behind the veil does not have you see  the other triangles. Therefore you do not notice that  they are having the same difficulty as you in  balancing. This is the illusion of polarity on the earth of being  separate. As you acknowledge the other triangles,  they naturally move very close to you. As you open  the space for the other triangles to get closer, you  notice an interesting phenomenon. Even if these  triangles do not touch one another, just being closer  makes it easier for each one to maintain balance. While  balancing on your point you may notice that there  are triangles that are not as advanced as you,  sitting on a flat side. Your first reaction is to be only with those  similar to yourself. In looking further, you can see  that coming together with these pieces actually  complete the puzzle. It is now possible to feel how they also  offer balance as you strengthen your connection to  them. Even as they may be "lower" vibration they  offer balance to the whole when this connection is  strengthened. It is the connection itself that helps  you to achieve balance. Like small energy tubes  traveling from one to the next, when these tubes are  strengthened, they add balance to the whole. It is  honoring this connection to the whole that makes it  easier for each one to achieve balance during these times of movement.  Finding balance in all areas will allow you to move  easily into the higher vibrations of the new energy  while still staying grounded in the reality of the earth.  Playing in the ethers of the higher vibrations may  feel wonderful, yet to attempt to live in those same  ethers is not yet a reality you would enjoy. To do so would  be turning your back on the connection to all others  and therefore would not be supported by the  Universe. So often we see that one feels the higher vibrations  and attempts to live among others similar to  themselves. From a perspective of pure energy we  see that Lightworkers are those that have asked to carry the  light to the collective. To place them in a setting  where they can only carry light to others like  themselves is in opposition to the stated intent. For this reason  attempts to create community in this fashion will  most often result in a lack of support. Stand in your  truth and ground the new energy first where you are  standing. If the destination you seek is aligned with  the natural flow of Universal energy, then you will  feel the support and doors will open. If the support is not  felt, then begin the search elsewhere with the  knowledge that it is the search that is supported and  not your present idea of the manifestation. Often humans  get so focused that Spirit has little room to  maneuver. Learning to walk with one foot in the  third dimension and the other in the fifth dimension is a conscious  effort that takes practice. Follow the flow of  Universal energy and watch for the support. Even the  highest vibrational lessons are of little use if the collective  around you does not support them. The teachers  who offer the secrets of life, yet can not pay their  rent for the lack of students, are not in the flow of Universal  energy. It does not mean that the teachings they  offer are not valid. It usually means that they are  already across the bridge and are so far ahead of the rest of the  collective that they can not find the support they  need. Play well together. We re-mind you again that  learning even the deepest spiritual lessons are useless until  you find the application for that information in your  everyday experience. Learning to walk with spirit on  your shoulder every step of the way includes using that  information in all aspects of your life. This is the  balance of which we speak. There are many master  healers within this family. Finding balance will be a large  determining factor in the work you will be supported  to do. Without the support, most will not be able to accomplish the work for which they have contracted.  The support only comes from the alignment with the  higher Universal energy flow as it moves through all things. This flow is easily charted when viewed as  pure energy. Follow the energy and see the direction  it flows naturally. Then, placing yourself in that flow will easily bring the support needed to accomplish  the Lightwork you have chosen to do. You are  moving rapidly toward the fifth dimension. There the expression of the game will be quite different than  it is in the third dimension. Those that come to you  as students approach you because they see your  light and wish to be illuminated. As they ask to share your  light, show them their own torch and teach them  how to keep it lit always. Show them the way to  hold it so that many may see their light. Resist the urge to  place your expectations upon them and honor their  decisions at all times. Even though they offer it  freely, do not take their power. Instead teach them to walk in  their own power. Offer space for them to heal themselves, yet hold them responsible for their own  healing. Free them to be their own flavor of the truth as it  passes through them. Those actions accurately  emulate the natural flow of Universal energy and will  bring all to a place of balance. As more energy flows, there  is more energy available to each one. Through eyes  of polarity you think that tapping into the energy will result in less energy. We remind you that you are  moving from a field of polarity to a field of unity  consciousness. From this new perspective it is clear  that more energy is available to all because of the  increased flow in any direction. It is therefore yours  to understand that there is room for all expressions  of the energy. There is but one truth and you are all  different flavors of that truth. You are all parts of  the whole and none can exist without the others.  You are not alone. Make space for each one to find their own  truth as it filters through them. Do not be  threatened by seeming opposition to yourbeliefs or  your flavor of the truth. All are valid and carry parts of the whole.  Take what resonates from each of them and leave  the rest without judgment. This is the practice of  discernment and is a tool you will use often on the other side of  the bridge. The more that shine, the brighter the  light grows.A seed we would like to plant here is  that it is your highest goal to have what you love. Within  that quest there are other potentials of which you  may not be aware. You may choose to have what  you love or you may choose to love what you already have. We  are simply offering you choices to help you find the  most efficient balance within yourself. The idea  behind the game of free choice was to allow the infinite to  see itself in the finite expression. This has been  accomplished through many subroutines on the  earth. Many scenarios play out at one time to acquire the  balance needed to move the collective of humanity  into the higher levels of vibration. To achieve the  level of vibration now on the planet, many alternatives have  been explored. To illustrate this point we will speak  of one that has been very influential in your advancement. If you look to the Eastern religions  and societies of your planet you will see that this  was an effort to base your experience fully in  framework of spirituality. From a perspective of energy we see  what you call spirituality as being everything this  side of physical form. This experiment offered much information and also illustrated that the balance  between the spiritual and the physical must remain  in order to integrate the energy. Spirituality in itself  can be as out of balance as the one who bases their  existence solely on the pleasures of the physical  body. Neither provides fulfillment while they are  separated. Balance your humanness on one side of the scale with  spirituality on the other. Find your balance by  blending the mystical with the mundane and watch  the magic begin.The new energy is sweeping across the earth  quietly altering everything in its path. The Second  Wave of energy is now in place and is being  assimilated into your lives. You are now accepting your own  power and walking with that power every step of the  way in your expression as spirits within the bubbles  of biology. Holding your own power while here on the  earth takes some adjustment. It is for this reason  that we encourage you to center your energy firmly  within yourself. The first hint of balance comes when the  triangle standing on a point finds its own center of  gravity. Find that you are the center of your own  Universe. This emulates Universal energy and allows you to  use your power for the highest good of all. Having  the courage to place yourself first in all things will  open doors for the expression of your connection to all  other things. We tell you that what you will find is  that centering your own energy will allow you to tap  into the flow of Universal energy. Place yourself first in  all situations and emulate the Universal flow in this  respect. This will allow you to connect with others  more than you ever thought possible.  Seek to balance the centering of your own energy  with the connection to all things. This will provide  the balance needed to walk the bridge comfortably.  This will raise the collective vibration of the whole while  preparing you to hold all of your power while still in  human form. Your scientists are on the verge of
discovering the truth about your connection to all  things. The move into a field of unity will be a very  powerful one. Finding your center while finding your connection to unity will provide a return to your  power that was never thought possible on the earth.You are aware of the many changes that are  happening on the earth as a result of your  awakening. At the last minute on the earth you have  taken control and altered the outcome of the game. You have done  well. We will now begin to tell you of some of the  changes that will be coming on a larger scale. You  on the earth stand at the brink of great change as you step  to the next stage of your own existence. "