RONGORONGO, Easter Island Writingnew.gif

An Open Letter to the President Medvedev - Открытое письмо президенту Медведеву
The Sergei Rjabchikov Foundation - Research Centre for Studies of Ancient Civilisations and Cultures

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Readings of the rongorongo glyphs: online since 1998new. gif

RONGORONGO Home Pagenew. gif

Several Rongorongo Records (Symbolism of Archaic Beliefs)

Easter Island (Rapa Nui), a remote islet in the Pacific Ocean, keeps many secrets. The real hieroglyphic script, rongorongo, is a feature of its ancient culture.

Sergei V. Rjabchikov succeeded in decoding these mysterious characters. His papers are published below.


How to cite the electronic pages of the "RONGORONGO, Easter Island Writing" Home Page in printed papers: like papers. Maintain the link if citing in the World Wide Web. Notice italics on the homepage name. For example:

Rjabchikov, Sergei V., 1999. The Easter Island Rock Art: The Calendar and Birdman Motifs. "RONGORONGO, Easter Island Writing" Home Page (

Information about Rongorongo Inscriptions

I have been studying the Easter Island writing system for many years, and need badly any information about rongorongo inscriptions engraved on Rapanui artifacts (tablets, stones, pendants, skulls and so on). If possible, please send me photocopies of the drawings as well as the sources. I hope that the enthusiasts will continue an active search for new "talking artifacts" (including rongorongo tablets) in private collections and on Easter Island.

Sergei V. Rjabchikov, 1/39 Krasnoarmejskaja Street, 350063 Krasnodar, RUSSIA.

Copyright © 1998-2009 by Sergei V. Rjabchikov. All Rights Reserved.

Published 12 March 1998, 10:00 AM; updated 29 April, 1998; updated 26 May, 1998; updated 24 June, 1998; updated 7 June, 1999; updated 5 July, 1999; updated 2 August, 1999; updated 27 August, 1999; updated 1 November, 1999; updated 24 December, 1999; updated 14 March, 2000; updated 27 December, 2000; updated 14 March, 2001; updated 15 March, 2004; updated 6 December, 2005; updated 18 December, 2006; last updated 2 March, 2009.

Thanks for visiting.

For more information see my RONGORONGO Home Page and my article (1998-1999) Several Rongorongo Records (Symbolism of Archaic Beliefs). AnthroGlobe Journal.

Please visit my "THE SLAVONIC ANTIQUITY" Home Page, "The Linear A and the Phaistos Disk: A Slavonic Key" Home Page, "Tmutarakan', an Outlying Land" Home Page, and "Ancient Cossacks" Home Page.

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Sergei V. Rjabchikov is the President and the General Director of the Sergei Rjabchikov Foundation - Research Centre for Studies of Ancient Civilisations and Cultures. This organisation was set up on October 20, 2005. In accordance with its statute, the organisation is busy with a comprehensive study of ancient civilisations and cultures both on the grounds of actual study of ancient sources of various types (script, fine art, thorough investigation of archaeological relics, investigation of various archives, works and publications, etc.) and on the grounds of a comprehensive study of various sources concerning ancient civilisations and cultures, which have been preserved in later civilisations and cultures and in modern ones (study of folk-lore, linguistics, study of culture, study of sign systems, investigation of various archives, works and publications, etc.). The organisation's activities have accompanying educational, cultural, elucidative, informational and charitable goals as well.

Sergei V. Rjabchikov
President and General Director
The Sergei Rjabchikov Foundation -
Research Centre for Studies of
Ancient Civilisations and Cultures
1/39 Krasnoarmejskaja Street
350063 Krasnodar

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