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Please visit the
Scouting Webring Homepage
for more information.

Check out the postings,
in Our Webring Club
You don't have to join,
to read the postings.

This webring was set up so that Scout Groups around the world can add their pages and link them to other similar Scouting Sites on the Web. During the past Year, there were over One Thousand sites in the Ring!    We were receiving upwards of 31,000 Hits every two months!

We have an Anti Spam policy, and your personal information, is NOT for sale !
Your email address is yours, and we will not sell it to anyone.

This Webring has been awarded the
Baden Powell Award",
a marvellous achievement because there are less than fifteen sites that hold this award in the world.

This page is designed so that new members can join the ring and to serve as an information center for the ring. If you haven't got your own Scouting Web Page, please click on the Imagemap or Links below to jump to other pages in the ring.

Baden Powell Four-Fleur Award

David Oxley is the Founder of the Scouting Webring, and started it November 24,1996.
David has built a Great Scouting Webring over the Years.
And he passed the Webring to me, Tom Hilton, 1/17/00, to continue the Tradition
of Linking Scouting Groups around the World, together.
David Oxley is staying on as a helper with the Scouting Webring.
Thanks, David, for a job well done.

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Check out the Current Updates, and

Review the different postings and see what has happened.

You don't have to become a member to read the postings.
If you want to, you can register, become a member of our club,
and ask questions, too.

The Scouting Webring
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Disclaimer :

The Graphics and Codes, Displayed within, are the "Property of The Scouting Webring". Any use, other than that intended, is prohibited, under Penalty of law. The Scouting Webring "Animated Graphic", is the property of The Scouting Webring, and can not to be used by anyone else, for any reason. Republication and redissemination, including posting to news groups, is expressly prohibited. - The Sites Listed in The Scouting Webring, are The Personal Sites of their Respective Webmasters and Groups represented within, They are "not authorized sites" of The Scouting Webring. The information contained on them is from their Groups, or Webmaster's Personal Files and Experiences, in Scouting.
"All Rights are Reserved".
Last Modified 1/17/2000