MATCH GAME, 1981 -- "Those Shorts"

(The blouse is nice too!)

The phrase "would you look at those legs!" comes up,
but it's Holly talking about Gene, who's showing a picture
of his windsurfing adventure, where he's wearing shorts.

" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . it's too bad they already cast Tarzan!"

Gene and the panel are discussing clothing. Betty White says, "Some poor folks don't HAVE any clothes to wear."

Gene says it will look to the viewers like Holly's not wearing much...

"I am NAKED from the waist down!"

Then Gene insists on showing off "a long-stemmed American Beauty Rose"

Holly: "My mother loves it when I'm CORRECT on this show."

Brett Somers: "Does your mother know what you're WEARING?"

(And Betty comments on how things deteriorate when "one little
girl wears a rather brief outfit.")

The panel tells Holly the show business field is overcrowded...

"Yes, but I AM working..."

On the subject of alcoholic beverages:

"Gene, we've discussed this before... you know that
I do not partake, except on certain occasions, minimally...

"... but then I do it SO GOOD!"

(Kinda makes you want to volunteer for Designated Driver!)

The question concerns a jockey and his new bride.
Holly paraphrases a naughty Mel Tillis song:

"If you've got the hoss, I've got the saddle!"

Thanks to John and Sam (and indirectly, for help with this page