Jerusalem Cross

Documents that may be of interest...or may not...

Welcome. This area is where I have "published" some things I have written, and made available some other (public domain) writings. Have a look. I hope something here will help you in some way or another.
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As always, you can send me any questions, comments or problems via email

  1. NEW! A comparison/contrast of Contemporary Worship vs. Liturgical worship.
  2. NEW! My review of the popular book The Prayer of Jabez.
  3. NEW! The Small Catechism in prayer form. Pray the Small Catechism with your family.
  4. Why do Lutherans Baptize Infants?
  5. Martin Luther wrote some excellent hymns to teach the Faith.
  6. A piece I wrote about stewardship.
  7. Some thoughts about death.
  8. What about "Contemporary Worship"?
  9. How often should we have communion?
  10. A message from Reverend Paul T. McCain, assistant to the Synod President, regarding the often misunderstood advisory role of the Synod.
  11. Two friends write about Applause in church.
  12. Jim Heap writes about the Priesthood of All Believers.