My Photo Gallery

My first drawing ever done. So old.... I don't even know when I drew and colored it. =P Well yeah, the point of this picture was to learn how to blend in colors. That's why each ball goes from dark to light. Oh yeah...helped me learn complementary colors too. Red with green, blue with orange, yellow with purple... good stuff. =)

My second color pencil drawing (1993)!!! This was during my early stages of learning how to paint. I had to learn how to blend colors in with each other. But I must confess...I only did the buns myself. The majority of the innards my teacher did for me.

Another painting in 1998. This was just something to kill time with...My teacher and I couldn't think up anything else for me to paint... so there it is. =P Nice frame though. =)

Also done in 1998. I think it was part of a bigger picture from a magazine... but yeah, the arrangement is still cool. hehe That pineapple was so HARD!!! Oh my gosh..... I still think the shaded part of the pineapple stands out too much. *sigh*

An abstract picture I painted in 1998. I was taught by my teacher that it's an abstract picture of a man (the statue-like thing on the ground) has his arms raised up towards a woman (the other statue-like thing right above the "man" on the house) beckoning her to come out and play or something.

Hmmm.... painted in 1999. Nothing much to say about this one. The detail was way too hard for me to get perfectly correct.... so yeah... Definately not one of my best works. =P

Yup, this is the first best painting that I've done. It's a really pretty array of irises. All the purple and white blending gave me headaches, but it's all good =)...*sigh of content*

This is my second best painting, and the last one I ever did. I really like the sky...the detail needed on the right side with the houses and stuff... GOOD GRIEF! That took like 8 hours all by itself. =P But the time spent paid off I think. =)