The Bitter Sweet Vintages Of Time

Posted: September 2004

Title: The Bitter Sweet Vintages of Time
Author: Iamme
Type: FPGen
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Belongs to Tolkien not me.
Author's Notes: This story is for Leann.


Lord Elrond walked through the door of the wine cellar and down the stairs in to the cool darkness illuminated by the small vial in his hand. Erestor had offered to do this for him, knowing what his lord liked but Elrond had a different purpose for each vintage he would take with him, one of the few remnants of Imladris he would take on the long journey to Valinor.

The elf lord made his way, running his hands lovingly over each date. He looked at each barrel and bottle, every year bringing a memory to mind. Elrond stopped at a bottle from less than a hundred years before, it was the year Estel had come to live with him, became like a son almost. Such bittersweet memories for even back then, he had known the young one would grow up and eventually pass out of his life as so many had and yet he had not thought that he would take his beloved Evenstar with him.

All through the years as he continued to travel back, memories of friends, some gone and some still close by, came to him. One of those friends silently watched from the top of the stairs waiting for when he would be needed as he had for most of the elf’s life. Erestor knew the joy and pain for he had done something quite similar though the Lord of Imladris did not know it. It might take all night for Elrond to complete his task but when it was over, when he was done, he would need a friend to help him through one last lonely night in his land that was soon to pass from him forever as if they had never existed. Soon they would be forgotten except in legends and fairytales and soon those would fade as the leaves of the trees with the coming of winter.

   Elrond came to the year he and Celebrian were gifted with Arwen and the fear rose in him once more of how to tell her that their daughter was gone from them forever, just as Eros had been lost to him so many many years ago. More than once, Elrond had asked the Valar why, why they had chosen him to suffer so and their answer was often silence. Elrond shook his head and wiped away the tear that fell down his cheek. “My, it was dusty in the wine cellar,” he though as he tried to deny his tears to himself. On he went back, back through his life to a year he wish he could forget another bittersweet memory. The year Celebrian had been taken by orcs, she would live but he was not sure she would still be his when he reached the far shores. So unsure of how she would handle the news that all of their children would be lost to them forever.

Elrond continued over the next few hours working his way back through time, this time he smiled as he remembered the day his sons were born. Elladan had been so quiet when he was born that they feared him dead despite his large size and just the opposite for Elrohir. The younger was so small that had he been completely human, he probably would have died but he was loud and made his presence known to everyone. He had known since the day their mother had sailed and they rode off to slay every orc on Arda that they would not sail. Those orcs had lost their lives and destroyed his in one brutal moment of time. Never would his life be the same and were it not for a small amount of hope that lived in him that someone would be there waiting for him would he be able to go on.

It was a few more hours before Elrond finally ran his hand over the year that he had struggled to forget, the year Gil- Galad had died. He had never drank of this wine, knowing it would be bitter. This one would not go with him, it represented too muchpain in his life, blood of his friends and family that had been spilled. Elrond felt the tears coming and he could not fight them but it was the fist that shattered the wood, spilling the wine that flowed like so much blood just as it had flowed back then the blood of his memories soaking in to the floor of the Last Homely House. Elrond felt himself collapse into the red mud and the scream came. When he though he could take no more, he was pulled back against the elf that had been advising the son of Earendil since he was barely past his majority. Erestor pulled his lord against him, holding him as he cried in to his tunic. Erestor knew how Elrond felt for he felt the same way. He had helped to raise Elrond s children, he had stood by the elf when he had married Celebrian and he had watched as his friend’s world fell apart. He had no real comfort to offer his friend, no reassurances that his children would be there when he woke or that his wife would be the same woman or even that Gil- Galad would be there waiting. Instead, he lifted the elf lord and carried him to his bathing chambers and sent a servant after clothing. He helped Elrond out of his clothing as if he had been an elfling and removed his own robes but left his leggings on as he climbed in to the water and bathed the Lord of Imladris before dressing him in his nightgown and carried him to his chambers and tucked him into bed, singing him to sleep. It was not until he was sure that Elrond was deep into reverie that he let his own tears fall and gentle arms engulfed him as Glorfindel came and lifted him and held him tightly “Rest, Meleth. I will watch over you both for my duty is not yet done.” Erestor looked up at the Golden Elf Lord and he could see the sorrow there and yet the peace that he felt, and Erestor knew that eventually they would all come to peace with it and that was enough for now.  


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