Erestor's Torment

Part 1

Posted: July 2003
Title: Erestor's Torment
Type: FP
Author: Iamme
Cast: Erestor
Rating: NC-17
Beta: Alex
Warnings: Torture, Violence, possible Non-Con, AU. It’s morbid. If you find such things offensive then don’t read it.
Disclaimer: It’s not mine it belongs to Tolkien.
Summary: Erestor is taken prisoner by dark elves.


Erestor rode forward, across the flowering landscape of Imladris. Elrond had sent him out to deliver a message to the captain of the southern patrol. The summer heat would have been unbearable had he been a one of the second-born.

As it was he was appreciative of the light linen clothing he had picked out that morning as it allowed what light breeze there was to blow across his skin. He ran his hands over the midnight mane of the mare he rode.

“I feel for you Mor-aglar. We’ll stop for water soon.” Erestor begin to worry , wondering why he had not yet found the troops. He should have ran into them by now he had been out here for almost 3 days searching.

Finally he reached a small stream that ran across the border. He slid off of his mount and led her to the water letting her drink her fill. He took the moment to see if there was a sign that anyone had been this way, there was nothing.

Something was most definitely not right. He would have to ride back and explain what he didn’t find. He took a moment to fill his water skin before mounting the midnight horse again. The weather was making the poor horse grouchy and he could not blame her. They both wanted to get home.

Erestor had been riding back towards Imladris for over two hours before a sudden intuition told him not to keep the letter from Elrond on his person. Quickly, he tucked it in to the lining of the saddle blanket where all the things he needed to hide went. He made sure it would not fall out or be easily found before heading on his way.

He almost wished he had gotten lost. It would at least explain why he was unable to find the patrol. But Erestor knew these lands as well as anyone he had helped in designing the city and had scouted out the surrounding lands as to where they needed guards. He knew they could blend in but not from him he knew what to look for and they would not hide from him anyway.

He rode for several more hours back towards the city. The heat dissipated as evening was approaching and a light rain had begun to fall. He could, however, still see the shimmering heat off the rocks and the smell of water on hot stone assaulted his nostrils. Then suddenly out of the corner of his eye he thought he saw movement.

He placed his hand on his sword, preparing for trouble; the former warrior in him coming to the forefront. He searched along the tree line, searching for any movement that didn’t flow like the surrounding elm trees. He listened and watched, time seemed to slow to a stand still as he slowly continued to move forward; watching, waiting for the slightest movement. Then he heard it the twang of an arrow. He managed to knock the deadly projectile away with a quickly drawn sword before dismounting. Knowing the message had to stay out of the enemy’s hands he sent his mare off towards Imladris with a slap before turning to his attackers.

Several darkly cloaked figures rushed out at him. Swords as black as the cloaks they wore slashed towards him. He dodged, trying to avoid them, but was overwhelmed. Suddenly, a sharp pain entered his right side. He looked down to see one of the ebony blades impaled in his flesh. Not enough to kill… not yet … Erestor felt a flash of horror as he realized they were trying to take him alive. They twisted the sword and his body stiffened. Sweat began to form on his brow and the sickening feeling grew in his gut. He struggled with them but there was just too many for one elf to fight on their own. He was not able to remember when he was disarmed, only that the blade kept twisting sending agony through his body. He fell to his hands as it was ripped from his body, rough hands grabbing his hair and pulling it back. He closed his eyes and clenched his jaw to keep from passing out from the pain. He had been trained for the possibility of this and he would not fail Elrond.

His eyes flew open as someone pressed a foul smelling rag to his nose and mouth He tried to fight it but he was losing. They held him immobilized with little effort. Darkness began to close in on him, and before long, it all slipped away.

Erestor awoke to the feeling of rain pounding against his body. . The feeling of helplessness and pain as he found his hands bound above his head, he could feel rough bark against his hands. The rope was biting in to his wrists as they strained to support his body. He tried to reach out with his legs to find something solid only to be met with the feeling of empty space beneath him it was too much for his semi-conscious senses to take in. So it surprised him when he felt a shattering pain across his knees, WHACK!!!

Erestor tried to suppress a surprised cry as he could have swear they had shattered with the lightening like pain that was coursing through him now. “Be Still!! Worthless Noldor!!” Erestor stopped struggling, trying to ignore the pain from his weight resting fully on his wrist. The strain was taking its toll on him. If he were ever released, he would not be the same for a long time. The minutes dragged by slow and uncomfortably. At least, it had stopped raining as the thick darkness faded into the soft colors of the dawn.

The rain had only helped to make him more miserable, intensified by the fear that lightening would strike him at anytime. To add to it all he had rope buns from twisting in his bonds. The water swollen ropes making it twice as painful. He could hear sounds of life as the first of the soldiers rose. He knew the familiar sound and smells of camp in the early morning and one he dreaded one in particular this morning. Soon his fear was answered by that very smell. The smell of meat. It made him realize how long it had been since he had eaten, his stomach growling in protest. He tried to ignore it, tried to think of anything else as he doubted that he would be getting any of the normally meager camp rations.

. The agony of his burning muscles, combined with everything else, made him wish he could slip back into oblivion little was he to know that there would be no such luxury for him. Suddenly, the ropes gave way, and Erestor hit the ground with a hard thunk landing on his right arm followed by the sound of snapping bone. Before he knew what had happened, hands were roughly pressing him to the ground. They tied his arms behind his back, making sure the broken one was in the most uncomfortable position possible.

They brought him swiftly to his knees, removing the gag and forcing his head back by wrapping their hands in his long dark hair once again. Once they had him where they knew he could not struggle someone grabbed his jaw and forced it open before pouring something sickeningly metallic into his mouth, and forcing his jaw shut.

“Come on little scholar drink your breakfast like a good little elf or we will have to hurt you.“ Still, he refused to swallow. Nausea was growing at the disgusting taste. Someone grabbed his nose, holding it. A hand covering his mouth making sure he could not spit He tried to fight but his instincts forced him to swallow, the need to breath overwhelming the urge not to digest the foul liquid.

“Now I warned you, and now I am going to punish you.“ He let out a choked cry when they released him, dropping him to the ground. He felt a burning nausea growing in his stomach. “If you throw it up, we’ll make you choke it back down.”

The advisor cringed at the voice that was obviously enjoying his torment. Quickly, he made a silent plea. By the Valar, please don’t let it come back up. It felt like an eternity but his stomach settled some; he could feel the sweat running from his brow from the vicious nausea. After a few more minutes, someone came and dragged the poor elf to his feet, replacing the gag. A rope was placed about his neck and roughly pulled forward.

Several elves held him in one place as he felt someone grab his right shoulder. Erestor clenched his jaw body growing tense waiting to see what they would do. Then it cam a twist and a pop. Had it not been for the elves holding him he would have fallen back to the ground as his right shoulder was dislocated . He clenched his jaw fighting against the scream that was trying to escape; he could hear the satisfaction in the voice that spoke to him.
“ Now the next time I tell you to do something you will not argue. Tie him to my horse and lets see how well he can keep up.”

Erestor was drug forward and tied to the mount so he had little slack, there would be no breaking his neck to give him a way out They forced him to run for hours. His bound hands causing him to fall more than once, as he was dragged over rough terrain with no way to balance himself. He could feel the drug they gave him making his blood race but providing the energy he needed to continue. He could feel his hands trembling, the pain intense as it radiated through his broken arm and dislocated shoulder, his knees were not in much better shape and he feared that he would not be able to keep the pace for much longer. The sun was raging over head and the last thing he had had that even remotely resembled a drink was the foul concoction.

His clothing had dried way too soon and now he was once again drenched, this time with sweat that poured from his quickly dehydrating form. Erestor could feel his strength waning as he was having more and more trouble keeping up with the quickening pace when suddenly his vision darkened some and the air-cooled.

He could once again smell the foliage, the earth turning soft under his aching feet, at the same time the obstacles increased. The advisor didn’t realize until too late that a log lay in his path, causing him to trip and land face first against it. A flash of pain and the taste of blood filled his mouth.

Slowly, he lifted his head, feeling the broken teeth. Hands reached up to remove the gag, but hesitantly backed off with a resounding reprimand.

“Don’t remove it! Pick him up so we can be on our way.” Erestor heard the voice of the one holding him hesitantly question his leader.

“He will not make it Captain if he does not have some water.”

“Only if the Valar are smiling upon him will he die before we reach our destination.” Growled the Captain.

The hand wrapped around his arm and lifted him a bit roughly to his feet, he could feel the elf’s hands starting to shake as he guided him around the log before letting go. He knew that the elf had made a mistake by speaking up for him and would be punished for the mistake. He forced himself to swallow the broken teeth and blood fearing he might choke otherwise, though had he known what was waiting for him he may have very well decided to choke to death and end his misery.

Evening was drawing near when he felt rock under his feet. His stomach upset from the blood. He tried to keep his breathing rhythmic but it was almost impossible as he ran. Now he could feel the coolness of the stone as he was forced forward into a cave. Slowly they spiraled down into the depths. The coolness began drying the sweat to his body in a sticky film. The nausea abating just a touch leaving him exhausted, all he wanted was some rest.

Conversation of soldiers, and the moans of prisoners filled his ears. Erestor could hear the whining hinges of a metal doors all around as he was herded forward. His heart jumped to his throat at the feelings of despair that radiated from this place. He was led through a door and heard it slam shut closing him off from any hope of escape as he heard it lock.

He waited many long minutes before being greeted by the sound of a voice that was as cold as it was smooth.

“Welcome counselor, we have been expecting you.”

A leather glove caressed his cheek lightly as if admiring a fine piece of art.
“I am Morcorban and you are my guest. You should get comfortable because I feel that you will be with us for a very very long time. Take him inside.”

Erestor was suddenly dragged forward and down a long hall, where he heard the heavy squeaking of old metal hinges before being pulled inside.

The room smelled of old blood and other bodily fluids he didn’t wish to think of at this moment and certainly not under these circumstances . Once inside, Erestor was forced to his knees and the gag quickly removed. A cup was placed to his lips and he instinctively started to drink. Only when he realized it was the same liquid that had been forced upon him earlier did he try to pull away. Strong hands held him, forcing his battered jaw open. His heart beat madly in his chest, a cold fear rising in him. He didn’t even want to begin to think about what this room held for him.

“Why can they not ever do it the easy way?” An amused voice questioned.

“I think they like the torture.” Replied another soldier laughing.

They forced the Noldo’s jaw closed, waiting till he swallowed before they untied him. When the bonds were loosened, the Erestor kicked out, connecting with soft flesh, then a resounding snap. Quickly, he landed his elbow in the other tormentor’s stomach, giving himself enough time to rip off the blindfold. The nausea was beginning to rise in his stomach again yet he forced himself to land another kick, this time to the jaw of the dark figure before him. The resounding pop let him know his effort was successful. Erestor heard the door open and several figures running towards him. He managed to make it to his feet before they reached him, looking for anything to defend himself. He may not escape but he would not let them take him easily, he would make some of them pay in blood, others with their very life .

His hand wrapped around a small knife and he quickly plunged it into the first figure approaching, causing his opponent to scream in pain as it caught him through the eye, causing him to quickly fall back. The harder he fought, the more of them there seemed to be. Grabbing at him from all sides, they managed to restrain him. Chains clicked in to place, locking his hands behind his back once again. He had just a moment to look around seeing his handy work as he looked over several dead and dying elves before the beating began.

Wooden batons began to assault him from every side. He felt his collar bone break and his left shoulder separate. “Worthless Noldor scum you will pay for this dearly!!” He had felt several more cracking noises from the previously broken arm, and on his left side leaving all of his ribs broken. Blood ran down his body as they continued.

It did not take long for them to restrain his battered form once the beating stopped. He was lifted up, his cuffs draped over a hook from the ceiling leaving him hanging from his wrist once again. He had plenty of time to view the surroundings from his now swelling eyes as he hung there waiting whatever was to come. It did not take very long for him to realize the situation was even more dire than he had thought

. Chains hung from everywhere. Various trays of implements sat on tables, a chair with chains attached. Old blood stained the walls and floors in several places as if paint had been thrown around the room. The flickering torchlight only added to the macabre scene before him making it seem like something out of a human horror story he had read once in his youth.

All too soon a tall slender elf walked through the metal door with a loud rattle. His hair was an odd occurrence for an elf. Midnight curls spiraled down his back and eyes just as dark regarded the eldar much like a parent would an unruly child, his pale flesh the only thing not dark. Even the robes he wore were made of black velvet. The being glided over, eyes examining him, A long finger tilted the abused elf’s head so their eyes met.

“Once again I welcome you to my home, Counselor. We are going to get to know each other quite well, you and I.”

“Why am I here?” questioned Erestor trying to make some sense of this.

“Tsk, Tsk, I am the one who is asking the questions. Your job is to listen and answer to the best of your ability. Though I am sure you can figure out the answer to your own question.”

Erestor licked his lips, tasting the dried blood, causing him to shudder. Making things worse was the shaking feeling returning to him, and the combined effects of the drug, the pain causing sweat to pour off his body.

“I won’t tell you anything.” Whispered Erestor as his hear began to move into his throat. The dark one smiled nodding.

“Already so defiant and we have not even started yet. I think we are going to have a long night, Erestor. Although yours will be more unpleasant than mine. I have heard that representatives are coming from Mirkwood and Lorien. Do you know anything about this?”
The advisor glared up at the dark lord, refusing to speak.

“Mmmmmm…. I see…you want to be loyal, brave, and honorable.. Unfortunately, this is not going to help you here…Your honor will not comfort you when you are laying in a cell naked praying that the Valar will just let you die so that you can get away from the pain and humiliation that we are going to inflict on you. And when it stops you will find that is only the beginning. It will haunt you forever, never to be 100 percent free from your memories. Now I am going to give you 10 seconds to answer my question.” Snapping his fingers at a person off to the side, he slowly and patiently watched the eldar hanging before him.

“ 1, 2, 3…” The countdown continued as the black eyes stared at him. It almost felt like they were piercing his very soul. Erestor could tell the elf before him did not want him to give in easily and that frightened him yet he could not give in, this may haunt him forever but the shame of giving his friends and family over to these evil creatures would be too much to bare.

“10…. Very well then. Have it your way.” He felt a knife slide down the back of his leggings sliding down both legs till the cloth fell to the ground in a quiet rain.

A heavy cloth quickly covered Erestor’s face.

When he tried to struggle, a booted foot landed on the back of his broken legs . Pain raced through his body and he could barely breath through the tight cloth then the water began to pour slowly over it. Gasping for breath, he tried to free his hands only causing further damage to his present injuries. The pain was, quickly over-shadowed by the panic that welled in his mind. It felt as if he would drown behind the heavy wet cloth. Erestor tried to free him self only to be rewarded with a hard fist to the stomach.

“Now Counselor, tell me what I want to know. Tell me, tell me now! “ The wet cloth was pulled away from the shaking elf.

“What did you give me?” whispered Erestor. The dark elf before him smiled.

“You do not listen well Erestor I said no questions only answers. I will have to punish you now. But it is Just a little potion, it will keep you from slipping in to reverie you will be good and awake till I choose to let you sleep. Erestor tried to bite back the fear that was threatening to over throw his senses as the towel was placed back over his head. This time, however, was different. The water did not flow. Instead he could feel his shirt being cut away. Erestor struggled to breath through the wet towel, his lack of oxygen weakening him. A hand brushed lightly up over his stomach. “If you do what I ask, I will send you to Mandos in a dignified and quick manner. Or…. I can make it most humiliating and painful….” Erestor flinched as the hand brushed over his most intimate of parts before the hand gripped him and started to stroke. Erestor tried to scream through the towel but he could barely breath so it came out a pitiful whimper as a cold voice whispered against his ear.

“I like it when prisoners make me punish them, especially one so beautiful as yourself.” Then with out warning water began to bubble through the cloth and his struggle to breath began anew he could also feel the unwanted pleasure welling up in his groin as his breathing quickened. The grip on his member tightening as his muscles tensed trying to fight the inevitable release of his body. “Come on Erestor tell me… Elrond has a chance; he may defeat us. Not likely but possible. You, however, will not. For you, there will be nothing but pain, pain and humiliation of every type. There will be no escaping, not even to Mandos till I am done with you. Are you ready for that, counselor? Is it worth it? Would your Lord want you to suffer so?” Erestor felt tears coming to his eyes as the elf tore his orgasm from his body against his will. Morcorban motioned the guards to again remove the towel. “Is it, Erestor? Is your lord worth this pain?” Erestor just gave a slow nod and let his eyes fall closed, waiting for what they would dish out next. “Closing your eyes will not help you.” A leather-clad hand slid down his face in a gentle caress leaving a sticky wet trail. It was quickly followed by a bone shattering punch to his jaw. Erestor tasted copper as blood began to flow from previously broken teeth the shape of his jaw now changed forever. His head hung to his chest, the blood running over swollen lips and dripping to the dirty stone floor.

“I am done with you for now beautiful one, but the nightmare is just beginning and there is nowhere to hide from the monster under the bed.”

The guards finished stripping him down before carrying him to a metal box on the far side of the room.

“I will give you sometime to think on things, dear Erestor. Perhaps you will be more cooperative after you have a chance to see more of what is waiting for you.”

They pushed Erestor in to the confined space and locked the door. Only a few small holes for him to breath through allowed any light, then that was gone as well as the torches were extinguished. He sat in the darkness. Unable to sit up, he rested his head against his knees he forced himself to stay calm even though his mind was screaming at him. If only he could slip in to reverie it would be so much easier, but the cursed drug prevented him from doing such. He could hear the cries of other prisoners as he sat locked away like some item that had just been forgotten. How long could he endure what they would inflict on him before giving in? It had already been to much and he could not help but wonder how he was still alive.

The exhaustion was already setting in and when that happened, his defenses would slowly crumble. He wrapped his shaking hands tighter around his knees, trying not to think any more.

He sat in the dark for what he thought to be hours shivering from the cold, at least that was how it seemed before the sound of a struggling prisoner could be heard and the sound of a booted foot hitting flesh before the torches flared to life.. Erestor tried to maneuver to see what was happening. All he could see was a blur through the small hole; he could make out a blond elf being beaten repeatedly by the guards before two of the guards dragged the dazed elf to a hard wooden chair by the wall. They pushed him in to it, chaining arms and legs securely and tying a piece of leather about his throat leaving barely enough room for him to breath. Erestor closed his eyes, not wanting to see any more of what would happen.

He could hear the footsteps and the sound of something being sharpened. “I hope he is not too attached to his fingers, I think I will see if Morcorban will let me have them when he is done. I will keep them and make a necklace out of them to remember what happened to this little elfling who thought he could escape us.”

Erestor wanted to cover his ears to not hear but somehow it did not seem fair. If this elf would have to endure it, then he could at least not turn away it was the only thing he had to offer him.

Suddenly he felt the presence of Morcorban before he could even see him through the small holes causing him to shiver as the cold voice snaked around him.

“Watch carefully Erestor. It could save you a lot of pain. Though I will hope you do not change your mind. I do so enjoy our time together” With that the dark elf stood and walked towards the chair. It did not take long for the questions to begin.

“Tell me young one, when are they planning to attack?” Erestor smiled vaguely as the sound of spitting could be heard. At least the young one had not lost his spirit from what they had done to him.

“This is the hand you shoot with, is it not?” Erestor felt his stomach tighten at the question directed at the poor soul in the chair as he remembered the sharpening sound and the comments from minutes ago. It was but moments later that he heard the sound of something cutting through bone and flesh, and the sound of flesh dropping on to wood, then another and then the screaming began. He tried not to listen any more but it was impossible to block it out. Everything seemed too real. He listened as they tormented the elf. He knew he had been hurt before they had even started but he had been determined not to tell his secrets; slowly piece by piece, they begin to tear him apart. Each new torment breaking him more than the last.

Erestor could hear the sound of failure in his voice as he finally gave in, he prayed to the Valar that they did not break him the way they had broken the young one. He did not want to ever hear that sound coming from his own lips. The blond couldn’t have been more than three hundred years old, probably his first mission even. He could hear his tears as he told them everything before they gave him something to drink, and the soothing words trying to convince him that it would be better now.

Finally the took him out leaving only Morcorban with him in the dead silent room as he walked over to his little prison before pushing something through one of the holes Erestor couldn’t keep the cry back as he picked it up and looked at it. He was holding the poor sentry's finger, he quickly dropped it so he would not have to touch it tears began to flow from his eyes from fear and sympathy. He could hear the smile in the smooth voice as it reached his ears.

“I hope you enjoyed that. It will be your turn soon and I have something much more interesting planned. Think upon it, counselor, would it not be better to give in now? You’ll tell me what I want one way or another.”

Erestor tried to suppress the scream that was trying to work its way out. He would have plenty of chances for that he was sure.

“Why are you all the same Lirimaer?” Inquired the mocking voice.

“Do you not know that it does not help you? It only adds to your pain when you are finally broken. Remember Erestor that the next time you hear foot steps in this room, they will be mine and I will be coming for you.”

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