Matthew chapter 5:17

Jesus Christ said; "Think not that I have come to abolish the law ...... For truly, I say to you ...... not a dot will pass from the law until all is accomplished."

In Matthew chapter 5, Jesus said,

You have heard that it is wrong to kill
I want you to know, that whoever says,
"You fool!" is guilty enough to go to hell.

You have heard that it is wrong to commit adultery.
I want you to know that when you looked at a woman lustfully,
You have committed adultery.

You have heard that it is wrong to swear falsely.
I want you to know that it is wrong to swear.
(For those who scream "Jesus Christ"
As part of their daily language, take note.)

You have heard that it is all right to trade blow for blow.
I want you to know that if you were attacked
You must not strike back.
If they borrowed from you,
Do not expect repayment.

You have heard that it is all right to love only your friends
And not your enemies.
I want you to know that you must love your enemies.
If they stabbed you at the back, pray for them and wish them well.

Romans 7:12 said that no human being can achieve perfection because the Law is Holy.
Romans 7:14 said humankind does not have the spiritual power to do so'.

There is a spiritual dimension to perfection.
It has to be because it is God's standard.

When Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the tree of good and evil
The image of God in them died (Genesis chapter 3).

Christians are people who try as hard as the next person
To live a responsible life.
Christians are people who knew that they are bad
And shouted out, "God help me?"
God replied, "Wash in the blood of Jesus Christ."
We called this the grace of God.

It is for every one.
Every race and culture.

Christians will stumble but they will not fall.
They are not perfect but will continue to strife for perfection

In Isaiah 40:31 God promised,
"They shall mount up with wings of eagles
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.

Christians strife for perfection
Because they wanted to be worthy of their God
Not because they are afraid of hell.

Feel free to download this message for your site, and come back for more of the same. Amen.