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Welcome to the Christian cyber inn.
While you catch your breath and refresh yourself let me share my God with you.



This is a personal homepage to introduce God and His plan of salvation to cyberians. The author is thankful to Yahoo Geocities for the free webpage, but is indifferent to the banner inserted by the sponsor.

The author would not think less of any one, who after reading the materials presented here, concluded that this God is not for them. This is a choice not given by the author but by his God. If you liked to let me know why, I will be glad to hear you out. Hope you will not be emotional about your views. If you do not like to do so, it is all right.

LATEST: The Da Vinci Code debunked

To know more about this site view the links below.

This site was set up on May 24 2001. Feel free to download any articles in this site for any form of circulation. They are useful for new believers, Sunday School lessons, Primary and Secondary School chapel and fellowship meetings. You may want to invite your church to visit this site before doing so. I pray that through this site many may be blessed.

If you want to be on my mailing list informing you of new messages please email me.

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