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War and Terrorism 

 Two sides of the same coin called Evil  

War and terrorism are the two sides of the same coin called evil and ignorance. One has its root in the other. War is a dominant form of terrorism and terrorism is a recessive form of war. Basic force guiding them is evil and it is directed to destruction of mankind. It has its origin In “I” and the conquering motive and ignorance of the truth of nature and it’s functioning. No war can wipe out terrorism and terrorism can only invite war. It is the design of the evil to destroy mankind. Only light or true knowledge can save humanity.


It is important that we introspect on the two fundamental force or knowledge that is clashing today. On one hand we have scientific knowledge that is built on human quest to understand the outer material world. This quest unfortunately has turned in to conquering and exploiting motive or the expression of  His “I”.  This force [science] is absolutely at loss to explain nature and its oneness. Its base lies shattered in contradicting developments and it exists in absolute ignorance of oneness. This force is out there using all its material force on mankind to establish its supremacy.


On the other hand we have people waging war in the name of religion. Religion is a product of enquiry in to the inner world of life and its existence. It is the real force that guides life and the universe. It is much superior to the material force. Unfortunately, knowledge that is ruling mankind is based on the ignorance of oneness of nature. Instead of protecting life, it is up against mankind. The friction in absence of true knowledge is bound to increase with every passing moments. 


The future for humanity appears quite dark. One cannot imagine the consiquences of the deadly weapons of our own invention such as biological, chemical and nuclear weapon falling into the hands of the terrorist. The action of material weapon is calculable and its reaction is instant. But biological weapon is incalculable and extends in time. These are micro bombs that are unseen, multiplies evolves and can attack stealthily activating itself suddenly with some drastic climatic changes.

It is unfortunate that crime is propagated in the name of religion, which basically speak of love and peace. Every action has its reaction. All our scriptures tell us that action and reaction is our own creation and the creator has no part in it. He comes up whenever mankind is in danger and Justice and Truth is dying. 

I only look at the whole developments as the play of the Creator and his Design. Only He and the light from Him can save mankind. He would save the world by shedding His light. The question is that after how much of destruction?


May be a lot of destruction is a necessity for humanity, such that humanity stands naked and unprotected calling to Him to save them. We appear to be moving into such a situation. All the weapons and the knowledge that science has built has turned helpless, against natural catastrophes, like earth quakes, floods, fires, and souls, which accept death to destroy  more life.


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