System Design - Intelligent Design- Spiritual Design of

 Origin  and Perpetuation of the Universe

That accounts for all Scientific Theories and goes ahead

  to Unify it with Religious one in a Sensible Manner

  • Introduction

  • System Vision of origin

  • Why I say Big bang never occurred

  • The Grand Design that conquers time and Perpetuates its Existence

  • The Great Secret - The Unfolding and Enfolding Information

  • How the Central System Survives and Perpetuates

  • The Big bang origin and collapse - The Intelligent Design

  • Seven Steps to Creation

  • Differentiating between Creator Cycle and Human Cycle

  • System Design and Spiritual side of Creation

  • The Basic flaw of Humanity

  • Passion of Christ and Ignorance of Christianity

Introduction: - Most important quest of humanity is the search for the Origin. The modern science, which is materialistic, has many different theories for origin based on different broken pieces of foundation of science. To speak briefly we have Big Bang Theory, Inflation Universe Scenario, Vacuum Fluctuation Model, Chaotic Inflationary Model, Quantum Gravity Model, Oscillating Model, Steady State Models, and so on.  A new branch of science called non linear science has come to propose another theory called Perturbation Theory, where a single perturbation leads to many perturbation and chaotic universe, which when peaks to certain state collapses to new order. In addition to all these theories we have Intelligent Design theories and a multitude of Religious Theories. Internet is full of Advocators of creation written in Bible and in addition we have Great eastern philosophies that discusses at length creation and existence.

But all these theories and the philosophical visions are in contradiction to each other and have failed miserably to present a sensible explanation to origin and existence. The total effort of humanity when it comes to explaining origin of the universe amounts to a blind man trying to figure an elephant by touching it. I do not mean to offend all those intellectuals who have added pieces of visions of origin. But it is time that we accept the reality that Plato spoke "scientist are prisoners bound to the mouth of the cave and they work on the shadows--- ". Our modern day scientists are prisoner by the boundaries that science has imposed on them and the likelihood of them seeing the truth of origin is remote. How can a science that does not explain, how gravity comes into existence? What is life, Why triplet code, Why double helical, Why dominant and recessive genes, Why speed of light is maximum speed, Why uncertainty, etc will answer such great questions? We human being, with all our accumulated hatred, anger, conquering and corruptive motive are integral part of the nature. How can our study of the universe can be complete with out analyzing ourselves and our actions.  

It is apparent that humanity and his mind and intensions play  molds the very existence of the world we live in. It is here that the ancient seers spoke the spiritual knowledge and its importance to order, peace and the very existence of the humanity and the world. However the situation of modern religious people who advocate the Hand of God in creation and existence is no different from the blind people trying to figure an elephant. They are prisoner by the very religion of which they are part.  They advocate nonsense out of the sense written in the ancient knowledge system by great seers who liberated themselves from all the bondages. Both these knowledge systems, the scientific and spiritual  that the modern world is presenting to humanity is limited by their position, bondage and the use inferior tool they use to unearth the deep secrets. Its perpetuators demands their  pupil to sacrifice their sense of sight and freedom and they thus make a great fundamental error.

I am going to skip discussion on the positive, negative and contradicting aspects of various models of creation and existence that are going round. Internet is a big source of these discussions. I wish to go directly to how I view origin and existence from the new foundation to science that nature revealed to me. I wish to say, that I have worked to break my own vision for more than a decade and it has turned stronger and stronger with every attempt. As a student of biology, I may not have understood mathematics of various theories but I have gone through the concepts repeatedly to say with confidence that this vision has the potential to include all the partial visions of origin and existence that many of theses scientific theories and religious theories have put forth.  

My job would be done if you read it from a point of freedom. As an ordinary farmer, pursuing research from a point of freedom I do have many limitations to express my ideas in an appealing manner to the world of competitive and compartmented existence. Under the circumstances I feel I have done my best. Those of you who have any doubts are welcome to interact. May be then I should be able lead you from your compartment to the whole in a more appealing manner.

System Vision of Origin of Universe

System vision of origin of universe is that of a universe that originates in a big bang with an inflation, that creates a small perturbation in a calm ocean that moves on strings to create a chaotic universe that culminates in a big collapse around a strange attractor to find a new order which in time again results in a big bang. It gives a perpetual universe that in spite of fluctuation goes in a steady state in cycles.  It presents a pulsating universe that fluctuates with in certain limits and goes in cycles. It is a string theory where many universes are attached through a string to the central universe that controls everything. It is an intelligent design that reflects the secret of life, its information and the essence that exist behind it

System Vision and Big Bang 

Those of you who followed the system design, and the new foundation to science, would have noted that the whole theory exist simply on two forces. Gravitational force and Anti-gravitational force, gravity comes from matter and Antigravity comes from Living matter. [ These two forces also can be visualized as the force of light and darkness, force of knowledge and ignorance, force of good and evil, force of God and Satan and  so on]. Thus nature comprises of only two systems -The material systems and living systems. These two systems exist in two phases; in one phase gravity has upper hand and acts as winding force in the other anti-gravity has upper hand and acts to unwind. The system works on the principle of ratios. Both these system the site notes originates from Light. Their property comes from the design by which they are formed in space. Site notes that both gravity and antigravity is in absolute control of the Central Living System from which everything arises and to which everything goes to settle into a new order to repeat the cycle. It is the source of the pulse that sustains the material body. The Central Living System takes the role of Higgs Boson Particle, that scientist’s are searching for.

After reviewing the foundation of science, underlining the basic principle and design, inventing a sensible foundation to the fundamental concepts of science such as the concept of gravity, mass, energy, charge, differentiating Newtonian matter and light matter, accounting why speed of light is the maximum speed, accounting for the uncertainty principle and so on, I took you all to a vision of  "Creation”, where I attempted bring out how two dynamic living systems associated with matter systems in space by instinct  unite to give rise to a Big Bang explosion. This explosion was tracked step by step to figure how it can build a one whole living system called universe that survives. Those of you who followed it will note that

This Big Bang of the system vision

1] Does not originate from a point; it originates from   a pair of dynamic systems. 

2] It happens when it is wound to certain critical state- a fundamental non-equilibrium ratio of 3:1

3] It expands in one shot to the middle [to relative equilibrium state] and then go into expansion that is accompanied by friction and recession. This is like a ball which when hit with a force jumps into motion then recedes or a pendulum that set in a motion returns. Thus this big bang is also an Inflation Universe Scenario. The explanation overcomes the boundary problems associated with Big bang theory. See figure

The instinct of the system wishes that it exist oscillating around the equilibrium point. But by design it has a directed time that directs it self-back to the center. Friction is a reality of nature. Any thing that takes birth has to die and anything that dies has to take birth. By instinct the system is designed to survive and thus it reproduces before it meets the end.

4] When you observe a pendulum it becomes apparent that the system gets directed back to the center right from the second moment, so the expansion is very much in control and returns to root. It is not a system that expands forever.  Extending our vision of pendulum into space we can call it a pulsation. What we are visualizing here is a pulse. [We must recall that the many of religious texts very often clearly tells that universe is nothing but the pulse of the Creator]

5] The pulsation we noted is supported and extended by the creation of new systems that in turn pulsates. We noted that the universal pulsation is maintained by randomness of the pulsation of the created systems. At any time 1/4 of the system is directed with the universal system, 1/4 is directed against it and 2/4th exist in an uncertain state. In a way the whole system is critically balanced at the periphery. We are imagining a system that is pulsating and whose pulsation tends to zero but is maintained by, random pulsation of the enclosed systems. Thus there is a background pulse that is very weak and accounts for the background radiation. Thus in every aspect the system vision brings to us a Big Bang theory sensibly


Those of you who take little time to read the site from a point of patience and freedom will note that the aspect of Creation discussed in the site from the new foundation to science combines Big bang Theory, Inflation Universe Scenario, Chaotic Inflationary Theory, Quantum Gravity Model. Many World Theory, the Oscillating Theory, However I do not believe that a fearful thing like Big Bang as science tells us ever occurred. My vote with some modifications goes to a little known Perturbation Theory, developed on nonlinear science. I perceive and visualize a Small Bang that escaped human attention that created a new pulse in the old body, in a fashion similar to a mother conceiving and carrying a child. In developing such perception I also see not only the unity of all scientific concepts of origin but also its unity with the great ancient knowledge about creation written in the Great Eastern philosophies and understand the  Secret of Jesus Christ.

Why I Say a Big Bang Never Occurred

The reason is simple. The chapter "Creation" depicted a vision of how two information system, male and female join to produce a whole system. This information system we noted contained a living particle and associated matter particle giving rise to a structure like double helical DNA. Nowhere in nature  I observe two information systems join unless it is within a body or a cell. Thus a body is a prerequisite for a pulse to occur. It is true that the whole information of the body exists in the information, but information without a cell is dead. It amounts to the truth that an egg cell is pre requisite for any embryo to form. While developing the clones of biological system science has Indirectly proved it.

This means we can break the frightening vision of creation and speak of perpetual existence through some intelligent design.

It now becomes important that I take you along the process of survival of information that is so elaborately studied in biological system and which helps the system to survive in nature or the body. The universal phenomenon by which the information in biological system survives in space and time is by the union of male [dominant] and female [recessive] information. There are some characteristic steps here.

1] Biological information has two distinct phases, the vegetative and reproductive - the "n" phase or monistiic phase, where the pair of information exist in singular phase, the other where it exist in the dualistic phase "2n". These phases are linked to form a cycle. The monistic state is short when compared to the dualistic state.

2] In the monistic state or process, the information from the dominant emerges from its world and enters the world of the recessive to unite with the information of the recessive. This union results in a Big Bang explosion that creates a whole life in the womb, which is later delivered to perpetuate the cycle.

3] The first step after the union is the division of the one universe into two. The center is left empty. From this emptiness the power generate that designs the whole. So in a way the system theory is also a Vacuum Fluctuation Model, here vacuum relates to non-existence of information but it does contain energy and matter guiding the expression of information and development of the body. It forms the channel and medium of communication that powers the expression of the design. It forms the string that binds everything. In it exist the answer to the secret of so called Dark Matter. The expansion we are visualizing is unwinding force that is coming from the winding force imparted to it previously. It is like a drill working from inside to outside. No drill can move unless some [proportionate] matter moves in. This invariably means there are two flows, one moving away from the center and the other moving to the center. One dominant the other recessive. The vision of dynamic information system is developed from this base. These two flows manifest as the two vital flows that control the whole system the blood flow that sustains and nourishes the whole and the sensory flow that controls the whole. If My Lord permits I will deal with life and these aspect of unfolding in great detail later on.

4] An important thing to note here is that the male contributes only information, but the female contributes both information and the matter for the construction of the body. With in the world of the female the information expresses and develops a complete body.  Thus Life perpetuate not only by the union of information, but also by creating a new body out of the old.

The following figure gives the picture of the universe that system vision speaks to you

The whole system consists two types of particles the material particles which is centripetal or gravitational and whose force is directed to the center. 

The living particles, which are instinctively opposing the gravitational force, accepts this force on one plane and give it out on another plane. Thus there is a contracting period and expanding period for the whole. This invariably means when the matter expands the life Contracts and when life expands the matter contracts. [This is a reality that one notes in nature almost everyday] This represents a pulse. This pulse should have some origin. 

By the act of creation discussed, I simply was trying to tell you some truth 

1] The origin of pulse and thus all motion lies in life, not the other way. [The whole site is a humble effort of an ordinary farmer driven by natural force to tilt the foundation of science from material base to a living base].

2] There is a central pulse in which all other pulse exists.  Every pulse has two phase, a contracting or gravitational and expanding  or Anti-gravitational

3] The background pulse is maintained by the pulse of the individuated systems or the created ones. In other words the Central Particle survives through the created systems. The whole and the parts are inseparably linked to form the one universe that exists perpetually.

The system vision notes that there are three basic types of created living particles, ones that give rise to sedentary plant kingdom, ones that give rise to animal kingdom and the ones that give rise to human kingdom. The site notes that all the living systems and all those material and stellar systems that we witness have its origin in matter. The Central Living Particle, which creates it, remains independent and it is unique. [Recall the religious interpretation of human life being made by a Creator from soil or dust and then giving him the breath]. All these systems that are created has a pulse of its own which produces a disturbance in space. Each of these disturbances uniquely interferes the pulse of the Central Particle. This interference forms the cause of second law of thermodynamics or directed time. The interference caused by he plant and animal system is nullified by the equal and opposite force and thus they do not cause a direction to time. The direction to time comes from Human system. The source of direction of time is Human "I" and the direction of time is conquered when "I" is sacrificed. Thus the ancient knowledge systems specially the religious one speak and concentrate of "I" and describe that the Secret of the Universe exist in "I". 

One can understand this interference and there by friction that leads to second law of thermodynamics, by taking a Central System that is pulsating and many smaller systems that all are pulsating within it. No pulsating system that is enclosed in another pulsating system can have the same frequency, except the one that lies at the center of it. Thus all system except one that lies at the center will pulsate with some magnitude of friction, thus causing a direction to time.

Human systems that is created in the image of the Creator particle but simply differs from the Central Particle by its position in relation to the center becomes a cause of concern. In time they get directed to the center, thus stressing the Central System. This directed time is nothing but growth of human intelligence, an intelligence that seek to know everything with a negative intent to conquer and corrupt than understand. It is a march of the devil to displace the positive life giving center with a negative and dark center that give death.

The site notes that the sum total of influence of all the material systems acts as the winding force on the central living system, the sum total of the influence of all the living system acts as unwinding stress on the Central System. But at any moment 1/4th of living system is directed to the center, supporting the gravity, 1/4th is directed away from the center supporting the Antigravity, and 2/4th exist in an uncertain state. So principally the world becomes apparently random one, however a time direction exist in the whole that leads to a critical point.  This time direction is nothing but the human quest to know the truth, it is the direction and growth of the intelligence and its deterioration. By design it is unavoidable.

The picture above clearly explains that both plant and animal kingdom is beyond directed time. They survive in the pulsating environment by accepting the winding force on one plane and releasing it on another as the unwinding force. They respond to day and night cycle with out trying to conquer the darkness. They survive against time by mixing information with the opposite. In Plant kingdom since the male and female particle exist together they do not necessarily need to exchange information with the opposite to survive. But given the preference they do adopt mixing information to increase its stability. In contrast to animal and plant kingdom, Human kingdom endowed with consciousness and intelligence and thus made in the image of the Creator, is directly linked to the Central Particle. The relationship between the Creator and Human system can be described by taking a human system. We humans are  like the cells of on one body, which has the complete blue print of the whole, but is restricted to work with one blue print that created it.

By design humanity endowed with consciousness and intelligence sets out to conquer and corrupt the whole. It tries to eat the fruit from the tree at the Eden, which was forbidden. Every cell that holds the complete information in its belly tries to express its full information and take control, in the process brings disorder and stresses the whole system to death.  The evolution of human intelligence thus is a stress on the Central System

The directed time in variably means every thing gets directed to the center in a winding manner stressing the Central Particle to a limit. A frightening collapse as visualized in big bang becomes inevitable, unless the design has some other ways to conquer this collapse. For years this realization tensed my nerve. I only relaxed after the Father revealed the grand design that perpetuates. Understanding this design becomes vital to our understanding of the nature. 

The Grand Design that conquers Time and Perpetuates Existence

Time we noted has two directions; it can wind the whole system and put stress on the Central System, leading to the big bang creation. This we can call it centripetal time. This time we know then leads to expanding time or centrifugal time. These two times should co exist as a ratio, one giving way to the other? Both science and religion is aware of these two directions of time. But both science and religion fails to explain the process that leads to a turnaround. Time could be understood from the works of a drill. The functioning of a drill is characterized by

1] Existence of a Master who uses the drill

2] A field or matter that is drilled

3] Movement of matter in opposite directions

When a drill moves into the matter certain proportion of matter moves to the opposite. Unless this happens the drill cannot move. The two opposing movements of matter exist in a ratio 4:3 in favor of the direction of the drill therefore the drill moves. It brings us the picture of formation of two opposing spiral channels, which are mutually opposite, but are one.

What this means is that the universal system that is in an expanding spiral wave which is accompanied by a recessive wave in the ratio 4:3, moving to the center. The process helps the system to balance it self. What we are visualizing is great pulse with an expanding and contractive phase that hides the opposite as recessive. The question now is who controls this pulse. What decides the turn around from centripetal to centrifugal and vice versa?  The Great Secret of Nature thus boils to this vital question.

The Great Secret – The Enfolding and Unfolding of the Information

The answer again lies in the living system - the function of the heart and brain. The heart we know is a double pump that receives the impure blood and pumps the pure blood. It is the cause of inhalation and exhalation and it is controlled by the brain

The question now boils to what controls the inhalation and expansion?

Biologists answer is universal, It is controlled by electrical impulses- the pulse maker or the pacemaker.  The whole process is interlinked to the brain and which in turn is related to the information system that exists with in the system. In other words the whole system is programmed by some identities closely associated with heart and brain that control the blood and supply and information supply. The whole system is controlled by dynamic information, but there exist an identity behind this information. This information is dynamic and evolving in relation to both local time and the directed time. But the identity remains uninvolved and unaffected by time. This invariably means the evolution is directed at enfolding and unfolding the information.

Now come the question does a created system can ever unfold and enfold absolutely?

This question is tricky the answer is yes and no

Yes because the essence of the Creator exist in every created system. All ancient knowledge system and our spiritual knowledge tell us that Human system is created in the image of the Creator. Science tells us that all DNA should have some source or essence from which it came to existence. [The system notes that this essence lies in the Centro mere]. The information it holds could be different and is created one. It is built in relation to local time [as way to survive against the local fluctuation or day to day fluctuations]. The information and its survival completes it self when it succeeds to survive the directed time [universal time or higher cycles]. The site notes that a biological system survives by two forms of information sharing. One with in the left and right of the system, the other with the opposing system that exists in space [male and female]. We must note that the body is so designed that it always mixes the left and right. This also explains the instinctive attraction to the opposite. It is the origin point of gravity or centripetal force.

This instinctive force is the expression of the system to reach higher stability or oppose the non-equilibrium and motion. This I call absolute ignorance of life, because flow and motion exist on the foundation of non-equilibrium. Centripetal force thus is evolutionary force directed at eating the Forbidden Fruit.  [Attaining the absolute knowledge that exists at the center in the Creator Particle]. The path of centripetal evolution is “Maya”, because humanity feels that he is making advancement, but in reality he is leading himself and the whole to death. Thus evolution culminates in a big bang. The big bang thus becomes inevitable result of the creation it self. The one law that guides it is that “what gets created should get destroyed or what takes birth should die”.

The cycle of life does present to us four different stages, the conception to birth, birth to maturity and Maturity to death and death to conception.  Before death takes its hold and the living particle disintegrates, the life perpetuates its information and thus making sure that living system survives.  We will run into some difficulties while trying to comprehend this cycle to the Creator System. Differentiating the Creator system from the created system would help us understand the truth more clearly.

The difference between the Creator and the created systems are

Creator system

1] The Creator system takes the central position,

2] It is composed of two systems a dominant male and recessive female in the ratio 4:3. [Ardha Narishwara - Half male and half female]}

3] The male and female always exist in union. It is not separated by space and time and thus needs no information build up for survival.

4] It is neither created nor destroyed. It simply exists by producing forth its tentacles and retreating it only to extend it on another plane.  It survives by its ability to pulsate.

5] In strict terms it has no information as we visualize in the biological system.

6] Its information units are the universes created in His image [human systems] that are sewn in the thread it issues forth and the whole universe becomes its body.

7] Being at the center at all times it fully perceives every minute disturbances any where in the system.

Created System

1] All created systems is formed from the material system that surrounded the Central System. [ The essence of life site notes is the consciousness and intelligence]. The human system is formed in the image of the Central Particle.

2] All created systems are created in 4 pairs around the left and right of the parental system. These pairs exist in dominant recessive manner to form a spiral ring [ DNA like structure]. This essentially means the dominant and the recessive are separated in space but exist in communication through the center.

3] These systems tend to develop dynamic information system using matter to survive against the local fluctuations or local time. These information are exchanged to survive against or universal time. The information development becomes complete only in relation to the system existing on the opposite. Thus information from the male and female always tend to join from time to time in order to survive against the directed time. The process of replication is initiated by the image of the Creator that exists at the center of information. [The Centro mere] All flow occurs from dominant to recessive and the information flow too occurs from the dominant to recessive. The information flow by design of time now gets directed to the Central Particle. In other words the evolution of information gets directed to the center stressing the Central System to react and reveal.

How the Central System Survives and Perpetuates

The simplest way the Central System survives is presented in the following Picture. When all the force gets directed to it and stresses it to the critical state, the system creates a new pulse. The dominant and goes recessive to the recessive and the recessive turns dominant in the process it accepts all the force acting on it one plane then give out it on the alternate plane thus changing the direction of time. 

Humanity unaware of this change and the reality of the Central System now goes out unilaterally to unwind the whole system thus creating a new direction to time [the expanding time]. As the unwinding peaks the Central Particle is forced to react again. When it reaches the critical point the Central Particle collapses back to a winding state and thus again changes the direction of time. Together it forms a pulse of the living system. We now call these two critical point as the Big Bang origin and big collapse.

We must note that the instinct of the Central System always seeks the created system to exist around the relative equilibrium point. Pulsating between two limits. But Humanity fails to perceive it.


Note this process is also the process that guides the DNA replication. This is discussed in the site.


Big bang and Big Collapse and the Intelligent Design

From the above thinking the big bang and big collapse becomes the action of a Central Living Particle that is unique and takes the central position. Now comes the question, which is the center of the whole. It is impossible to fix a center for a whole. The whole we know is designed on a foundation of non-equilibrium, in other words the universal system has a left and right that is in non-equilibrium. From our understanding of the design we noted that there exists two centers one to the right the other to the left. The one on the right is dominant the other is recessive. In the next phase the recessive turns dominant and the dominant turns recessive. Thus the system exists alternating between the two. See figure below. The site notes these point as the points of development of two vital organs of life the brain and the heart that encloses the intelligence and the consciousness.


The above figure is the simplest representation of reality. The system representation or spatial vision involves minimum of 8 such particles joining together to form a system in a particular order. [ See living particle or the previous figure above] A pair of such particle in the ratio 4:3, together in space completes a whole system. Thus in fact the whole system is an inter action of 32 points in space, arranged in specific order in four layers arranged in a spiral manner with a maximum point and minimum point. The minimum being at the center and maximum point being the boundary. 

When we apply the above reality to the whole, then at any moment the whole system has left and right in the ratio 4:3 and thus should have two centers a dominant and a recessive. See fig


The Central Particle or system we visualized now should lie in motion between the dominant center and recessive center.  The origin of movement is from the dominant. As the time tends to zero, or when all the system in nature gets directed to the center, the Central Particle will come to take a position in the center. The dominant here goes recessive and the recessive turns dominant and the center moves right to left. The left turns right and right turns left.  In the process the force directed to the center is taken up and released on to a complimentary opposite plane and thus a new direction to time gets established. The Central Particle then moves to recessive and starts a journey back. As the whole system tend to the maximum or the periphery and leads to anti-gravitational collapse, the Central Particle again reaches the center and the dominant that had gone recessive to the recessive, now turns dominant and thus changing the direction again, there by initializing the whole. This is the Great Design or the Intelligent Design of the universe. The first case is a big bang expansion that goes unnoticed for it is simply a small pulse that gives a new birth as the old pulse dies in the body. It is the beginning of exhalation. The second is great collapse again manifested by the same particle to sustain and conserve the universe - His creations. It is the beginning of inhalation and order. This conclusion very clearly upholds the secret of Bible and Christ’s Reality.

We must note that as the Center System moves from the right to left, or right to left there should be a moment in the center where he is neither  to the left or to the right. In other words in this phase Central System changes its phase. They form the two unnoticed the moments of breath where transition takes place from inhalation to exhalation or vice-versa. In short the breath has 4 stages, two short and two long phases.

Some of these aspects are discussed in detail in various contexts in the site – Science of God

Seven steps to Secret of Creation

We already noted that there should exist a unique Central Living Particle that could be compared to Higgs Boson Particle. Unlike other living particle, here the male and female particle exists as one for ever. Neither time or space separates it. In creation we imagined this particle  giving rise to a whole system, through a big bang that gives out the seeds for all other systems, both living and non-living, that we witness in nature. We also noted that the process of creation develops a directed time, which gets directed to back to the Central Particle.

Later after critical analysis of the cycle of life in living system we argued that a pulse should need a body for it to enact and information system is perpetuated in a  body.  From here we went ahead to visualize an Existence Theory where the Central Particle that is in motion and that comes to the center when the directed time reaches the critical state of collapse and changes the direction by its absolute pulsating existence. We noted two such critical states, one to the center other to the periphery, where the Central System should react to change the time. One to the center we noted is the gravitational collapse that occurs when the forces of nature gets directed to the center and reaches a critical non-equilibrium ratio of 3:1. The Central Particle at this juncture takes up this force turns inside out taking all the force and releasing it on to a new plane thus giving a new direction. Following it time and direction of the system gets directed away from the center to the periphery. When this direction reaches a critical state, the Central Particle again acts to save the situation by changing the direction of time and thus controlling the cycle of time and there by the existence.

It becomes vitally important that we locate these points in the cycle of time. Before we do it let us review the whole thinking once again to differentiate between the cycle of living systems and the cycle of the living universe.

Differentiating Between the cycle of Universal System and the Living System

All life is bound by a universal law that any thing that takes birth should die and to take a new birth. A living system survives by producing off spring thus perpetuating the information before it meets death. Thus half way through its life cycle the living system makes sure that it survives.

While perpetuating the information, the information of the male system leaves the body and enters the body of the female and unites with its information to create a new body that grows in the womb and get delivered to the world in time to perpetuate the cycle.

All information has an essence or a living particle that holds the information system. The site noted that this essence as the Centro mere. The  living particle that are created is paired and exist one to the left and the other to the right of the Central System. We can identify them as male and female. [This is also reflected in the pairing of chromosomes]. In a living system these two systems come together to exchange and perpetuate the information. Information the site notes is simply are the weights that are added to the balance to balance it. In other words they are created aspect in relation to the local non-equilibrium forces as well as the non-equilibrium related with universal time.  [This is discusses in great detail in the site]. The information exchange is a constant attempt to attain the unity at the center or the Absolute Information. Thus directed time or evolution is a process directed at achieving the Absolute Information. We can call both evolution and directed time as one. Thus quest to seek Absolute information creates a situation of stress on the whole system and takes the whole system to the collapse or death. We must note that the instinct of the whole is a call to the enclosed to maintain a balance around the relative equilibrium point, it is cautioned against directing it self to the center or singularity where the duality and flow which is the essence of life becomes endangered. No wonder the Creator forbids humanity from eating from the Tree at the Center in Eden!!! 

The following set of seven figures seven steps in the cycle of universal system

Fist step

The Central System and the created system exist in relative state. The will of the Central System is that the created system exists fluctuating around the relative equilibrium point. But by design the whole has direction to the center. This direction is manifested as conquering motive and corruption of humanity. One can also view this direction as evolution and human quest to know and conquer the Creator at the center. Thus we note communication gap between the Creator and the created.


Second and Third step – The evolution of information and the directed growth at some point directly stresses the Central System, which is the essence of the whole, which is both male and female, which is neither created or destroyed, which no space and time separates. This stress at this point pushes the essence into womb of the created female to take new birth. No wonder Spiritual vision of incarnation of God from Light or Spirit.

Fourth step – The birth takes place with out the identity of created. The essence of the Creator takes birth in the created world and comes to lie at the center to which all the evolution force is getting focused. A transition phase comes into being


Fifth and sixth step – The dominant or the male goes recessive and the recessive turns dominant. The Creator shows the feminine face to the created world to take everything into his womb and recreate. The transition of the phase takes with the Supreme sacrifice of the “I” of the supreme. This creates a new Pulse turns the directed time and puts the created world back to relative equilibrium point. - The Secret of Calvary!!!

Seventh step – Humanity unaware of the change in the direction takes the whole to another critical limit to the periphery thus endangering the created world of the Creator forcing him to show His Male phase. His “I” returns, the masculine turns dominant causing a collapse, that puts the whole back to relative equilibrium. The whole system comes to initialize with the Creator – The light or Absolute knowledge removes the darkness and initializes each individual. Every follower will be put to shame.

Step eight – Back to One


The System Design and Spiritual Side of Creation – The Truth of Christ

We visualized cyclic existence with a beginning at the center and an end at the periphery that is under the control of Central Particle. These two points we noted as the end of directed time where time needs to be reversed. From our vision we have ended up with an existence theory that involves active participation of Central Reality that consist of two identities a dominant and recessive or male and female.

The system vision notes that as the time directs it self to the center and collapse becomes inevitable, the Central System or reality saves the situation by accepting the force of time and releasing it on to a new plane, thus giving a new direction to time. Here we noted the dominant turns recessive and recessive turns dominant. As this new direction to time tend to the periphery the Central System again reacts this time the dominant which remained recessive initializes it self.

This Central Reality the site notes as a unique particle something like a Higgs Boson particle that scientist are searching for. The site identifies it as the “Universal Atman” that consists of two systems, a male and female as one [Ardha Narishwara – Half male and Half female]. The site notes that male is synonymous with Intelligence and female with consciousness. Together they form a unique pulsating system that exist at the center and act as controller of time. The unique system is different from the other pulsating systems specially the human systems. It is the absolute system to which all other human systems are relative. It is the center to which human intelligence and evolution is directed. It is information less center of the informational world. It is a world with which we fail to communicate.

The system vision tells us that the universe is built around this particle. The whole world becomes the body of this Atman.  Everything exists in the pulse of this “Universal Atman”, yet it is not the cause for all those local disturbance. The instinct of Universal Atman always wishes that the body exist forever functioning around the relative equilibrium point. However human mind and its intelligence that fails to communicate with Universal Mind and Intelligence creates a direction to time. The conquering motive and corruption of humanity creates a directed evolution that leads him to eat the forbidden fruit. The existence of the created world thus is endangered and the Universal Atman is forced to react to save His creations from collapse.

The essential difference between the perpetuation of life and the universal system

Life we know is perpetuated through information creating a new body from time to time. Here there exist two systems a male and female separated in space but for Universal Atman since the male and female exist together and together they have one body. It perpetuation should follow some other plan. Just as the male information leaves the old body and enters the body of the female, the Universal Atman has to make entry into its body. A unique event thus should occur where the evolved information of humanity is replaced by information less Absolute such that a conception takes place to create a new body of the old. See third step in seven steps to creation described above]

When we spoke of time reversal at the center, we noted the male goes recessive and recessive turns dominant. Feminine we know is synonymous with love, compassion, and forgiveness. This means the Universal Atman should express Absolute Love, Absolute Forgiveness, Absolute Compassion and such feminine characters in order to develop a new body for Him to rest. It is from these premises that I concluded the Birth and death of Christ is the Conceiving point of the Universe, the point of Big Bang origin of the universe. The second coming then should be revelation of Absolute Knowledge that initializes the whole. It is apparent that this would be end of old time and the beginning of a new time. Here mankind reaches his goal of mingling with the center to get initialized in the intelligence that created this cosmos. When the light emerges the darkness moves and each one of us will find our own position in relation to the center.

It is important that we recall creation aspect discussed in ancient Vedic literature.  I do not wish go at it in an extensive manner. To write it briefly, Vedas view universe as a living one with Universal Intelligence and Universal Consciousness. They are viewed as the two sides of the same coin. The intelligence is viewed as the light spreading out in the field of the consciousness and then retreating from it.  Thus it tells us that universe came into existence when the Universal Intelligence brooded over the Universal Consciousness. Here consciousness is viewed as the feminine and intelligence as masculine. Intelligence as the spirit and consciousness as the body. Intelligence as the breath and the consciousness as the body in which the breath exist.

Intelligence we know manifest as knowledge and Vedas very clearly write that there are two types of knowledge. The higher and lower. Human quest to seek knowledge exist in the lower level. Human quest for Knowledge then can be viewed as directed time that leads to death. Thus direction of time completes it self when the highest knowledge reveals it self. The Vedas also very clearly write that, this is beyond human comprehension and this revelation happens at His will at a time chosen by Him. This aspect is clearly spoken by the Lord Krishna in Bhagavad-Gita. It also forms the essence of the Bible.

One must note that all ancient knowledge systems, the ones we call religious knowledge is gift from the Higher Self, obtained by individual who freed them selves from the mundane world and tried to unite with the inner essence. The beginning of all quests is our senses. Here death and misery and the wish to conquer it become the primary motive.

Thus all the religious philosophies have come from a journey to the inner world of life that has both matter and life. In contrast to it science is a journey exploring the material aspect and thus is lost at the fundamental level. [The site is an effort to shift science into new foundation such that a unified knowledge can come out to bring peace.]

While reading Upanishad [A Translation of Vedas], A point got my attention very much. The Vedic teacher leads the student of Veda through various doors, at the last door the student is left to knock on his own. As the door opens the student utter a word “yeti” meaning,    “This is not”. This very clearly tells us the motive of the student is defeated. Vedas clearly tells us that the Central Reality cannot be approached with a motive. The problem with humanity is that he cannot do anything without a motive. Humanity always works with a conquering motive and corruption. His “I” and His “self” comes into play in everything he does. Thus a communication gap comes between the humanity and the Central Reality. Very clearly Vedas Write that universe is Constructed around “I”

Thus all the religious knowledge is a call to believe in Higher “I” and Higher “Self” which rules and of which every thing is a part. This Higher “self” and  “I” is unique for it is devoid of conquering motive and corruption. It acts from time to time to perpetuate the whole system.  The central themes of all religion are guidance to humanity stay in the path of justice and truth and make love a way of life. Humanity fails to understand this central message as they make idol of the messenger and the message and keep them in temples, churches and mosque sand resort to routine dead exercise of worshipping it.  

The Great flaw of Humanity.

Any one who cares to stop for a moment and observe himself and his actions will note that  all motion involves the active participation of life and humanity takes a central position in it. The great eastern philosophies thus searches the secret of nature in ones own self and identifies  once own action as the cause of all order and disorder in the universe. 

Humanity forever is caught in "self" and is for ever blinded. He thus acts on the environment with a conquering motive and corruption. He acts on the environment with a negative intent and the environment reacts negatively and he gets caught in a war increasing vortex of negativity and fails to come out of it. He is incapable of self observation and finding the cause for all the problems he is fighting relentlessly. The intervention of the the spirit thus becomes necessary to save the situation and maintain balance. The Secret of Calvary  is simply a way of turning all the negative intents into the positive one

The Passion of Christ and the Ignorance of Christianity

When Jesus sacrificed His life on the cross He was leaving a vital secret to humanity, the secret of conquering death. He was revealing the greatest weapon to conquer. Two thousand years after Christ's death we have Christianity virtually ruling the world through material power, endangering the world and His creations. The vital message of the Christ and the great weapon He used remains unexplored. Christ being central to the whole, knew it before hand that all His people will let Him down and fail to perceive HIM and thus He said He would come again. There is little scope for this world unless we discover the true knowledge that guides our existence. It is a shame that that the body of Christ has not understood the essence of Christ and His spirit. It is time we discover this truth, stop our conquering motive and corruption and initialize in love and work  to protect justice and truth by fighting the conquering motive and corruption within ourselves and outside us.