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Return of Jesus Christ – The Science and Truth of It


1] Preface    

2] Discovering Calvary

            3] Return of Jesus Christ


As a student of science, I never believed in the concept of God. I always felt that it is the invention of the intelligent to rule the ignorant. I also never approved putting my legs in two boats that are contradicting, so I chose science and left behind religion.

However, by a turn of fate, I ended up beginning a career in science, taking some of the most challenging topics, from an isolated, ill-equipped and unrecognized lab that belonged to a Christian Priest. I was lured into it by the nice sermons that the priest gave.

As I put my heart and soul into my work and dug deep into science, trying to manipulate biological information, I became uncomfortable. I found the very foundation I am standing is shaking and unstable. I found science not as a tool to understand nature but as a means of expressing human conquering motive and corruption. I found that scientist’s, much against their consciousness are exploiting nature without understanding the whole truth, they were exaggerating one side and hiding the other, with an ulterior motive that is related to his self and material gains – His own fame, name and money.

Necessity is the mother of inventions, so goes the saying.  I had put too much my heart and energy to my work with total faith on the priest, only to be exploited. This made me stop, think and analyze the individuals pursuing research. The analysis of the actions, the inner and outer face of the priest, revealed to me the very face of science and the humanity that is pursuing it. If a priest who is supposed to be dedicated to speak of creation and control by God, can take up cloning that challenges the very creator and against his conscience, then the contradictions in which other scientists exists and their intentions needs no analysis. Much of the claims and propaganda from this lab was done hiding the truth and was clearly directed to gain the three aspects to which individuals and humanity falls a prey- fame, power and money. One good thing that happened to me was the courage I got on the eve of submission of my doctoral degree to revolt against the priest and stay with my conscience. This courage that has brought me so far is not definitely mine.

My elaborate work clearly showed that Biological information is not stable and the very foundation on which biotechnology is built is wrong. At depth I found that the environment in which the biological systems live is also unstable and that these two instabilities are some how related. It did not take much time for me to realize that the cause of motion and uncertainties in the material world stems from the living world specially the human beings and returns to him. A simple statement that “if not for Galileo the ball would not have gone to the top of the table for him to role it and show that free fall acceleration is independent of the weight” will suffice the role that humanity is taking in nature and the ignorance with which he is handling it.

The knowledge that human beings takes a central position in the actions and the reaction that we witness in nature, called my attention to analysis of human beings and his existence in nature. It was quite evident that humanity has two clear-cut actions on nature, one that is positive and the other is negative. The negative action does create negative and destructive reaction and positive produces positive and constructive reactions. The world appears to be maintained by the opposition of the positive and negative forces.  When this opposition breaks the system breaks down. Every individual is a mixture of this positive and negative force, at any moment one of them is dominant the other is recessive.

I also discovered a second aspect to these characters. These characters are relative and are molded by the environment and its direction. That is when the environment is negative, the negative characters tends to become increasingly dominant suppressing the positive. [The positive and negative here simply denotes the opposing force but the reality exists in the middle in an oscillating state around the equilibrium point]. The direction of the environment is set by the action of some force from outside. Living instinct calls upon to balance but humanity causes a unilateral increase  unbalancing the whole system which eventually calls for the action of external force guiding it to bring about a phase change. This aspect becomes quite evident when we observe our present situation where humanity has gone out to exploit matter unilaterally without adequately developing spiritual aspects. Thus, the immense power of matter exists dangerously under the negative intents of humanity and is being used to conquer and corrupt nature. The positive side of humanity [spiritual] has gone subservient to the negative side of him.

Each of these phases could be considered as vortexes that has a dominant and recessive component initiated by the Lord. The creator wishes that one exist balancing between the dominant and recessive. However, humanity unaware get caught contributing to the vortex and increasing its speed and magnitude thereby pushing the system unilaterally. The uncertainty does balance the system. The recessive side grows in proportion to the dominant thus balancing the whole system. However, when the recessive submits to the dominant  or the dominant conquers the recessive, the balance begins to upset.

People who get caught in these vortexes fail to perceive the truth. With out knowing the truth humanity gives went to his conquering motive and corruption, thereby unilaterally pushing the whole system to the dead end. The directed time thus is the product of human ignorance. It is quite evident that there should be some limit to which humanity can imbalance the whole system in which he survives. If the system has to survive and the universal system should have some meaningful existence then there should exist a force that is acting against such unbalancing force applied by humanity.  This force is what I describe the force of God or the positive force. This force always exists with the recessive and suppressed. [The site notes that it exist in the very design of the living system as passive gene] This force cannot be understood or perceived by people who exist caught in the vortexes, least by the people who exist at the peak of the vortex. 

Our religious scriptures clearly strive to call attention to a force that always acts against the human tendencies and works at sustaining the life.  It defines means and methods to come out of these vortexes that leads to death. Only when individuals come out of this vortex will one realize the direction to which it is leading. The Vedas clearly elaborates several methods to maintain equilibrium within and thus maintain the equilibrium out side.

We must note that all living systems has two death points that are relative, for example, the life works best in an optimum temperature, the system is bound to fail if this temperature raises to certain maximum and minimum. This invariably means the life force should act at least in two instances to conquer death and restore life. These are two points to which humanity by his conquering motive and corruption would push the universal system out of his ignorance and at which the universal instinct should come into play such that the universal system survives.

The realization that the foundation of science is unstable and unreal, and the fact the human beings plays a vital role in nature made me to loosen my stand on religious knowledge, specially so because all religions speaks of negative and positive actions and struggles to maintain humanity in the positive and life giving path. I detached my "self " from both  science and religion and started to analyze these two principal branches of knowledge [the spiritual and materialistic] that are known to humanity.

It did not take much time for me to realize that they are two sides of the same coin. One is dominant and the other is recessive at any moment. One is death force the other is life force, one tends from order to disorder and the other tend disorder to order. They are the two phases of a living system growing and deteriorating, they can also be considered the two phases of a pulse – the inhaling and exhaling one. When one of this forces fails against the other the whole system is pushed to death state.

The present time, which is very much under the grip of science or material pursuit, is very clearly tending to death. The realization that the immense material power [scientific power] that is under human disposal is directed to death was disturbing and chilling one.  Equally disturbing was the realization that religion which out to have brought peace and life to humanity is also turning into potentially a destructive weapon in the hands of people with total negative intent. The site notes that when the East, [the guardians of the soul] ruled by the corruptive force, submitted to the negative force of the west [conquering motive] the universal law maintaining the system has broken, it has crossed the threshold of maintaining power and has fallen into deteriorating phase. If it is held, it is held by the prayers of the minority fully resting on the faith in Lord.

From a distance, [from a point of freedom] I found that people existing in spiritual field as well as material field are incomplete and by their ignorance, they are leading humanity into highly vulnerable state. All the power of the knowledge of religion and science very clearly was directed to death than life and its existence. The solution to the problem I realized can only come with complete knowledge- the knowledge of oneness and interrelationship or the knowledge of unity of spirit and matter. Thus began the whole exercise of finding the Unification Theory reviewing the very foundation of science and religion and attempts to reach out to the mad competitive world.

The high point of the whole exercise was discovering Christ and the importance of His action scientifically. This rooted me firmly in Christ, the one and only God who manifested at different times under different names to lead humanity and the universe in a defined path. It helped me finally and decisively break from the institution called Christianity and install myself in to a group called humanity. By our religious identification, we have forgotten our basic root today. All the religions by their ignorance are a sitting target for people with negative selfish intent to manipulate their collective power to their advantage. This is happening in India, the land of Vedas and else where. The world today is dangerously poised to split and collide in the name of the religion.

All the religion known to humankind, in its essence to day is off their real track. The east especially the land of Vedas, which was bestowed with absolute and positive knowledge, [the knowledge of the soul] today is in the grip of the negative corrupt force that is trying to devour the world. Religion is reduced to a cheap tool in their armory to manipulate the masses for obtaining political power. The west, which was given the power of the mind, has turned the most destructive, turning this world into a battlefield with its divisive and conquering motive. Neither of these developments is in tune with the doctrine of Hinduism or Christianity. The post September 11th is a wake up call to Hinduism and Christianity, not by building prisons [temples] for the God who came down to earth to fight for justice , truth and sacrificed himself in order to give life to us, but follow the path they traversed to fight conquering motive, corruption and install justice and truth back into this world. 

Christ won this world by sacrificing His Self and clearly asked us to follow his path to survive but humanity has failed to grasp his message at the Calvary as they gave went to their conquering motive and corruption. Lord was quite aware that humanity under their instinctive negative forces [conquering motive and corruption] will go away from life and thus he said he would return. These are simply the two points of a living system at which the system faces the death and needs the intervention of external force to survive. These are simply the ends of exhaling and  inhaling phase of the Lord. The site discusses this in detail as the moment of centripetal collapse and centrifugal collapse. All the religions in its essence call us to make a discovery of "self" and submit our "self" to the higher "self" which is pure and central. Every individual follows one or the other religions yet hardly anybody stops to think. This is so, for a community, society and nations. The so called community leaders are engaged in their self, seeking material power and comforts. They in fact are great impediments for ordinary people to reach out to God. Much of the problems of this world has come because of the failure of these people and the leaders of the nations who in their material comfort has gone blind to the reality of nature and have forgotten their fundamental duties. The uncertain world we live in is clearly predicted  in Bible, Mathew- 23, and 24. It is predicted in other religious scriptures, but unfortunately Humanity has no time to stop and think and make a "self" search. The site very clearly concludes that our universe is a living one and we are simply the living cells one living organism. It notes Calvary as the conceiving point of this and the second coming the birth of it.

Discovering Jesus Christ – The importance of Calvary

Having discovered that life is inseparably linked to the matter, I have attempted to review the whole of scientific development and remold into a new foundation that brings life and matter on to a single plane. It goes ahead to explain every developments in science at the same time brings about the inter relationship and oneness of nature explaining everything that science has failed to explain. At higher plane it brigs up unification of scientific knowledge and the religious knowledge. 

The site having located the negative intents and ignorance of humanity as the cause for all action and reactions goes ahead to say that the gravitational force and anti-gravitational force that sustains the universe stems from humanity. However, humanity by their ignorance takes the whole system to gravitational collapse and anti- gravitational collapse. These death points are averted and a change of phase is achieved by the intervention of the Lord the creator.

These death situations are created by human ignorance and his negative intent. – The conquering motive and corruption. Once humanity is caught in this vortex, he creates the ripples that increases its magnitude and puts a direction to it. Thus, the site notes that time is human creation and it is the death force that can only be conquered by the lord.

We all ready noted that positive negative intents balance. When this balance is upset under human conquering motive and corruption the system moves to absolute negativeness, the only way the absolute negativeness can be neutralized is by the absolute positiveness. The absolute positiveness is pure love. This defeat of the absolute neagativeness by the absolute positiveness is what occurred at the Calvary. The site notes it as the initial pulse the beginning moment. It is the time when the gravitational collapse was averted. The message to the world given by Christ was very clear, but the Christianity as organized institution failed to comprehend it.

The Lord of this universe has manifested at several times in several names prior to this and has spoken through many saints, trying to wean humanity away from the path of death. They all struggled to uphold truth, justice and stressed the need to take positive path. History clearly speaks of the direct intervention of the Lord intervening to take the side of truth and justice. Lord Rama and Lord Krishna stands out here. Yet, the Lords path and its goal are defeated by humanity who kept their Lord and His endeavors in the framed pictures hanged to the wall and the altars of the temple. Then they organized into sects expressing their human will. Today thus, religion has become a potential danger to humanity. Humanity has pursued his conquering motive and corruption unchallenged until not one human being was left for the Lord to take side and lead a war. This is the juncture at which He sacrificed His 'Self ' to re conquer the world, this is Calvary, and this is the time when universal gravitational collapse was averted. This is the time when the exhaling phase of the Lord began.

Post Christ is a period of expansion where the anti-gravitational force, slowly and steadily took dominant form. The change was not perceived by humanity as he pursued his conquering motive and corruption. Nothing changed except the direction of the Lord. He was an observer and controller from outside. In post Christ period, the Lord became observer and controller from inside. He was simply exhaling and separating the good and bad such that it can be inhaled and cycle remains with him and his control.

Second coming or return of Jesus Christ

The site concludes that the Calvary is the conceiving point. The central point where a phase change was achieved. One can view it as initial perturbation in a calm ocean. This perturbation occurred at the moment when the universe came to stand still and it was about to collapse. Calvary was a life giving action of the Lord. This perturbation is amplified and carried by humanity but slowly his conquering motive corruption took hold of him leading the whole to the second death point. The second death point is the periphery the wall at which the waves are going to hit and return back at him.

Lord was sure that humanity will fail to grasp Him and will carry His Grace to the opposite dead end. Thus, He said He would come again. The objective of His return is well defined. He comes to stall the great collapse of the wave by causing another phase change. He would absorb and direct the impact in a specified path that is opposite to the previous. Those who followed Him will be behind Him and the ones who opposed Him will find against Him. This turn around is facilitated by the revelation of the true knowledge of nature and its existence or revelation of His Self.  This is the time when the Unification Theory will strike the humanity. When the Knowledge of His self is revealed, in its light, the self of Nations, Communities and Individuals will fall.  The knowledge of the universal self brings order to the universe. It brings victory to justice and truth. It is the initialization of the universe; it is the birth of the universe that was conceived at the Calvary. If the great ancient knowledge is correct the world is undergoing the the pains of birth, the more we delay to understand it,  more will be the pain humanity will have to bear. 

[Note - The content of the site is the product oof over 14 years of struggle since the seed of the new vision was laid in me. Looking back, I cannot claim that I am the root of it. At best, I can call myself a deteriorated vehicle, which a force out side me, chose to ride. Ever since the seed was planted in me, I have struggled to put forth it to the world and I have utterly failed. I have tried to communicate and challenge the scientist, I have tried to call the attention of the world leaders, but nothing happened. I know that the knowledge revealed to me from nature is meant to be spread to the world. In it contains the principle of order that is very crucial to this endangered world. I am trying my best, something tells me the end is near the time is running out. There is a need to spread the truth of the universal self such that drastic collapse destruction can be averted. I need help to spread this message, such that it is evaluated and assimilated into our mainstream life. My skills with computer, for spreading the information are limited. I would appreciate if some one does the job of spreading this vital message]