The Root of Misery   

Vortex of Death

The root of all misery seems to stem from the fact that we do not respond to our consciousness.  Thus, we seem to get caught in external illusionary vortexes. For example, I live in a corrupted society, which is totally negative in its approach to life.  My blood boils when I see a corrupted individuals and corrupted system. Yet when I analyze a corrupted individuals, I feel he is the product of corrupted family, when, I analyze a corrupted family, I feel it is a product of corrupted community, when I analyze the corrupted community, I feel it is the product of corrupted society, so the chain goes on. All my attempts to fix the origin of corruption failed. At greater depth, I realized it originates from my ignorance and me. In an interrelated system the corruption has originated when humanity moved away from positive or living-knowledge to negative, material or lifeless knowledge.  


All vortexes begins in some point, all of us submit to it.  For example, we can take science, Galileo, showed that free fall acceleration is same for all bodies. He never explained why it is so. It gave human kind a tool to predict and conquer nature.  The vortex lured the rest of the generation into it. Religion went subservient to it. Even after several centuries with thousands of intellectuals looking for unified theory, minds have failed to grasp the second and real phase of Galileo's work. Galileo showed gravity, using another phenomenon called anti - gravity. It is very clear that he spent energy proportional to the weight of the ball to lift it to the top of the table; the ball simply gave it back when he left it. Between Galileo and the ball there was an environment, which mediated the action and reaction. 


People falling into vortexes get blinded and their freedom is lost.  Such people cannot ever understand the origin of vortex. Freedom is a necessity to perceive real knowledge. Though we speak democracy and freedom, we are in fact bonded and caught in vortexes and therefore are not free. People who fall into vortexes are sucked to the center, in other words they form a part of a negative flow. They produce a winding force.  It is only when you come out of this vortex does an expansive force acts on you and you experience a positive force of love. We must note that for every contracting field there should exist an expanding field.  Only those who develop the art of moving in and out will ever understand the whole. Any attempt to develop an eco village should incorporate this art in to the main stream. This art can help individual to differentiate the two paths and its ultimate end. Only this art can reveal the true knowledge that maintains Life. It helps us take right decision and move on the right path wiping out fear and building love within the society and us.


Every individual is a mixture of good and bad.  Good and bad exist in a ratio. My experience says that, we create a good society and bad society from the platform from which we look at others.  For example an individual "A" looks at another individual "B" from a platform which is positive then "A" invariable looks at the good of "B". It does not matter what is the ratio of good and bad in "B".  This action of "A" has a tendency to alter the ratio of "B" in favor of good.

In contrast, if "A" look at "B" from a negative platform he ends up developing negative force in his vicinity and society. In other words, the negative breeds negative and positive breeds positive. There is mass relationship between the two. They are two vortexes in which ordinary people get easily caught. One of the vortex is always dominant the other is recessive. When one vortex peaks, it gives way for the other and vice-versa


Our present world, which is influenced by science, is in the grip of negative force. When this vortex peaks it invariably gives way to positive vortex. Which means the end of scientific quest is Unification theory. When the science and humanity discovers the Unification theory the world would transform from negative to positive.  This, by the law of nature slowly would give way to the opposite.


The knowledge revealed would help to transform. However, sustenance should be planned and laid such that light stays burning for a long time.  I believe that all plans that concern with sustenance should be done at the child level. A child by his or her instinct is uncorrupt. Corruption is forced on the child by the environment, which lacks light or knowledge. This invariably means light should be upheld through children.  This directly means we have to revamp our education system. Here we have a lot to learn from age old system [Gurukulam], where primarily human values are taught, which is fallowed by material management and skills to defend and offend


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