
The Path to End - The Predictable end to an Unpredictable World 

 Every beginning has an end and every end has a beginning. I am convinced the path in which humanity is running at ever increasing speed is bound to reach an end.  I am not sure when it comes. I am sure there will be lot of destruction prior to the end. Nature would destroy human beings conquering motive and corruption. Humanity will find it self, naked in front of nature, virtually weeping helplessly. That is when the end will come.  However, the happy part of it is that the ending will be a transformation to life. There will be a new birth from darkness to light. The light will expose the black and white to the whole. I am not speaking it out, taking few leaves from the Bible or any other scriptures.  I am speaking from the new foundation to science that reveals the unified knowledge, the knowledge of inter relationship and oneness that led me to Vedas Bible, Bhagavad-Gita, Koran and other religious scriptures and appreciate it as the life force.  We must note that all these religious philosophies tells us that probable destruction is an inevitable reaction to our own action and the magnitude of the reaction and destruction could be greatly subdued if humanity awakens to the truth and unified knowledge of nature [His knowledge] in time.

Knowing the path and its direction to End- Two fundamental aspects of Vedas, Bible and other Religious philosophies that science succeeded in hiding

It is apparent that humanity has evolved and is evolving. There has been a spontaneous increase in his power to handle nature. Thanks to science and the free flow of intelligence in humanity.  This free flow of intelligence and the power associated with it is the cause of all the human worry and destruction that it is going to face. This flow of intelligence and growth of science is directed at misbalancing nature on which humanity is dependent. Humanity powered by science today exist on absolute ignorance and leading nature into a highly disorder state. The foundation of science lies shattered into pieces and scientist have failed miserably to put it together to understand nature as one and interrelated whole. All great scientist and intellectuals have cautioned humanity against reckless exploitation of partial knowledge that science has developed, but the political and the economic powers shaping humanity has failed to sit up and take note of it. Humanity under the grip of negative and the so-called devilish forces [conquering and corrupt forces] was not willing to listen. Thus, few individual with thoroughly negative intent are risking the life of billions on this planet. Strictly speaking, leaders alone are not responsible for the present state.  Leaders being the elected representative reflect the face of the whole public.

Being blinded by conquering motive and corruption humanity has failed to grasp some fundamental errors in conceptual thinking of science and sidelined many vital implications of it.  It has chosen to pursue along the path which full filled his basic negative intent [conquering motive and corruption].  Thus, it failed to develop a balanced knowledge that sustains the whole.

At the very foundation, science took a partial and wrong approach and thus was destined to fail. The developments in science clearly bring out three-step break down of its foundation.

1] The mechanistic view of Newton laid its foundation on predictability, individuality and independence. It broke down when the concept of light was evaluated. This gave way to the world of relativity.

2] The world of relativity that was built by Einstein spoke of relativity and predictability breaking down the individuality and independence of the system. This era in turn quickly broke down when humanity reached the limit of individuality at the micro level and found uncertainty.

3] The uncertainty era broke the concept of predictability.

Thus, to day humanity exist, functions and exploits scientific findings that fundamentally exists on three contradicting foundations. Scientist have thoroughly failed to comprehend the relationship between them to develop any sensible picture of nature we live in. Nations and individuals are riding on this ignorance to conquer space and matter. It is quite apparent they are bound to fail miserably.

The extent of ignorance on which humanity exists and functions become quite evident when we realize that scientist have been investigating only one branch of  nature [material part]. The other part of it that is life is thoroughly neglected. All along the site, I have been calling a special attention to this fact. Let me write it again.

Where Humanity went wrong

Galileo is considered the father of modern science. His experiment  that showed the free fall acceleration is independent of weight,  heralded a new era of exploitation of matter. It is important that we analyze and review this experiment. In the experiment, Galileo rolled balls of different weight on a slanted table and showed that all of them reached the bottom at the same time. He however failed to explain it. The result obtained was against human senses. The experiment and the assumption made by Galileo had the potential to predict motion of matter. This advantage blinded humanity and fuelled his conquering motive, rendering  his sense perception impotent. The world of Galileo was strengthened by Newton that led to great mechanical revolution.

It is important to note that the great mechanical era, often described as golden era of science is built on concealing two vital aspects written in Veda, Bible, Bhagavad-Gita, Koran and all the great religious knowledge known to humanity.

1] Concealing the truth that life specially, humanity is at the center stage of all actions and it is the driving force of nature. What humanity failed to note was that Galileo spent energy proportional to the weight of the ball to lift it to the top of the table. The ball simply exchanged it with the environment in a quantum manner when he chose to leave it. The time taken was in proportion to the weight. The smaller one took proportionately less time and bigger took proportionately longer time. Here Galileo failed to notice and analyze “his self”. He changed the very direction of humanity and their instinctive search process from inner to outer.  Even after several centuries, humanity has failed to realize this flaw.

2] Second was the law that every action has equal and opposite reaction.  It is very clear that since the action is generated from life, it is bound to return to it. It is well described by law of Karma that becomes the central theme of many religious scriptures. The religious scriptures note that actions with positive intents returns with a positive manner and action with a negative intents return with a negative reaction.

In the light of failure to perceive the primal truth, the second reality that was revealed to humanity failed to catch much attention. Humanity went about exploiting matter with a negative intent upsetting the very balance of nature. In spite of the fact that concept of individuality broke down, individuals family, community, society and nations are aggressively pursuing individuality.   It is true that science was in its preliminary stages for Galileo to conceive and tells us his role in the experiment. But following the revelation of Einstein that matter is only a form of energy and that time is dependent on the state of motion of the observer one should have stooped for a moment to analyze the role of life in nature. The vortex of negative force was too strong for any body to think in this direction.

We are possibly at the peak of this negative vortex. One needs only to stop for a moment and look at the world we live in, to realize it. Humankind powered by science and conquering motive has gone blind. The conquering motive and corruption has gone so deep into his blood that it has not even spared the religious field. The religious field or the life field, that has gone subservient to matter field is now a fine and powerful tool in the hands of people with negative intents - those who are aiming at accumulating matter and acquire power. People being largely imbalanced in terms their material and spiritual existence and existing in man made divisions, without knowing the absolute truth and oneness of the religious field are turning themselves into a sitting duck for people with negative intents to manipulate their resources and energy to their advantage. The lack of equilibrium in their material and spiritual field has rendered them highly volatile and easily provocative.    

It is very clear that a man, who is religious, is calm, ordered, detached from the mundane world. His very presence brings calmness in the surrounding, it works to stall violent nature of humanity, divert his energy into constructive and fruitful routes. His presence brings Victory to truth. No truly religious people will hang around for material power and matter, it comes to him and goes out from him, but he is untouched. No splitting force ever generates from him. The fact that today humanity is endangered on one hand by material power and conquering motive and in another terrorism let loose in the name of religion, clearly means the world has peaked with negative intents and ignorance. The nations and the world are showing a destructive trend of splitting the world in the name of religion. The only path that can save humanity is knowledge and absolute truth  - The unified knowledge of Matter and Life. Till this unified knowledge is discovered, the world would see heavy destruction- a destruction that stems from human conquering motive and corruption. [His ignorance]

I am speaking to you this neither from the plat form of religion nor from the platform of science, but a new platform that combines both- a knowledge that I have kept open as a challenge to the intellectuals of this world.


It is not my fort to predict or try to control any thing. I am fully aware that every thing in this world is interrelated and I live in a world full uncertainties and is impossible to predict any thing in it.  However, from the premises of my knowledge there exist a probability or tendency of the nature that could mean destruction to humanity unless humanity realizes the truth and acts in time to avert it.

Let me briefly share it with you.

The site calls your attention to the fact that human being and our Earth that inhabits life takes a vital and unique position in the universe. All the actions or causes originate from humanity and all the reaction or the effects returns to humanity. By his negative intents and instincts, humanity leads the whole world into two possible critical states of collapse. However, the living universe survives by the intervention of the creator or the living force that guides the universe. The universe is designed on a living model.

All living system we must note work’s constantly to survive and it ensures that it survives before it dies.  A life always has three components, a heart, a mind and a body. The former two is enclosed in the latter and works to maintain it. The heart is the originator. It is the source of life.  It functions on two force a positive and negative. The positive force is the dominant and the negative is recessive. The recessive force is related with the body which acts oppositely but assisting the heart. It converts the positive force into negative and channels it back to heart to be transformed into positive. This completes the cyclic flow that is perpetuated. The secret of existence lies in this opposition

The two contradicting action together forms the active life system. All the uncertainties of the world we witness are the product of the third component called the brain, which out of ignorance, tries to conquer the flow and corrupt it. It takes an important role in controlling the flow and all the causes originates from it. This aspect is discussed in the site in detail.

The principal focus to which the site has arrived is golden rule written in Vedas and Bhagavad-Gita, Bible, Koran and other religious scriptures that is action and reaction is our own make and that the creator has no part in it. One who acts also finds the reaction by the same measure. One who acts positively will receives positively and who acts negatively receives negatively. One who acts through good intent receives positively and one who acts with negative intent receives negatively. There is a life force, which intervenes when the good is endangered by the bad.

The quantum mechanical thinking tells us that every quantum of matter is accompanied by a wave or energy. The site tells how our world is one quantum with an accompanying wave. It views that the whole universe as a pulsating one. The site notes that this wave has its origin in human life and thus earth takes a vital position in the universe. The site notes that earth takes an off-centered central position in the pulsating universe. It is the heart of the living universe. The pulsation invariably means there are two waves one going away from the center and the other coming to it. [Centrifugal and centripetal] One of this is dominant and the other is recessive at any moment. The site notes that these two waves exist in the ratio 4:3, opposing each other and thus giving stability to the system.

 The quantum mechanical wave that accompanies the matter has some limits beyond which it is bound to break down. The break down occurs when the ratio or opposition beaks down. The two points of break down are when the ratio of matter to wave reaches critical limit in favor of wave and when the ratio of matter to wave reaches critical state in favor of matter. Considering the wave as centrifugal force and matter as a centripetal force, nature tends to collapse both by unilateral increase in centrifugal force and centripetal force [time].  The site notes that that nature responds by reversing the direction when such unilateral direction takes it to the limit.  In other words, nature has both evolution and involution as described in Vedas. It concludes that human mind by its conquering motive and corruption creates the imbalance in the system. Nature saves the situation by breaking down human mind and its conquering motive in grand plan of existence.

Site notes that the universe at present is in the centrifugal state that has reached its limit. By the power of science and material knowledge and its reckless exploitation, we have caused the universal wave associated with universal matter to peak. It clearly notes that with the corrupt leaders of east, specially the land of Vedas, symbolizing the heart power or religious power, submitting to the conquering west [symbolizing the mind power], the universal system has broken the law of existence the opposition that is so essential for existence. We are now in an uncertain state, where every action now is bound to react and nature is unable to neutralize it. To understand let us look at the figure.

The vision of the universe as one whole and pulsating one invariably means it has two waves associated with it. The wave created has cyclic motion, the direction of time invariably means the wave cycle gradually increases or decreases depending on the direction. [expanding or contracting] One of them being dominant and deciding the other being recessive at any moment. See fig. This wave is the product of cumulative actions of life in the left and the right specially of humanity. Human beings by their action create the interference in the universal wave. In other words, we the human beings are simply a miniature of whole. All the uncertainties of the universal wave are related our own uncertainty.  It is like cells of one living system. The health of the system is dependent on the coherent function of Heart, Mind and Body.  When mind dominates heart, it is in one phase expansive [wave/matter ratio increase in favor of wave] and when heart dominates mind it is another phase contractive. [Wave/matter ratio increases in favor of matter] This aspect is discussed at great length in the site

 The dominant and recessive are opposite and grows in proportion. This keeps the balance of the system. However, when the dominant tries to conquer the recessive the balance begins to upset. The system now moves into an uncertain state tending towards the critical state of collapse. However, living universe is so designed that it conquers such collapse to keep life going.  At the critical state of collapse, the universal instinct acts to reverse the trend or the direction. The dominant turns recessive and recessive turns dominant.

The site notes that the universe at present is directed away from the center. This is accompanied by growth in the mind faculty, which is the dominant force that is ruling us. Very clearly, mind faculty, symbolized by the west is ruling us today. The present state of uncertainty of the world could be attributed to the negative intent or the conquering motive of the west powered by material knowledge or science, which is incomplete. Ignorance thus is the base of action of the west. This is assisted by the east, which in spite having the absolute knowledge in her belly has gone subservient to west with a corrupt motive. The world was pushed to uncertainty when the corrupt leaders of east submitted to the conquering force of west. [This is discussed in the site at length]

What happens in uncertainty

The second figure above tells how the back ground wave is sustained. The action of living system on the left and right produces the interference on the back ground wave extending or contracting it. When the dominant wave causes an expansion the recessive wave acts opposing it.  The maintaining power of the system is lost when the opposition is lost. The opposition could be viewed as west and east forces or material and religious force or life force and death force or heart and mind force and so on.  It is apparent that much of our problems at the individual, family, community, society and national level stems from the fact we have not balanced our material and religious or spiritual pursuit.

Failure of opposition means the ability of the system to neutralize the disturbance is lost and the system develops stress that leads to death.  The process to death state is gradual and definite but takes place in certain distinct steps. The figure below explains it


The wave here has to be imagined as spiral wave. The dominant spiral wave is accompanied by recessive spiral wave, which moves in opposite direction to the dominant. They form the two phases of a single pulse one following the other. Interference on the dominant wave is neutralized and balanced by the interference on the recessive wave. This balancing nature is disturbed when the wave is pushed to the uncertain zone. [This happens because of human ignorance and thereby the conquering and corrupt motive]. In the uncertain zone, the stress is not easily communicated and neutralized. This leads to accumulation of stress. The effect of this is felt in individuals, family, community and nations. When the universal wave is in uncertain zone, the interference by individuated system has potentials to touch the critical point, leading to destructive release of stress force.  However, this destructive release is balanced by destructive release of stress on the opposite. The advancement of science invariably means his potentials to produce interference is increasing many fold with each passing moment.

When the opposition breaks down the very rule of balance is broke down and the whole system begins to react. The system breaks down and reorganizes into a new plane; the left now turns into right and vice versa. The direction of the flow is reversed. This is the truth of nature. This truth revealed sustains the humanity. This truth is light and the light in time fades to give way to darkness and the cycle of life goes own. The writings in the Vedas, Bible, Koran and all the religious philosophies get fulfilled. Individuals, family, community, and nations will fall when this light shines. The disorder now encompassing the world turns into order.

The hope for Survival

Ordinarily all my thinking used to end in a vision of destruction of earth and humanity, however His Grace installed hope for earth and humanity. It is apparent the destructive release of stress creates disturbance in the gravity of earth.

1] Leading to drastic climatic changes

2] Creating chain of natural catastrophes

3] Creating possible causes for some terrestrial bodies to collide with Earth

4] Break down human endeavor in space, possibility of sudden fall of satellites orbiting the earth and break down of communication systems and so on.

The break down of opposition invariably means a sudden break down of gravity and collapse of the Universal system. However, the hope came in the assurance of the Lord the Creator who symbolizes Love and promised to return. This meant the true knowledge will be revealed to humanity and this knowledge will save humanity from the great abrupt collapse. The knowledge cushions the fall but it in no way will stop it. Every thing appears the same in spite of the change in the direction. The cycle of day and night will continue. May be some of the above catastrophes will create the platform to evaluate our actions and help open our senses 
