

Naciketa, Death and Jesus


The Unity of Religion  





I believe God is one but has manifested in many forms, spoken through many prophets, but the content of direct and indirect Words of God is one – it is the knowledge of life and death, guidelines to live the fullness of life and the secret of conquering death to perpetuate life. To a great extent I feel we have never been able to comprehend His direct Words nor His indirect one and everybody moved towards death. Thus, there appears a need to conquer death such that His creations are perpetuated. Death thus is a point of great discussion in all the ancient philosophies equally and more important than life. For in the secret of death lies the secret of life and its existence.


I see the world is fighting itself to destruction primarily on religious force and the material forces that are in human command. I see Christians claiming their religion as superior; I see Hindus claiming their religion is superior and Muslims trying to establish theirs. In the middle, all these religions they are crucifying their God to the Cross. The Lord we must understand never spoke of religion, He spoke only about Love, Truth, Justice and principles guiding life and its existence, but human mind failed to grasp the truth as it created vortex of religion and material force leading it self to death. I believe truth existed and exist for ever, what deteriorates is our perception of truth.


Our mind is a great barrier to understand Truth and thus gets lost in the dual world of religion and matter. Religion in time becomes routine rituals and thus looses its significance, then comes a period of growth of material force. The men in the spiritual field say their field is the ultimate and argues that the fullness of life is obtained by subduing our senses and the one in the material field argue that fullness is obtained by the gratification of the senses. This is the dual world in which humanity lives. But the truth is that neither of this will lead us to the fullness of life. Fullness of life exists in the middle – the knowledge of the co existence of the spiritual and material world, the knowledge of the light and darkness.


The question is that how does one obtain this knowledge. How can one obtain the secret of east by going to the west and vice-versa? One of the answers given in the ancient knowledge systems is to meditate. Meditation is a process that leads to self-realization. The self-realization is a process of knowing one’s relationship with the world. Self-realization calls for detachment and observation. Any mind that is attached to any one path or is wavering between two paths cannot find self-realization. Here the mind that is attached to one path has less chance of self-realization. The one that is wavering has more chance of self-realization.  The knowledge of the relationship between the spiritual and material world is self-realization and is the fullness of life.  However true self-realization is beyond human capacity and thus God intervenes to save His creations. [Why so, is explained briefly later in the article]. His field of existence is Justice and Truth, He intervenes every time when this Justice and Truth is endangered. He is the balancer and the balance is the secret of nature. [ See the Truth That Liberates]


History pictures Lords manifestation in the middle of the war, siding one who stands for Truth and Justice. We have Lord Rama. Lord Krishna and Lord Jesus manifesting in critical points of evolution. They signify human evolution in the path of darkness. The first signify clear differentiation of darkness and light, [Devotes and Rashes]. In second stage this clear bifurcation is lost the war here becomes a matter fight with in the family. In the third this bifurcation is completely Lost, the war now becomes a war between humanity and God, the Creator and the Created, light and darkness. It is apparent that when all the cells of the body goes against the consciousness[ heart] and the intelligence[ mind], then the life can no longer exist there, it has to accept death. Where will life go without a body, when it leaves the body? The answer is simple; it has to create a new body out of the old.  This means masculine and the ruling [intelligence] should enter the womb to get conceived. This means it has to express Love. Anything that is conceived should be delivered.  Light conceived and delivered is Calvary and Second Coming. – Light existed and exists forever. He is the conqueror of death; He is Naciketa that Upanishad Describes so beautifully, He is Jesus the Bible describes. [ The science of this statement is briefly explored in the end and it is dealt elaborately in the site]


I see masters in Bible clutching Bible to their Bosom, jumping at any to reference to Vedas and Koran, thus spilling the beans of hatred, I have got filthy words coming to me form so called New Born Christians when I communicated my site to them hoping they would understand. Many of these are people who hold Bible so close to their senses that it blinds them from seeing and feeling the real light that exist inside and outside them from which the Word came. These are people who are holding the mirror image of the Bible and fail to read the original copy that exist within them and in the outside world in every human beings irrespective of the caste, religion, status ---. These are people who recognize people who are walking with Bible in hand and fail to recognize people walking in Lord Jesus's Path.  A New-Birth is a necessity for all individuals. Jesus the Lord taught us, how to take New Birth. We are making an idol of Him and the Bible and forgetting the path and act He showed. We are not looking at the teacher we are looking at the teachings. How can world find order if everybody preaches and none practices. A true Christian focuses on the path and act, nothing more. He takes birth in His Love and initializes in the field of Justice and Truth.


I see many of the newborn Christian’s, harboring divisive principles, and defensive principles, national and political spirit, that holds no Justice and Truth. I see this tendency in so called hardcore Hindus and Muslims; they are all ignorant of the Light and God that is ruling the world.  Very Clearly, all the scriptures write that light and God cannot be seen, by penance, rituals study of scriptures and such practices done under religious guidelines. He can only be seen by action, an action without a seed as Arjuna did in Kurukshetra. Yes He will not turn down any one who turns to Him with a seed. He will take them into His conscious field. But His mind field that exists above the conscious field is not approachable with a seed.  It is impossible for Human to approach without a seed. Thus He shows the Grace to humanity so they can return to His consciousness field and be with Him. His Conscious field is abode for everybody, but the Grace of His Light field, the controlling one, is limited to people of His choice. Only to one of them He reveals Himself.  He turns out be the warrior for Truth and Justice- Arjuna, not the heads of any religious institutions, or to any sanyasi or sanyasin, who rejects this World and exists closing their eyes to injustice and untruth. This world is a Reality – the One and the Only Reality that exists. The site discovers Jesus as reincarnation of Lord Krishna in evolution. We must know that Jesus chooses ordinary people to be His disciples; one of them is given the Key to the Kingdom of Heaven. [See for more details - Truth]


   Naciketa the Warrior Who conquered Death

Naciketa and His conquering of death forms central Theme of Katha Upanishad.  It embodies a mysticism and is considered a revolting one from the Conventional religious practice. Rohit Mehta in his book “Call of Upanishads” rightly notes from History, that when religion deteriorates into lifeless patterns of behavior, there appears  from time to time a new expression of Mysticism, which brings human individuals back to fundamentals of Spiritual Life. Mysticism is born as revolt against traditional religion. Jesus was a revolt against the lifeless religion, science was a revolt against the life less Christianity, and this site is too is a revolt against the baseless science and the organized religious sects that lacks life.


Secret of death is some thing that is eluding Humanity in spite of the fact that it exists next to His skin. Today man is trying to conquer Mars and move into space. He is fighting battle to prolong earthly existence and death. He is fighting a loosing battle for peace and order. Can death be conquered by these means, how long can we prolong our miserable existence on this earth in constant fear of enemy? Who is enemy to Whom? It is apparent from all the developments that we must conquer death some time to return to life as Christ did it in Calvary, as Naciketa did it by His intelligence in the Court of Death.  To do so we must understand the mysticism of Christ and Naciketa. Katha Upanishad is written in the form of dialogue between a student and teacher, invoking the spirit that Guides everything. It starts with


“ May Brahman [spirit] Protect us Both, May Brahman bestow upon us both the fruit of Knowledge, may we both acquire the energy to acquire the Knowledge, May the study of us both reveal the Truth, may we Cherish no ill-feeling towards each other” 


Every word of the above sentence has unfathomable meaning. Here we see the conqueror of death on one side and the Lord of Death on the other side. We are seeing light and darkness face to face. The light pierces the darkness in the end comes out unscratched. The light remains so too the darkness but the darkness is left behind in the path of the light as its shadow. Science too tells  us the same. If one increases the speed the time gets shortened at some point time ceases to exist and the direction of time is changed. For example A person want to read the Word of God placed in a Library 500 kilometers away from. If he travels 500 Km/per hour he takes one hour. if he doubles the speed, he take half an hour, if he further doubles the speed the time taken is proportionally decreases and at some speed he is there in the library. Library and he are not separated  - This is Immanuel. Any attempt to increase the speed further, the library goes past Him. When he goes past the library do he realize that he lost the library - The only way out for him is to reduce his speed and return. What happens if this person stays in the library marries, gets children and his children gets children and some where in the chain some one tries to increase the speed?.  The only way out for Immanuel is retreat and take an opposite path to the Library of the Word. It is only when the Father shows the both sides of the balance does the children initialize to hold the balance.


It depicts perfect communication between teacher and student, [ death and life] neither trying to conquer the other but trying to learn from Truth that lies in the middle. Here Naciketa is the Student and Lord Yama [King of Death] is the teacher. Naciketa as per His Fathers wish, willingly goes in search of Death. He enters the Kingdom of Death and waits three nights to meet the King of death.  Upanishad tells us the Kingdom of Death was surprised, for no one comes there on their wish, everybody is brought there. Naturally the one who came there willingly and waited for death to come is unique. 


[We must note here that Bible tells us Christ is the Son of God and was sent to earth in order to conquer death and He conquered death by self sacrifice to give us New Life. Every Christian blindly utters this belief but the mystery of Calvary remains unsolved. Clearly in the Jesus life and death we have the story of Naciketa enacted. Upanishad goes to explain the very act of conquering death in great detail in a sensible manner. This world spends in billions of on the study of Bible, Vedas and Koran, but none wish to come out of the bondage to explore from a point of freedom the truth that is contained in them and there is non-who would promote it]. 


When the King of kingdom of death comes, after three nights, He apologizes for keeping Him waiting in the door without any hospitality. So He grants Naciketa three Boons. Naciketa chooses these three Boons with highest possible intelligence. These three boons in way can represent the secrets of Vedas.


The three boons, which Naciketa asks, are

1] “ O Lord of Death, may my Father’s anger be appeased and may He be happy and free from anxiety, and may He remember Me and welcome Me after my leaving you. This is my first Boon”


2] “There is no fear in regions of heaven; old age and death are not there. Having passed both they rejoice in heaven, beyond hunger, thirst and sorrow. Those in heaven enjoy long continuity. You Know, O death that sacred fire which leads to heaven. Explain it to me – be this my second boon”.


3] “When a man dies, this doubt arises: some say there is a “being” and some say there is “no-being”. Teach me the truth and let this be my third boon”.


This has been interpreted in many ways. The interpretation done here stems from the revelation I obtained. It is not different from Veda or Upanishad.


The reality is that, however far we are from the absolute Father and Mother we carry the spark of them with us.  We have the sparks of the absolute consciousness and absolute intelligence; we are all born from the absolute consciousness by the act of absolute intelligence. We have the information of the whole. We are unable realize our relationship to one Father and Mother. Mind is a force that directs. Our mind by pursuing its “self” de-links from Father and Mother and in time moves away from them. But the spark of the Father exist with us so is the consciousness of the Mother. When we move to the critical point of death or end of time, the Universal Consciousness and Universal Intelligence comes back into force to capture the Wheel of Time and initialize it. The essential aspect of this initialization is awakening of our consciousness and perceiving the Absolute Intelligence, Mind of God and return to His Kingdom.


In his first boon, being quite aware of the Central Reality, Naciketa is asking for a boon to stop the Time and get it directed back to His Fathers abode. In a way, possiblyHe is asking for Grace to silence His mind to hear the call of the Father and make communication with Him.  This is the first requirement to return to the Fathers abode. We call it Faith


However no body enters His abode unless He passes through the fire of Consciousness. Everything about the old has to be burned and reformed to find the continuity of time. One must enter the fire that forgives. The Grace to enter this fire of consciousness was the second boon Naciketa asked.  This is the basic call that goes out from all religions and ancient knowledge systems to Humanity – be in the field of consciousness and work from its field, knowing the light that exist beyond it and follow its guidelines.


The third Grace He was asking was the knowledge of Light that initializes Him in the kingdom of God. He was seeking the knowledge of life and death. He was asking the key that opens the door to Kingdom of heaven. Yama replies


“This doubt arose in even in the Gods in times of the Old; for subtle and mysterious is law of life and death. Ask for another boon and release me from this ”


Naciketa was not willing to take any other boon than this one.  Naciketa denies accepting any other boon, So Yama tempts him


“Take horses and gold and cattle and elephants, choose sons and grandsons, that shall live a hundred years, have vast expanses of land, and live as many years as you desire. Or choose another boon that is equal to this, and enjoy wealth and Long life. Be a ruler of this vast earth. I will give you all you desire. Ask for any wishes in the world of Mortals, however hard to obtain. To attend on you I will give fair maidens with their Chariots and their melodious music. But O Naciketa do not ask me about the secret of death”


Naciketa replies


“ All these pleasures pass away, O end of All; they destroy the life-giving power. And indeed how short is life. So keep the horses and dancing and singing to your self. Man cannot be satisfied with wealth. How can we even enjoy wealth with you in sight? Can we live whilst you are in power? No I can only ask for the boon I have asked. -  Solve then this doubt as to the meaning of the Great beyond. Grant me the gift that pierces the veil of mystery. This is the only boon Naciketa can choose”


[We must recall the temptation of the evil put forth to Jesus after the forty days of Fasting prayer]


Yama then yields to this Great Student. Then unfolds the Great Mystery to Naciketa. Yama describes Him of two paths


“ The Good is one thing; the pleasant another. Both of them serving different ends are linked to man. It goes well with him who of the two, takes the good, but he who chooses the pleasant misses the end”


We must recall here the words of Jesus; one who takes His cross and follows Him will enter the Kingdom of God.


Yama indicates that these two paths are not opposite. What are they then?  Pleasure and pain constitute the opposite. The pain is contained in the pleasure it cannot be separated from it. He who seeks pleasure must be ready to receive the pain also. One who seeks pleasure gets entangled in never ending play of the opposite.


The “good” that Yama was speaking is not the opposite of Evil. If one talks good as the opposite of Evil then hardly there is any difference between the Good and the Evil. If they are opposite, then each is contained in the other. The Good he was speaking is the Absolute Good. 


The “good” we speak is the minds opposites. The play of opposite is the minds continuity. The two opposite are the frontiers of the land of Continuity. Thought, which is the instrument of the mind, moves within these frontiers.  Thus the good that Yama was speaking has some thing beyond the frontiers of the mind, which cannot be reached through the mind.


The two path that Yama was speaking was the path of Wisdom and Unwisdom, that is linked to human, one path  leads to Kingdom of God [life] the other to the Kingdom of death. Human is free to choose. The Wisdom, Upanishad tells us is not opposed to ignorance. Wisdom has no opposite.  It arises when Ignorance and Knowledge is negated. [Our knowledge]


Yama says


“Not many are those who hear it, and of those not many reach It. Wonder full is he who can teach about It and wise is he who can be taught. Wonderful is he who knows It when taught by the wise”


Yama says, “ The way to It is the Teacher- the sacred knowledge is not obtained through reasoning”. It is teaching that can indicate the path. The teacher is greater than teaching. While the teacher contains in the teaching the teaching can never contain the teacher. The teacher is always beyond teaching. Wisdom arises only when the teacher and taught is in a state of communion. For communion to exist all barriers should be broken. Vedas tell us very clearly that unless our mind is silenced we cannot communicate with the reality and clearly states this is possible only when he is approached without a seed. Reality exists beyond the consciousness as its governor. Our mind has to be silenced first to enter His basic field – the consciousness. It is from here we out to be searching for the light that exists beyond it.


Upanishad explains “Naciketa is like a house open for the Lord”. By rejecting the path of pleasure and possession he has made the house vacant for the Lord to reside.  The mind of man cannot go to Truth  - it is truth that comes to the Human mind.  Veda and Upanishad tell us this emptiness means a mind at rest, in silence.


Naciketa now puts an important question to Yama


“ Tell me what you see beyond right and wrong, beyond what is done and not done, beyond past and future”. The answer Naciketa obtains from Yama is


“ The approach which all Vedas declare, which all austerities indicate and which men accept when they lead the life of continence, I will tell you briefly is OM”


Thus the whole exercise of exploring the truth at the empire of death leads to the “Word”. Rohit Mehta in His book “call of Upanishad” beautifully calls our attention to a famous sentence in the Bible. “ In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and Word was God”.  In the begging was the word – but can the word be found going to the beginning. To go to the beginning is explore the time process. Can the word be found in the stream of Time? No. For it is said that “ the word was with God” And so one must ask God to give us the meaning of the word which contains the unraveling of the great mystery of the beyond, But how to get the word of God. Will God tell us where he has placed that word that traveling tether we may find it? But the above statement says the “ the word was god” – The word and God were not different. Mehta concludes that - To say that word was God is to speak of the co-existence of the manifest and the unmanifest, so one must seek and go to the one who is manifest and unmanifest. We must underline here in the beginning there were only Words the Words written by Light or Absolute Intelligence – The Foundation of all religions exist on this Light. But religion has no contact with Light and becomes the cause for deterioration and disorder. So Light has to come to religion such that the world gets initialized from time to time is the Truth of Word.


Katha Upanishad says


“ Syllable OM is indeed Brahman. The syllable is the Highest. Whomsoever knows this syllable obtains all that he desires”. Yama says the “OM is the best support and the Highest sustenance”


Hindu philosophy gives immense importance to the OM [AUM]. Upanishad says that the first and the last letter here is inarticulate sound and the central one is articulate sound. It tells us that who meditates on the first letter is illuminated but after death speedily returns to earth. This meditation is compared to the innocence of a child - an innocence that exists out of ignorance. There is purity to the sound but that purity belongs to the period when temptations have not yet arisen [this is the first critical point of quantum world discussed in the site].  One who meditates on the first two letters is led to the region of moon. It symbolizes Bhakthi - the path of devotion. Here the devote experiences heavenly joys and return to earth. He feels that he has seen, heard and touched His Deity.  Here the devotee sees the Saguna Brahman. [Spirit] - the reality with attributes. The meditation here is associated with a seed [it is the second critical point of quantum world – much of the new born Christians belong here]. Upanishad tells us that he who meditates on three letters comes to the region of sun and becomes one with light. This meditation is without a seed. So he soars into inarticulate sound, the inarticulate sound of the disciple at this stage has innocence - not born out of ignorance, innocence that arises out of Knowledge - He holds a mind that is empty at His feet. It is the state of Arjuna after the Lord bestowed Him with senses to perceive Him and the warrior Arjuna Saw the Lord in all His Glory. These three phases signify three phases of life, child hood, imperfection of manhood to the perfection of super-man.

Upanishad says that the great beyond is known when once own consciousness vibrates one with him – the Brahman. Katha Upanishad introduces a term called “ Atman”. Yama tells Naciketa that the great beyond is known by knowing the Atman. 


“ This Atman cannot be attained by the study of the Vedas nor by the intellect, nor by much learning of sacred books. It is attained by Him alone whom It chooses. To such one, Atman reveals Its own Nature – when Atman manifest it self, man becomes free from jaws of death”

This statement comes up repeatedly in Vedas, Bhagavad-Gita but the reference is made to Brahman, the spirit and Absolute intelligence. Here in contrast the reference is made to Atman. How is Atman different from Brahman or Spirit? Which is superior?  

I conclude from what nature revealed to me that Atman is Unity of Spirit and Consciousness. It is the real thing. It is the Father and Mother who are one. It is Ardha -Narishwara. One of them exist recessive to the other at any moment. It is the pair of Gene that hold the information, one dominant the other recessive in which Prana flows eternally to give us the pulsating life. [See - Pulse]. Fulfillment of life comes when a family comes into being. Nothing in this world can be created or destroyed everything goes in cycles. When we the children’s of this one Father and Mother go beyond limits to death, the Father and Mother enacts a new creation from the old. This enacting is Calvary and the birth of the child is Second Coming. This is Naciketa’s victory over death; This is Jesus Victory over death. His return to Fathers Kingdom signifies initialization of the World in Absolute Knowledge.


This leaves a great question was Naciketa the student, a predetermined one? From the premises of all arguments He should be. To have knowledge of the future absolutely is beyond human. So definitely Naciketa should be superior to Human and therefore should be God. Vedas and Upanishad tell us everything goes in cycles, these ancient sagers were aware of the Great Wheel of Time and how it is kept moving. They have clearly written that Creation begins with the self-sacrifice of the Creator.  The Calvary, simply is this great act at which the seed for the new world is laid. Bible tells us with the birth of Jesus Light came to earth.  A New world was conceived when His spirit was released in Calvary. In His self-sacrifice the Bible tells He conquered death and gave us new life. However the truth of this new world and the joy of it are bound to come only when what is conceived is delivered.


     The Science of God and Human in Brief

In the site I have tried to express the relationship between the, unmanifest, manifest and the humanity by way of a visualization of sphere, which in turn holds unlimited small spheres. The sphere at the center is unique. Every other sphere exists to the left or right of this central sphere. They could be understood in relation to its pair, complementary pairs in space. But the sphere at the center is relative to itself. It is simply the replica of the whole in the middle. The sphere at to the center can perceive even a small disturbance any where in the sphere directly. The sphere in the left and right exist in time.


The life to the whole system invariably means all these sphere are moving and so too the whole. There are two ways by which the enclosed sphere can move one by winding to the center or move unwinding away form the center. They represent the flow in and out from the heart. The apparent random movement of these spheres on the left and right balances the whole system. The system however becomes unstable when ¾ of the sphere gets directed to the central sphere. When all spheres get directed to the center, the central sphere would collapse so too the whole. Science tells us that this is rare possibility in the world of chance. It is true. But science is built on partial knowledge of the material world. But if we observe the human and take life as an integral part of nature and visualize these sphere as living systems, the Picture becomes different. [The site takes you to this point reinventing and rebuilding the foundation of science]. We become the cells of the universal systems and nations become the organs. By our conquering motive and corruption, by the ignorance of the interrelationship and oneness we introduce time. In time every body thus becomes directed to the center to conquer the whole. In other words every body takes the winding path to death. The unwinding path becomes empty. The time tends to Zero. The whole is bound to collapse unless the Central Sphere, which perceives everything, takes the winding force and releases on the unwinding path. Which means it has to sacrifice one of its faces – the Father goes recessive to the Mother to conceive a New life. Individuals are given freedom to ender the Childs body or stay in Mothers. Human being never perceives this New Life and change in direction of the flow. Thus humanity and his conquering Motive takes the whole to Another limit stressing the Father and Mother- Every body now enters the Unwinding path and leaves the winding path open. A second collapse becomes inevitable. Now the Father emerges from the Mother and Mother goes recessive to the Father.  Spirit or Absolute Intelligence or Brahman is Conceived and Delivered.  A New cycle of Light and darkness now begins. [For more information go to – Truth that Liberates]. The Calvary or Zero of the random world was the expression of the Feminine nature of God and Second Coming is the expression of masculine nature of God or the “1” of random world. This dual expression of His singular nature was necessitated by humanity and his conquering motive and corruption. No wonder Hindu philosophy Picture Lord Shiva as Ardha-Narishwara [ Half Woman and Half Man] The Vedas, Upanishad, Bible, Bhagavad-Gita and Koran have to be rediscovered in the unity of one Father and Mother and their Kingdom that perpetuates.


Very clearly the light of all religious knowledge is a call to return to the root. It is a call to know once own consciousness and base once mind in it.   A lasting life is obtained when one bases positively his mind in consciousness and works under the guidance of intelligence and wisdom.  Conscious is an open field for two forces; it has two paths, one that takes it to the light, of Lord or life and the other, which takes it to darkness and death.  Human mind is always associated with a seed and thus in spite of coming to the conscious fields it falls down repeatedly.  So it fails to perceive Wisdom and Truth. This failure makes the Lord to intervene and conquer death. In the quantum vision of winding and unwinding nature discussed in the site, we clearly note three critical steps of evolution. The third one is vital where the wholes system collapses, to take new order. This third critical point the site notes is the manifestation of Lord in the name of Jesus. The Calvary fulfills the writings in the Vedas “ The creation occurs with the self sacrifice of the creator. ” Katha Upanishad very clearly elaborates this great act and its significance. The mind of the Lord [the light] manifested as son walks in to the abode of death and conquers it. He becomes the teacher, teaching the Truth and path of Truth- the way to return to the kingdom of God. The Lord Knew in spite of showing the path everybody will fail to perceive and walk in His path thus He said He would come again. He knew that His spirit released on earth has to fight the darkness to restore the kingdom to God. The Lord opened the door of universal consciousness gave freedom for all to enter it and seek His spirit. Millions have entered His Conscious field with a seed, they have stagnated in the joy of the consciousness.  But everybody has failed to perceive Him; no body is willing to fight for His kingdom, the kingdom with Justice and Truth. But, just as he found one womb to manifest on earth, He will find one mind to carry His arrow to the victory and initialize His kingdom to the Father. The characteristic of this person will be that of Arjuna the great warrior to whom He disclosed His true nature - four handed and two-handed nature. [See truth]
