
Living Universe –The Structure of Gaia

The ultimate picture that comes up with the unified theory  is the one of living universe or the Gaia – That is our earth is living and evolving. [A  hypothesis put forth by James Lovelock and Margulis Lynn, that has caught the attention of the world].  I am going one step bringing the fundamentals of living Universe. Living universe invariably means it is has a pulse and thus has two phases - contracting and expanding. Like all living systems, it has a birth, adulthood, old age and death. Like all living system before it dies it ensures that it is perpetuated. In reality, it means there exist no death but renewal.


You and me live in this pulsating universe and each one has our own distinct pulse. Our pulse can influence the universal pulse both positively and negatively. The degree of opposition and union can change from one individual to another and is dependent on the actions- love and hate. These are discussed in the site.


We must note that every pulse has a center to which it is directed from the periphery and a periphery to which it is directed from the center. Now imagine a globe as a body and imagine a pulse [life-force] taking place in it. If we imagine this globe as our universe then you and me are globes within this globe having our own pulse. By our position, we can only exist on one side of the pulse- left or right. At any moment, we can exist in any one of the 8 equal components of a globe and our freedom can extend to four components of the globe on the left or right, where we exist. Considering the uncertainty component on either side it means we can have six-component freedom. However, we can never achieve a perception capacity that exists at the center of the universal pulse. In other words, we cannot pulsate one with the universal pulse. Our perception capacity decreases as we go away from the center and increases as we move to the center. There are no means by which our minds perception capacity can be scaled to the maximum. I call this natural limit to the mind. You might question, how did I perceive the whole and its process.


This was a turning point - a point wherein I submitted my mind to the unknown power.  [Please go through the miracle cure in prayer meeting]. The moment of submission was moment when I was pulled to the center or the realm of the heart. It is when my enquiring mind transformed through the realm of the heart did I see the ultimate reality. This was only a passing moment but that was enough to collapse the whole lot of sense experience and partial thoughts and ideas into an order. The truth and reality is enfolded in this arena of the heart and consciousness and unfolds from it.

 This arena however is not reachable with a self of our own. The Vedas and the age-old knowledge clearly tell us that “surrendering” and “seeking light or knowledge” is the only two paths to new life. [In this respect, I feel the west being in the path of science and in search for the unification theory is in the path of reaching and appreciating the truth and reality of nature.]  In fact, I feel that there is only one path; that is to surrender. Since the real light that gives life exist in the realm of the heart, it can only be reached, if realm of the mind is submitted to it. The beauty of Vedas, Bible, I-Ching, Koran etc., started revealing it self to me only after this moment.


The universal pulse is influenced by our actions – the actions of individuated systems that exist outside the center. In reality, the universal pulse is directed by the actions of the individuated systems. This means that the universal center by itself exist in fluctuating state or in a state of constant motion within a range. For example, huge explosions in one component can stress the universal pulse making its center move away from the cyclic path in which it exists.


The most important point of my work is the discovery passive force. Life [all dynamic system] is so constituted of two force a dominant and recessive in the ratio 4:3.  They are opposing yet presents a constant quantum flow where left turns right and vice- versa.  


 However when the dominant force grows to the limit, the instinct of the whole favors the opposite thus changing the direction. It intervenes to bring the transformation. There are two points to transformation, the central point and the peripheral point. In one point, the universal soul transforms the soul and gives it new life, and in other, it transforms his body by revealing the reality of nature. In one point, it sacrifices the self and takes new life, and in the second point, [periphery] it reveals the true light or the reality of nature thus initializing the universe or His body.


The development in communication has facilitated spreading of science. The world is contracted today, though our physical bodies remain apart by its essence we are near. Recall Einstein’s relativity.  I take 10 hours for me to reach a good library. As technology increases the speed, the number of hours decreases. At some point of development of speed, library becomes a spot next to me. Any further increase in force invariably means I go past the library and get initialized. The library now is behind me and I go in search of it. [The draw back of linear approach, exist here. Thus to know truth and the path of reality one has adopt non-linear approach and attempt to collapse into linear approach]. This is applicable to the mind and soul. Unless one keeps his senses completely open and sharp he would fail perceive the library going beyond him. What I mean by being open is to remain unattached to any path and free like a child moving freely in all directions with curiosity or exploring objective.  The world to day is in a mad quest to conquer without knowing the relationships and limits and therefore is moving to such a state of initialization.


The knowledge of life clearly tells us that soul has no meaning without a body and vice versa. Their togetherness makes the existence. In other words life and matter though are distinct by its essence they are one. It is their interaction and that forms the reality of nature - stagnation and flow. One can compare it to Blood and flesh, they are different forms of the same essence.


From what nature revealed to me, no body can stop the cycle of birth, death and initialization. The knowledge that is revealed can be utilized such that the deterioration and friction that leads to death could be greatly be decreased. All our efforts should be directed at developing a system of interaction that creates least friction. Here I believe we have  lot to  learn from Vedas and our age-old knowledge systems. We must admit we are living in a cyclic world, at one time or the other we have to transform through the point we started. I believe our world is boiled up to the critical point to transform. There is no other way for humanity but to transform. The more we extend it more would be the friction more would be the misery that humanity has to face. This transformation will not be fulfilled unless the knowledge and reality of life strikes humanity. 


Transformation is the focus of my work. We the humanity today is in the grip of science.  I believe that science is a tool by which the instinct of the whole fought the contractive force of matter that was stressing the soul and the mind, thus endangering the very existence of the system.  This was the phase in which freedom was given to all the minds to exploit matter. The truth of nature exists in the knowledge of quantum existence – the particle and wave. This is the truth of Jesus Christ offering his Flesh and Blood to humanity.  The reality of nature exists between these two truths- flesh and blood, gravity and antigravity, stagnation and flow. It lies in the perception of balance. The art of living should be developed around it. I would say around the art of knowing time.


However, humankind's linear thinking limit him in one direction. The teachings of Jesus contained a message- a life giving one. This message I believe was lost when it organized into a community. The living message was transformed into dead practice. Where people touch the glass but fail to drink. People are encouraged to touch the glass but not the water that quenches his thirst. The people developed and presented different glasses thus splitting the community and taking peoples attention increasingly away from reality – the message of Christ.  This practice can be witnessed in every aspects of social life – administration, business, production, development of concepts etc. 


Thus, the freedom, which humankind got very clearly took the negative path. Human intelligence was a tool by which the universal soul worked to expand the universe, after he averted the collapse at the center [Calvary]. I call it a moment zero; the message to humankind he gave through his blood and flesh was to maintain equilibrium between 0 and 1.  However, the mind of humanity [anti –gravitational force] failed to grasp it. Science split matter from mind and went about conquering matter.


Naturally, this put the matter and soul into stress.  Now the only way the soul can survive is to turn the table in favor of the matter. In other words, it has to turn the table upside down. – The expansion force gives way to contractive force.


For quite some time I feared material destruction. However, today I believe that there is no material destruction, because the soul that leads us is Love, it can never think of destruction. Then the question comes, What is other way?. Answer  is light or the complete knowledge of whole and it’s functioning. In other words, the soul reveals the interrelationship and the unification to humanity - a knowledge that brings harmony and helps us to survive with least friction.


Our world is in the grip of science, which is material knowledge. The minds of the world are lost in this process, only way to attain reality of the world is to take the same path and present it as an advancement of it. This is exactly why I started to concentrate on science and its foundation. This is why I chose to present my site exploring the fundamental particle. I believe that only if the world of science is transformed to a new base does the friction and destruction of the world decreases.


Let me now explain to you, the universal truth by taking the example of a pendulum. The universal system could be visualized as a pendulum. There are two essential aspects to pendulum. There is string that the holds it and there is external aspect that starts the oscillation. The external force creates the oscillation and the internal aspect [thread] restricts it. Here we note that there should be a creator of oscillation to the pendulum. If nature has to exist then he should act every time it is about to stop. We can also imagine here an ocean, which is about to go still, unless there are small perturbation, all waves will stop. This means the creator should be aware of the time when the pendulum is stopping – he should therefore have the highest perception capacity. 


Now just imagine what the followers of this creator do. Here one must think of the limits of the follower. The followers can find themselves to the left or the right of this creator. So, they are limited by their perception capacity of the whole. This limitation can be conquered only by transforming through him to the opposite and back. If you imagine the pendulum we can think  rest state as "0" and the maximum state as " 1", information is developed and stored between the two extremes. Every bit of information has its origin in the middle point.


Just imagine a ball spun and left in a half globe. This like a pendulum it comes to rest after a period. The oscillation is replaced by spiral of decreasing radius which is directed to the center. What this means is that the center encompasses both 0 and 1, Recall Bible – I am the Alfa and the Omega, the beginning and the end. This means real information exist in a journey past the fullness. This journey cannot be done with partial information. There should be total submission. There should be nothingness to travel past it. I hope you are following me.  


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