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Golden Laws of Life

 Conquer by Love

 Live and Let Live

 Stay with Justice, Truth and seek True Knowledge



The importance of the above laws to Life and existence of humanity cannot be understood by humanity unless it stops to observe himself.  Humanity under science and its thinking is caught viciously in a vortex of mad competitiveness and has gone blind to the living aspect of nature. The scientists who have stepped onto Mars Looking for Life, miserably fails to perceive the basic principles of Life. The beauty of the above three golden laws cannot emerge unless we understand the principle of life. In way it is wrong to define the laws of Life unless we know the Truth of Life.  Laws are meant to defend something. How can we defend unless we have clear picture of what we are defending?  Let me briefly go through this aspect here. [ This has been elaborately dealt in various contexts in the site]


What is the Basic Principle Nature

The basic principle of nature is never ending flow. A flow needs non-equilibrium on the left and right, without this, flow cannot occur. Thus nature should have this great requirement encompassed in basic structure of the universe. Any attempt to conquer the opposite is is against the law of nature and Life.


What are the Basic Forces of Nature

Science started of with a single force–the gravitational force, but ended with multiple forces, which it is trying, in vein to unite. I tell you there are only two forces. Gravitational [centripetal] and anti-Gravitational [centrifugal].  They have its origin in two contrasting systems, matter and life. All we need is some common sense to perceive the truth that Life is Anti-gravitational. One has to step aside from our mindset and look at a seed germinating, a flower blooming, a tree growing, they all loudly speak to us the truth, that life by instinct is anti-gravitational. The matter gives the centripetal force or inhaling force and the life gives centrifugal force or exhaling force, together they form the pulse of the Universe. Two opposing forces we know will cancel. This invariably means these two forces alternate. Since the flow is basic principle of nature there should be a flow between these two systems and there should be a dominant and recessive state for these two systems. We must note all biological system constantly takes input from the material world and returns some out put into it, thus causing a constant flux. [Details of this compression and expansion or flux is discussed in the site - see Quantum Reality ]


What is the Arrow of time and evolution where does it come?

The second of law of thermodynamics applied to living and material systems shows an opposing tendency.  When the material world is leading from disorder to higher disorder, the living systems evolves from order to higher order. This opposing tendency externally seems to balance and give steadiness to the system.


A system, which is in disorder, by instinct tries to reach ordered state and a system, which is in ordered state by instinct tries to maintain its order and reach higher order. If a system that has some order is placed in a system that has disorder then the forces of disorder gets directed to ordered system disturbing it, the ordered system is now forced to work to maintain its order in the process it returns the disorder to the external environment, which in turn come back to it and the process leads to a chain of action and reaction that sustains.  This is the secret of life and pulse.


Suppose one of these systems constantly increases the force of action, then a direction is set into to the whole system - this is the force of Evolution. This is the basic design of nature. A close observation of nature tells us that the act of progressive increase of force comes from life, especially human beings, who set out to conquer and corrupt nature


Where does the Arrow of time emerge from and how is arrow of time and death conquered?


The site argues that it comes from the Human mind and its conquering motive and corruption. We must recall the first experiment in science where Galileo rolled balls of different weight on a slanted platform and showed that free fall acceleration is independent of weight. His mind was looking for a way to conquer and predict motion and thus exploit it. A close look at the experiment tells us that Galileo applied anti-gravitational force proportional to the weight of the ball to lift it to the top of the table. As he left the ball, it gave it back to nature to return to old order. The time taken to exchange the force was proportional to the weight. The experiment presented a close relationship between environment and Galileo and the ball. No body was willing to think in this line and take note of the part of Galileo in his experiment. Very clearly science has given tremendous boost to living systems capacity to create Anti-gravitational force and it is doing so with out any control. The worst thing is that, it is not aware that it is returning to him as destruction and disorder.


Science tells us that every particle has an associated wave. Our world similarly has a wave associated with it. There should be a balance in the matter that exists in wave form  [in motion] and matter that exist in matter from [opposing the wave form]. When the wave form increases then disorder increases and when matter form increases then order increases. The unilateral increases in any direction means a direction to time that leads to death. So there are two death points, between which the system exists. If the system has to exist then there should be a turn around before it meets death.  Very clearly the scientific world we live in is causing a great disorder that is maximizing to a critical point and this is  linked to human activity and his ignorance, which manifest as a conquering motive and corruption. How this turn around of time is achieved is the secret of nature that is discussed in the site. It is the Secret of Calvary and Second Coming; it is the secret of Lord Shiva and His Third Eye.


What is the Secret of Calvary

The secret of turn around cannot be analyzed unless we analyze the living systems specially human beings, his mind and consciousness. All living system irrespective of the species has two essential aspects.

1] It has a pulsating existence.

2] It is controlled by dynamic information system.


These two aspects represent the heart and mind of a living system. One causes the expansion and contraction the other controls it. The function of expansion and contraction and its control we know is effected by Information system. Information in biological system we know exist in pairs one dominant the other recessive.


 Every character of Life exists in two opposing pairs. Love and Hatred, knowledge and ignorance, aggressive and timid, male and female, tall and dwarf, black and white and so on. These opposite form one and they represent quality of life. One cannot do away with one of this aspect. It is the balance between the two that nature always tries to attain. Since energy flows in a quantum manner this balance is impossible to achieve. It can only exist between two limits. The site notes that the whole process is guided by a ratio 4:3 and 3:4, which give it an eternal pulsating nature.


However this alternating state or pulse of life is disturbed by time. Time, the site notes is the creation of human mind and its ignorance which manifest as the conquering and corrupt motive. Time takes the pulse to two possible limits one to the center and the other to the outside. Time can wind you to death or unwind you to death. Thus when time produces the winding stress to the limit, the consciousness of the creator is stressed [The concept of creator is discussed in various articles – see, intelligent design, Nature of God, Truth that Liberates, Grand design] and the very existence of the universe is endangered forcing the creator to act. Since the whole is maintained by information, a dominant and recessive, very clearly it means information should come to act.


 I believe when time takes the whole system to the limit, the information the dominant and recessive bifurcates in an absolute manner, the dominant information goes recessive and the recessive turns dominant. It is the conception of new world. The world is saved from collapse.  Site notes that this is Calvary, where Lord showed the absolute feminine characters, Love, forgiveness, compassion and so on in order to initialize Himself and the whole of Humanity. It was a part of Grand plan that is going to culminate with the Second Coming.


What is Second Coming?

At Calvary the direction of time was turned from centripetal to centrifugal. Lord knew humanity will fail to perceive this change and in time his conquering motive and corruption would lead to another collapse, thus He said He would come again. His duty will be incomplete unless He shows both His faces and initialize humanity in His knowledge. Second Coming is the revelation of complete information or birth of Light that was conceived at Calvary by which He guides the universal existence and initializes Humanity.


What is the true Nature of God?

True nature of God is Light. It exists with darkness as it pair. The light enfolds and Unfolds in the field of the darkness. With out darkness light has no meaningful existence. The secret of God exists in this essential reality. Light conquers the darkness and emerges eternally victorious to balance and sustain the whole. It never destroys the darkness but lives with it. If light were to destroy darkness good were to destroy evil, then none of us would be living on the phase of this earth. The light simply initializes the Good and the bad.


Many of our religious scriptures depict God taking part in great wars, taking the side of the Good and restoring Justice and Truth. The sites discovers them as simply critical points in quantum evolution. Calvary however is unique. It brings the message to the world that all victory obtained through war is temporary. A true and lasting victory can only be obtained by an arrow of absolute Love, Absolute Love demands absolute forgiveness. Absolute Forgiveness demands the sacrifice of the “I” factor. “I” is life, Giving up “I” is death. In effect the Absolute Love is an art of accepting death to move to Life. This art is absolute Knowledge and this should exist in Him as a prerequisite. Only one system at the center can have this knowledge – This is God. The light or knowledge is given to Humanity as He changes His phase, so that Humanity survives and Justice and Truth wins.


The Secret of God In the terms of Science

The secret of God In terms of science could be deduced to the secret of biological information perpetuation.  A biological system when stressed survives by renewing the Information. The pair of information splits, each become a template to create a new information and the old and new Information strand then mixes to stabilize, the system against time. The whole world is held on Information and is perpetuated on Information. Calvary is a time when all the information absolutely bifurcated in to dominant and recessive and the Dominant went recessive to the recessive. It was necessitated to conquer time that was tending to Zero and Death. Post Calvary is a time when the absolute Recessive Information or template was held on to Human as a Mirror so that any body who wishes follow Him get the pedestal to climb from mortal world to immortal world. Calvary is the beginning of renewal of information. The Second coming is the completion of renewal.


The New science and God

Biological science thinks that information unit are paired. But the new science discovered in the site views biological information as dynamic unit consisting of minimum of two pairs one of the pair is dominant and the other recessive. Each of these pairs have a dominant and recessive component. They could be expressed in a ratio 4:3 and 3:2.  [ 4:3:3:2]. Their relationship now could be expressed by  the Golden  genotypic ratio 1:2:1,  that Fr.Gregor Mendal Revealed to the world.


The mirror that the Lord was holding to the humanity at Calvary was the recessive ratio 3:2. that is absolute.  He is forced to do so to save His created world and humanity from death.  It is the grand plan incorporated in all the individual and the whole to perpetuate  Information. It is the golden ladder that help humanity to raise from the mouth of the death. Unfortunately humanity failed to perceive the truth and moved by his conquering motive and corruption to the other death point. Forcing the Lord to reveal His absolute dominant side. Here the absolute recessive information template goes submissive to the dominant. When the dominant reveals piercing the womb of the recessive. The whole ratio reveals and every body get initialized in Information.  Some of us  find ourselves to the right and some to left of the middle. Thus half find themselves closer to the absolute dominant and the other half closer to the absolute recessive. Half closer to the middle [ life] and other half closer to end [death]

The Link between the Golden Laws

The greatest and life supporting law of the three is Love. Love is the beginning point of Life. It is the weapon to conquer death. Without Love nothing in the universe can sustain. The Love is the basis of creation. Love is the Breath of life and the Knowledge of the Love is the Ultimate Knowledge. This is Christ at Calvary and Second Coming. Love signifies Mother and Knowledge signifies the Father, together they form one thing called Life.

What the Father and Mother calls to their Children is to, Let your brother Live as you live, make Love the root of interaction and stay with Justice and Truth at all time and make Knowledge the Goal of your travel.  Only this can make you return to root to find the security and warmth of Life. It is the golden path through the womb of the Mother, to the Kingdom of the Father and back to this world unscratched.


The Golden Laws and what it means to Present World

Very clearly our present world, that is erupting, flooding, quaking and where humanity has turned against humanity in the name God, creating war and breeding terrorism, thus creating hell on earth, has its root in the failure of Love in humanity.  The importance Love Has failed to strike Human mind, in spite of the fact that the Lord showed the importance of Love at Calvary and gave a call to Humanity to follow His path. His call has remained in the Book. People have chained His Voice to altar of the Churches and is giving went to their Mind.  It is quite disgusting to see Christian populated west and its leaders have a direct hand in the creation of Hell on earth. They have broken the fundamental laws of Life.

1] Christ showed them a path of Conquering through Love, but they still rest on material power to protect them.  In spite of the fact that all their arsenal has found wanting against a suicide bomber, they have failed to perceive the truth. That speaks of the Shallow intelligence of human who are ruling the world today.

2] The Christian Leaders of the world have failed to perceive the commandment of the Father and Mother to let his brother Live. No Father and Mother will stay a dead witness to the brutal attack of the elder on the younger, whatever he is.  This will deny the existence of Love, existence of Justice and truth. I do not understand the right a human has to call another a man evil, specially so when it comes from the mouth of some one who calls him self a Christian. If there were one person on earth who could call him self as good, then Calvary would not have happened.


Very clearly this world has broken all the Laws of Life Calling for Light to emerge to destroy Human Mind, Judge and initialize it. It is forcing the Lord to  take hold of the world that is inching to death. Beyond doubt this will happen. The only question left is that after how much of suffering?

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