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The Law of Karma 

The Ultimate Knowledge that can Save Humanity  

I am not a student of any religion. However, my quest to understand nature led me note a parallels between science and religion. I found the Vedas [Though not studied in depth], a science that reveals the truth. The law of Karma here becomes fundamental to understand, the cycle of existence. It appealed to me because my own interaction with nature, attempts to understand and develop a new foundation to science, led me to it. Science in its evolution has come one cycle. It started off, by isolating matter from mind and consciousness and landed in with uncertainty theory and quantum world, which clearly pointed that matter and its reality cannot be understood in isolation of mind and consciousness.  Science evolved from the study of interaction of matter to the interaction of fields and had to conclude that all quantum fields, which underlie all the physical reality, arise from a unified field.

Thus science exist not only in the ignorance of the unity of the various material fields it has invented, but also exist totally confused to comprehend, the field that exist beyond the matter, at the mind and consciousness level. The quantum cosmologists of today argue that laws of nature are precisely crafted; other wise intelligent being like us would not have emerged to ask the questions and explore nature.  John Wheeler and Penrose, the foremost theorist about space and time believe that mysteries of consciousness and quantum mechanics are related. It is now viewed that evolution of conscious beings capable of comprehending the intricacies of the world is a prerequisite for the beginning of the universe.

The feeling that consciousness is an integral part of the nature of this universe is becoming increasingly strong with advancement in quantum nature of reality. It is now strongly felt by the scientific community that the primary realities of the unified field and conscious field are inseparable aspects of the same underlying process and united through mutual participation. Since the unified field [material energy] permeates all manifest phenomenon, so should its complementary aspect consciousness.

 The recent interest that west has shown on eastern philosophies springs from this fix in which scientists are caught. They are looking out  to develop the unification theory and develop a picture of universe that is sensible. The Indian seers  [Contributing Hindu philosophy] had no difficulty perceiving and comprehending the reality and cyclic existence of nature.  The path they traveled was wholesome, searching the inner depth of once own self and seeking the answer to human misery and death. They traveled from the sphere of body [matter] to the sphere of mind to the basal sphere called consciousness, which controls every thing. According to them the neural net work and brain is a basic characteristic of all reality. The whole of nervous system is only means to provide an appropriate material structure to individualize the consciousness. In other words each individual is a part of the whole capable of influencing and gets influenced. They dealt elaborately elaborately  with this influence, while describing the Karmic Cycle – The Cycle of Nature 

The Hindu Philosophy tells us that Karmic cycle is a Process of thought materializing into deed. There are two forms of karma negative and positive. Power of mind over matter it states is creative power of thought. It states that what we experience outside is the product of our inner state. We create our reality we are the architects of our destiny. Perceived reality becomes manifested reality.  It states that thoughts has immense power, it can create. Every time some one perceives or harbors a thought containing charge or emotion, a process of creation is set into action. An arrow is released into ethereal sphere, once released it joins with other such thoughts and arrows which joins together to reach a threshold. When the thresh hold is reached the law of reaction begins to take place. [The non-linear scientist have come to view our universal system and their interaction predominantly in this manner] 

Hindu philosophy tells us that Karma is a cosmic principle separate from God. It tells us that god has no hold on it and it is not his creation. Karma is understood as that pertaining to the individual, family, nation and all humanity. Our present state of the world thus could be traced to negative thought and emotions of the individual and the humanity as a whole under incomplete knowledge of nature and the approach of west, which by its ignorance is leading the individual, and the whole to death. All religious philosophies states that the Lord mediates when he is approached, he comes to save, individual, family and the whole of humanity when the balances are upset and his creation is in danger of existence. Karma it clearly tells that all the miseries, disasters and disorder in individual's life and the whole  is the product of human ignorance. 

It is like a frog jumping [quantum nature]. It has an ascending phase followed by descending phase. The ascending phase is under the will of the frog, but the descending phase is beyond it. The free will to act and choose exists, in a period prior to the flight. The knowledge of the karmic cycle would help the frog to sense the water and fire and jump. However, once in flight in cannot change its course of flight. A jump by using the sense and from the base of true knowledge turns positive and ends in water and a jump without using sense or improper knowledge turns negative and ends in fire, death and a new beginning for search of water.  

I have felt humanity under the grip of science is, miserable than a frog or sheep or any animal. All animals’ sense perceives danger, and with time, their sense perception increases. The leader of a herd of sheep becomes dependable, but not a leader of human being who exist in material field. Being protected, not being stressed, his sense perception weakens and he leads the whole to death. This is what is actually happening to the world, which in pursuit of material wealth has filled it self with negative intent, and today is caught in a vortex of fear.

Human being handling science are dealing only with matter and force speaks of the jump and its path without sense. Being full of negative intent they have not been able to comprehend the truth or have that insight to relay the foundation of science in a sensible manner. It is no fault of science, for they are in the grip of the vortex. We have government’s madly funding, war and development of destructive power of matter, little or nothing goes to develop the constructive power of the consciousness or the spiritual power.

Thus, science in spite of all the developments has failed to comprehend the reality of matter, reality of consciousness and the unity of the two. Whenever humanity confronted with life force, it has taken a bypass. The East, where the knowledge of reality exists, has gone subservient to the west and the reality of nature or the secret of Karmic cycle has remained a paradox to humanity and science.

The site reorients the foundation of science and brings them on to a plat form of sense, such that it under stands the fire to which the unintelligent creatures called human being are directed in their Jump. It goes ahead to find, different steps [cycles] concealed in the quantum jumps and the universal law guiding the macrocosm, microcosm that exist with in it, and the God which controls it. 

There are two ways science understands action and reaction. Action and reaction that are immediate or one following another [linear physics], the other is action and reaction that are separated in time [non-linear physics]. The former deals with physical actions on bodies, the later [more recent] deals with heat induced action on systems. Non-linear system speaks of accumulation of action and leading to a threshold in time. This falls in line with interpretation of action and reaction written in Vedas.

In mechanical actions and reaction [linear physics] we are involved with matter that we see, but in non linear physics, we are generally dealing with heat, which involves indirectly a third component called environment, which influences the action and reaction and decides the time taken. 

Vedic view of action and reaction is non-linear and superior, in that it introduces human thought as the environment and thus brings individuals and humanity to the center stage. At the level of consciousness, it divides the thought as negative and positive. It identifies the human problem in our incapacity to differentiate negative and positive thoughts and understand the relationship between the thought and deed.

It clearly brings action and reaction in to the preview of human capacity to perceive. When humanity shuts out his sense, the perception capacity decreases; the action becomes self-oriented and negative. When the perception capacity is triggered, the actions get oriented to non-self. The the rekindling of the of senses or the speed of reciprocation depends on the evolution of individual; it could a take a moment, a lifetime and more for an individual to reach the threshold point. 

The Vedas clearly tell us human capacity to perceive deteriorates in time, leading him to darkness and this darkness gives way to light for cyclic existence by the intervention of God. Great are people who see light in darkness and darkness in light.  Such transformation is beyond human nature and true transformation to occur, we have discover love and for this we need divine intervention – This divine intervention is the essence of Vedas. This essence of Vedas was manifested in Calvary, as the third incarnation of God. The first and second being of Lord Rama and second being Lord Krishna. At Calvary when Lord was laying down His life, Lord was teaching and showing the world the path that leads to everlasting victory, towards eternal life and order. However, humanity failed to understand Him.

In the quantum picture of action and reaction described in this site, they form the first, second and third critical points. At the third critical point the system collapses. The site notes that the system has two, “third critical points”, that leads to the collapse of the whole system, one in the path to the center and another in the path away from the center to the periphery. At the third critical point to the center, Lord saved the collapse by manifesting, Himself in full perception, in pure love [pure thought] and becoming a sacrifice to hate [all the impure thought], thus bringing about a phase change. However, humanity failed to perceive His message and His word, thus exploited His grace giving went to their conquering motive. He was quite aware of the weakness of humanity, and the potential danger it will cause to His world and its existence, thus Jesus said He would return as a Holy Spirit [light or knowledge] to save His people, or bring another transformation. 

Science has advanced based on the Knowledge of matter and the associated spirit for the last one thousand years. End of it should be a transformation into in to the knowledge of the soul, its associated spirit, its superiority and control over matter. In other words the knowledge or the wisdom of life, that existed before but was forgotten by humanity. Only the knowledge of interrelationship and oneness of matter and soul and its associated spirit can save humanity from self-destruction.

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