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Human Cloning 

Are we right in doing it?




At a time when the world is standing up to the news of Human Cloning, I thought that it is appropriate that I add few words of caution from the foundation of Unified Theory. In fact, cloning was the mother field from which I graduated to develop the new foundation to science and develop the Unified Theory.


Before we go to discuss the right and wrong of the cloning, for the sake of nonprofessional, let me give a glimpse of cycle of living system. Life is based on information. The following figure gives the cycle of living information and its perpetuation in brief



Life originates from the union of male and female cells to give an information system that exist in pairs. Each of them carries a copy of the information of the whole system. The information from the male cell is then transferred into to female cell where it unifies with the copy of the information in the female to form what we know as seed of living organism - the diploid Zygote. There is an uncertainty in the formation of zygote - the zygote can be male or female. This zygote divides to give rise to the whole living system. This process is known as differentiation of information.  Differentiation of information involves a process of shutting down the information in a preprogrammed manner, such that the differentiated cells or organs takes up specific functions in time.


Information and Living System


Living System works based on the information it contains in the nuclei. This information has two phases.

1] Vegetative [2n]

2] Reproductive [n]


Both these phases involves renewal of information. Science notes and differentiates it by the mitotic division and meiotic division. All living systems renews its cells periodically [ mitotic 2n]. In addition to this periodic renewal, it undergoes another periodic division that is accompanied by reduction [meiotic -  n ]. We must note that zygote is the beginning of the vegetative phase.  It takes birth in the milieu of the female cell. The new information is diploid having two sets of information one being dominant the other being recessive. Thus for the development of the living system  it needs three principal factors, the information from male, information from the female and a universe in which it manifest. The universe in which information manifest invariably is given by the female system. Every time a sexual reproduction goes on, the information’s are mixed and the out come not only has uncertainty of male and female embodied in it but also brings up qualitative and quantitative changes in the information content of the system. The new information is a necessity for the system to adapt to the changing environment. The whole process is a mechanism to stand up against the uncertainties of the environmental system and the direction of time. Biologist have failed to comprehend the process completely.


This unpredictable qualitative and quantum changes is an instinctive reaction of the living system to adapt to the environment and make sure that life perpetuates. However, the scientist bent on predicting and conquering nature visualized it as nuisance.  Biologists being subservient to physical science have come to visualize the information in living system as static and mechanical. Like physical science enquiring into nature, which first isolated mind from matter before it went out to study matter by splitting, biologist under the influence of physical science has isolated living system from the environment and went about studying the living system by killing and dissecting it. Their search led them to discovering gene as fundamental unit of information. This information unit they noted is subjected to change at the sexual reproduction.  Conquering motive of scientist thus was fixed on overcoming the first step in the process of sexual reproduction in order to exploit information in the living system.  Thus was born the world of cloning. We must underline the fact that, the whole of biotechnology rest even today largely on the mechanical world-view which believes that the building blocks of biological system or the information in it is static and therefore is predictable.


Hardly few biologist are aware of the fact that the mechanical world view heralded by physicist has given way to relativistic, quantum- unpredictable and chaotic – ordered world-view in rapid succession. Biologists have failed to fully comprehend and readjust themselves to the changed vision. Today some biologist in tune with the change in the human perception of reality of nature speak and visualize information in living system as dynamic with out being able to determine or explain how this information works. [The site deals with this principal aspect by reviewing the foundation of science it self]. The “cloner's” attempting to clone a living system fully rest on the old mechanistic vision of life and information system.   


Cloning in Plants

The concept of cloning emerged from plant tissues, which have retained their regenerative capacity [totipotent].  A rose plant obtained by rooting a cutting is a clone. It is assumed that that it produces the characters of the source plant without much variation. In nature, many plants do produce its own clone [vegetative propagation]. However, nature seems to prefer sexual reproduction than vegetative and this phenomenon is rare and is practically absent in animal kingdom and human kingdom, science produces no valid reason why plants are totipotent but animals are not


Scientist working with plant cells and tissues noted that, it survived on a nutrient media in an aseptic condition and the manifestation of these tissues can be controlled by manipulating the ratio of two hormones cyctokinins and auxins. It was noted that under specific condition the vegetative cells of plant could transform into root, shoot or an embryo that gives rise to complete plants. This gave scientist a tool to extend vegetative propagation to many commercial plants, where it does not exist naturally.  Thus was born a new field called Plant Tissue Culture. Biologist attempts to handle animal and human cells in a similar fashion did not find any progress. Specific cells for example skin, are cultured and grown in the labs but scientist have failed to dedifferentiate the information, such that a skin cell can be converted into another cell type or turned into zygote that can produce all the cell lines has eluded scientist.


How is Dolly and Human Clone Developed?

Information in a cell irrespective whether it is reproductive cell or vegetative cell is contained and held in the nucleus. The creators of Dolly simply ejected the nucleus of an ovum [n] and replaced it with a nucleus obtained from a vegetative cell [2n]. see fig




The process resulted in a situation similar to the one resulting from the union of nucleus of male and female gametes to form a zygote [2n]. The resulting egg was then transplanted back in to the mother system such that it is nurtured and differentiated to develop the complete system before it was delivered to this world to live an independent life. The human cloning is also done in the above manner. We must note an important point here that  is, to trigger the information into action, it needs three milieu, or environment. 

1] The milieu of the egg cell

2] The milieu of the female system in which the zygote differentiates to form the complete system ready to be delivered to the third environment

3] The third being the environment to which the system is delivered to lead an independent existence.


I call them "three universes"  in which life is molded. The first one where the information is initialized, the second one where the information blooms and the third one where the information dies.


Are we right in cloning a Living system?

Answer to this question is linked up with many other questions

1] What is life? Why nature prefers to mix its information?  How information in plant animal and human kingdoms differ

2] How does a biological information works and survives in nature. What is the nature of relationship of biological information within and with the outside information and against the evolution of time? What is evolution?


These two fundamental questions when extrapolated further exposes, the ignorance on which scientist and humanity exist. Humanity to day speaks of cloning human being, but has no answers to some of the fundamental questions of their own inventions. It describes elaborately various parts and its functions in a living system but fails to tell us what is life and what is death. It tells us that gene is a triplet code, but does not tell why it is a triplet code, it tells that genes are paired, one dominant the other is recessive but does not explain why it is so, it tells us that chromosomes are paired and DNA is double helical but does not tell us why it is so. It tells us that information is perpetuated in biological system through mitosis and meiosis, where in copies of new information are built on an old template. However, it does not tell us what is the necessity of such renewal and why these two different forms of perpetuation of information co exist and so on. We must underline a fact that our knowledge of life is built on the observation of dead body and we thoroughly lack the knowledge of the living body and its basic function to which every thing else is related. The biologist's forget that the genes, chromosomes, DNA, etc is not life, they are simply the tools by which the life survives and perpetuates in the universe we see. Information in biological system is a tool built up in order for life to sustain life.  The biologist trying to tamper the biological information could be visualized as layman attempting to modify the great work of art from a great master.


In short, the biologist can be considered a bunch of blind people touching an elephant. Each one figure the elephant based on the portion he touches. This is the state of the science as a whole. The biologists have played a second fiddle to physicists. When the mechanical era unfolded, biologist projected biological information as mechanical, when relativistic era unfolded they started to visualize biological information as relative, when quantum and uncertainty era unfolded they started to visualize biological information as uncertain one and when era of chaos and order emerged, biologist have started to visualize biological information as chaotic and ordered one.  However, the truth is that we have not been able to comprehend and develop a complete explanation to living system.


Today the physicist are lost without being able to comprehend, the unity of mechanical, relativistic, quantum-uncertain and chaotic and ordered world that they have invented. The situation of biologist is still worse.  This is reflected in the result of biggest scientific project unfolded by human beings – The mapping of human genome. They expected to find over 100 thousand genetic information in human being but ended with roughly 1/3 the number expected.  This number surprisingly was roughly equal to the number of genes found in mice. The scientists were now left to answer how such small number of genetic information in human beings account for such diversity of traits that humanity presents.


It is up to us to decide are we right in cloning biological system when we know nothing about biological information and its fundamental process and its relationship to the whole. The truth is that the foundation of biological world and physical world, which the scientist developed, has cracked and is virtually falling apart. The attempts at cloning living system, I define is a process of building a boat by individuals at the expense of the ship in a turbulent sea.  Yes, our limited understanding makes us stand up and applaud, the launch of the boat in a small pond over the ship. The limitation of this approach will only reveal it self as the ship breaks. It is this realization that led me to give up the lucrative field of bio-technology, suppress my own confidence to clone any living system and go in search of the understanding the relationship and oneness of nature, that culminated in developing a new foundation to science and discover the oneness of nature and its perpetual existence.


Every biologist knows that, nature mixes its information with some specific purpose and that nature does not do any thing that is irrelevant.  The fundamental structure and functions of living system thus has close relationship with nature and its process. [I have attempted project it as mirror image relationship, where there is one to one relationship between life and nature].  All the parts of a living system has defined purpose that supports the basic principle of living system, that is to ensure that the life and its pulse perpetuates in this universe. Thus, all living systems before it meets death make sure that it perpetuates its information. The mixing of information is a key point in this survival process. It helps it to survive in space-time that is relative and unpredictable. [This is the fundamental point to which my site is trying to lead the intellectuals of the world and the powers that are molding humanity]. It is our ignorance that is leading us to exploit the living information to our advantage, making it vulnerable to withstand the evolution force or the force of time. [This aspect will be greatly elaborated if time and His will permits. The new foundation to science very clearly leads us to it. Following figure give glimpses of it].




All life rolls in three steps to its ultimate end. The first is the birth, the second is the conceiving point, which ensures that information, and life is perpetuated, the third is death. The birth and death is only transition points one following the other. The birth ensures that there is death and death ensures that there is a birth. What is perpetuated is information or knowledge. The knowledge shines and fades like the sun. Modern man with out any doubt exists in the dark phase. His material knowledge is partial, powered by his partial knowledge, he is giving went to his conquering motive and corruption and in the process he is inching humanity to total destruction. Only true knowledge, the knowledge of oneness of matter, mind and soul can save the situation for humanity.


If we think that our universe had a birth then it should have a death and a conceiving point in the middle that ensures the existence. We all agree there is an evolution to the universal system. You do not have to be a scientist to know that system in which we are living is changing constantly in a direction. In other words, time is changing for the universal system. The living system that is surviving in it has to adapt to this change by developing new information. A static information in such a evolving universe could turn suicidal specially for the information in three dimensional living systems [animal] and for information that exist four dimensional living system [human kingdom], this exactly why animal and human systems have blocked the information in an irreversible manner. This aspect is discussed in the site elaborately.


The attempts to produce clones let it be of plants, animals and human is against the very principle of nature. Every biologist who ever is worthy to be called as scientist would agree to it. Every intellectual with a sense would agree living system is a dynamic system that survives in the changing environment.  The creation of Dolly very clearly brings out the importance of the environment on the molding of the information system. Without the environment of the egg cell, no clone can be created in three-dimensional and four-dimensional living systems. The differentiation of the information and dedifferentiation of the information system is more related to the environment than information it self. The expression of information is relative and sensitive to the environmental factors.


The science of life built by modern biologists who are subservient t physicist does not take in to account, the role of environment in designing the information of the living system. My experience with cloning plants very clearly presented a truth that the information in biological system is very much sensitive to the environment. This meant that dedifferentiation and differentiation process I was attempting in the process of cloning plant system is more prone for drastic deviation in the information content, than for what it is pursued. This could only come up when the information is exposed to the unpredictably of fluctuating environment. It is not that Plant tissue culturists have not observed the serious deviation from the expected. However, such deviations that it is questioning the very foundation of their world are not being reported with emphasis. The “self” and survival instinct of plant tissue culturist in this mad competitive and compartmented world, I note is the cause for such tendency. Few have projected them as a tool to obtain new information’s, in order to breathe life into collapsing world. 


My extensive work in cloning with different plants only led me to conclude that all my efforts to dedifferentiate the biological information could be deduced to production of stress on the information system. The stress produced could be classified as two dimensional, three-dimensional and four-dimensional. It can be deduced to waves of certain frequency. I could only view biological information system as dynamic pulsating one with its own specific frequency that has a upper and lower value at which the pulse beaks down. The multitude of information invariably means it encompasses many more waves, which are minor and compatible to the overall one. It is like a rope sewn from smaller fibers. These small fibers can cohere with in certain limit to give the structure to the whole rope. Their coherence determines the strength of the rope. Two principal forces that acts on this rope are winding that gives strength to it and other unwinding which weakens it. The pulse or life breaks down when both the winding force and unwinding force goes to the critical limit.  The biological system always works against the external force acting on it. Information is built to handle the disturbing force. [The dynamic unit of information systems in life and how information is built is briefly discussed in the site. If His will permits, I hope to find time to elaborate on this aspect.]


Since nature produces winding as well as unwinding force on the system, the biological system [biological particle] that is surviving should have capacity to deal with the changing phases. The site locates this ability in the passive gene of the gene pairs. The process of mitotic and meiotic division helps dealing with the stress acting on it from space-time


When winding force is applied on the information system, the information tends to get dedifferentiated.  All the information that was bound as one, like the fibers of the rope, now begins to get separated. In other words, the information goes from relatively ordered state into relatively disordered state. The site describes and locates that such disturbances has three quantum steps which are further divisible into three minor quantum steps. When the third quantum step is reached, the system breaks down. However, there exists an instinct within the living system [deduced to structural difference between life and matter particle – see the site] that works against the stress acting. This instinct always tries to put the system back in to order. In the new order in to which its gets in could be different from the old order.  The order is relative to the circumstances that are acting. The new order is a compromise with the stress force acting on it, in order maintain the balance of the system


The site deduces this to a fundamental phenomenon that guides all systems in nature, including the universal system of which all other systems are a part. It notes that all system has a middle working zone and an uncertain zone on either side beyond which the systems existence is endangered. The instinct of the system comes to play in the uncertain zone. The site discovers the instinct as the equilibrium force or the balancing force. It notes that there are only two forces to nature one anti-gravitational and the other gravitational. Anti-gravitational force originates from life as a resultant of life particles attempt to maintain certain equilibrium within the system.  The gravitational force originates from matter particles that cover the life particle. This force arises because of the non-equilibrium and its attempt to gain equilibrium. It sketches how these two forces interact to form the living universe of which we are part.


It notes that survival and evolution of the system or development of information is helped when the system is maintained in the uncertain period for longer time and is given the adequate input that helps it to survive. The information is readjusted probably by deletion, addition, mutual changes and all those phenomena's discussed in  Genetics. Here the instinct of the system works in relation to the stress force that is acting from the environment and the information content of the system to reach the most easiest and appropriate way to readjust the internal information in relation to the external force and strike a balance with it. So one can  visualize plant cells and tissues in culture as partially dead. It is living in an uncertain field capable of returning to living mode, falling into non-living mode or continues to exist growing in this field. See fig



From the above thinking, I could never feel confident and satisfy my conscious to say that a cloned plant will reproduce the information of the root source.  I can produce a cloned plant, but cannot guarantee that the information that it expresses in time is true to mother plant. I realized that in all my efforts at cloning plant system by trial and error, I was  simply keeping the living system in a suspended animation, then hit upon a combination that would dedifferentiate the information such that it gets a new order and the pulsation against gravity at that moment. [We must note that all material force is gravitational, where as life by instinct work against gravity and thus is anti-gravitational.  The second law of thermodynamics applied to living and non-living system very clearly brings out the opposing nature]. But its survival against time is greatly hindered.  


Is Modern Man Living in Pseudo World – A World of absolute Ignorance?

My answer is definitely yes. Modern man’s approach to know the reality of nature is limited by his self. He is bonded to material gains and thus is blinded and has been living in blind man's life, each trying figure nature from what they happen to touch by their hand. The situation of scientist is well explained by the Chair of science described by Plato. Plato describes scientist as prisoners chained to mouth of the cave with their back to light and face open to the mouth of the cave. He rightly says that scientist can perceive the object by working on the shadow projected on the wall. However, he concludes that the picture that can be perceived from such a situation is far inferior to the one perceived by a free man.  Let me share an experience that revealed the situation to me.


Once I happened to meet a scientist of reputed multinational organization, which claimed to have successfully cloned a highly important commercial plant. Their published report showed that, that the cloned plant in the field showed high rate of stability and uniformity in the information system of the cloned plant. But when I grew closer to his heart expressing my fears about the fact that cloned plants need not show uniformity and in fact has more chances of showing more diversity with unnatural deviations, the scientist admitted that field trials have showed such tendency, but they cannot disclose such things. In the final assessment, it meant it is their survival that they were aiming at. Being a company funded with a predetermined commercial objective of exploiting the potentials of predictability and control of biological information, any disclosure that is against it, means the question of their job and their immediate survival. But the truth that the cloning is failure will come when time passes.


It became clear to me that pursuit of knowledge bound with personal aspects hinders the vision. It also explained why ancient intellectuals seeking the reality of nature de-linked themselves from the mundane life. In short, ordinarily scientist are blinded by their survival instinct and survive by flowing with the tide making best use of the circumstances to gain security to their life, find name and fame.  They survive by exposing one side, which favors the flow and flames the inherent and ignorant weakness of humanity to conquer and corrupt nature. In the process, they propel their intent and hide the reality of the nature that reveals to them.


We must note that Galileo failed to explain why free fall acceleration is the same for all bodies, Newton failed to explain what causes gravitation, Einstein failed to explain why the speed of light is the maximum speed attainable, Heisenberg failed to explain how uncertainty come into existence, non linear scientist have failed to explain the force behind the chaos and order, yet they presented their partial knowledge that led to creation of huge vortexes in which they grew popular and known. The potential to exploit material power that existed in their work blindfolded humanity. However, time exposed the limitations and slowed down the flow. When the flow is hindered, great people emerged to give new direction to the flow. 


In short, what scientist is giving humanity is half-truth. All along scientist have chosen expose the matter and work to conquer matter and nature. To day, all their efforts have led them to back to the starting point of science forcing them to review the very foundation of science. We must note that science began to explore matter and conquer nature, by splitting matter from mind. Today they are forced to accept that the world of matter is related to the world of mind and consciousness in some unknown way. [The site is directed at showing this connection].


Any untruth is bound to fail the test of time and thus all the great era of science built on part knowledge virtually fell apart with the advancement of time.  Cloning work that is being conducted today very clearly exist on absolute ignorance about the very essence of life and the basic principle of life. We seem to forget the fundamental principle of action and reaction. Every action by humanity under ignorance and self is returning to him. Humanity is getting gripped in the vortex of his own creation.  The world we witness to day is clearly speaking it out on our face. The world powered by material knowledge is living in the fear of weapons of mass destruction it developed to defend it self.  It is standing helpless in fear against souls that have conquered the fear of death. These souls in turn are our own creation. It is the product of human conquering motive and corruption. 

Cloning of Commercially important plants called the attention of the industry with great fancy just two decades back, but the fan fare has died and the goals are being redirected as a survival process. When Dolly was created, I was not excited for I knew that it would fall against time. Now we are hearing about human cloning. This appears the height of ignorance and human greed to conquer and corrupt nature. Science has grown to defeat the very existence of humanity.


How is the cloning practiced in plant tissue culture different from animal clones produced by Scientist?

Information in living system exists in three environments, one is the environment of the system [the cell in which nucleus is enclosed] and the other is middle environment in which information differentiates into complete organism [the womb].   The third is the environment in which it survives. We can call it, soul, mind and body. In other words, the information system constantly moves in three universes. We saw this aspect earlier in the article.

When we isolate plant tissues and grow them in an appropriate artificial, medium I am isolating the information from the middle universe or the environment of the system.  By keeping it in a suspended animation, the information readjust to the microenvironment of the test tube and the medium forms the middle universe for the system. Now by manipulating the input into the microenvironment, I manipulate the inner environment of the system enclosing the information [the cell]. The whole process is unfolding of information by unfolding of the environment.


In contrast to this Dolly was created directly by introducing the information into naturally unfolded inner environment and is allowed to grow back in the middle natural environment. This approach is naturally is superior, because it overcomes the disordered state of the information.  This possibility did strike me much before dolly came on the international scene.  Being in an ordinary lab working against many odds I was limited to carry out all the ideas that were bubbling in me.  However, I did conduct a curious experiment on seeds, which closely followed this concept. This concept opened immense possibilities of using seed as a wonderful tool for research. This is written briefly in the article “ Seed a dynamic tool of multiple use in research"]

What is the Draw back in Dolly and Human Cloning?


The answer is simple we are creating system that are susceptible to survive in space and time.  The secret of nature, mixing its information exists in making it stronger to survive in space and time that is evolving.  Cloned information in human system could be highly susceptible, when compared to animal and plant information’s in an evolving universe. [The plant information is least affected].


To understand the reason we have to understand, the space-time relationship with in the plant, animal, and human system, compared to the environment in which it is surviving. The site notes that information in plant system is two dimensional, that of animals is three-dimensional and in human beings, it is four-dimensional. The environment in which all the system survives is four-dimensional. The site also notes that unit information in plants consist of 2 pair of genes, in animals 3 pairs and in human beings 4 pairs to form a dynamic unit. To know what these statements are one has to go through the site patiently and understand the new foundation to science and how biological system is inseparably linked with material systems. [You are most welcome to interact. I hope take the strings you throw to guide you to the basic reality I visualized in simple steps]

