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Hitler in the Making

Where America is leading the world to?

Time to hang on to the Thread of life


The future of the world seems to exist in the hands of the American public who voted to power probably unknowingly the origin of axis of evil. The devils mind working through American president is ready to engulf the world peace and its existence. A flicker of hope to humanity also exists in the American public in the form of internal opposition.

American leaders  blinded by material power have lost their senses. They  have broken all the laws of nature and its existence. They are totally on the wrong side. Those who support American action and those who fear American material power are on the wrong side of life.  American actions are based on fear and ignorance of the truth of nature and thus are totally negative. America is leading the world to a dead end, the third critical point that could manifest as Third World War. A war which would let loose hell on earth.


Behind every action of American leaders, there is a concealed negative motive, negative intent that is to conquer the world and to grow beyond the nature and its master. This aspect is evident even to a common person and a child. It is this truth, which has fuelled millions of soul gear up to sacrifice their life to resist the advancement of American leaders and their negative force. The path America is taking is full of ignorance and they stand on half-baked knowledge. They have erred fundamentally.  Maybe subconsciously they are aware of the undefeatable positive force [force of spirit] hanging on their head, that creates the panic, fear that manifests as motive to conquer the world and wipe the enemy. America does not realize that their enemy is none other than their ignorance, their lack of knowledge of truth and oneness and their lack of knowledge of justice and peace- The Law of Karma.


America's ignorance and its debacle written on the board.


The world engulfed largely in negative thinking and negative energy is standing in awe and fear at the American material power. However, from the plat form of knowledge I am seeing the reaction that is going to bring the fall off America. It is true that America was blessed to grow over matter and control it. But, American leaders blinded by the material power, has violated the laws of nature, throwing justice and truth to dust bin and turning against the very force, [spiritual] which blessed it. It is a shame that Christian dominated west, the followers of Christ, is using material force to conquer nature. This in spite of the fact their Lord manifested in this world and showed the path to conquer life. The fall therefore is inevitable. I am not speaking this because of any hatred to America, I am speaking from the base of strong knowledge of nature and its principles- the Grand Unification Theory that nature revealed to me.


The fall off America was written when its leaders embarked on Globalization, attempting to conquer the economy of the world. It has become apparently clear after World War Second that conquering motive effected through war and material power is not a feasible proposition. America in its greed for matter and money has given powerful weapons to other nations, which can nearly match their weapons and cause heavy destruction. No body can deny the fact that, it is America that filled this world with weapons of mass destruction. The fear of uncertainty in assessing the strength of other nations has always troubled it. Thus, the negative mind of American leaders took the concealed approach of Globalization. It is apparently clear that once the economy of a country is captured it is as good as conquering the country. In its greed, it wooed, stressed and corned the leaders of the nations to submit to their demands and open the boundaries of their nations to their entry. All humanitarian concern was thrown to dust in the process. The corrupt and the coward leaders of east submitted their country with out ever thinking of its ordinary and innocent citizens. America through their negative conquering mind thus fuelled large-scale corruption else where thus destabilizing the whole world.


One can probably locate the root of terrorism here.  What makes the whole situation disgusting is the silence of the religious leaders. They are people entrusted to fight the material force and hold high the spiritual force and the kingdom of the God - the truth and justice. The actions of American leaders and leaders of other country is very much against the doctrine they speech and yet they have remained silent. Like the leaders of nations, they too in the comforts of their position have forgotten their basic duty. I did see some hope and light when Pope John Paul, from Vatican gave statement against war. However, unfortunately this light did not burn in to inferno to stop the material power from precipitating the war for oil, in the guise of protection to humanity. 


American calculation went wrong; they underestimated the minds of the other countries [His brothers] worst they failed to understand the mind of the father who gave him the power. In the open field, the corrupt eastern brains turned more potent and challenging. It is not my idea here to elaborate this aspect. [This is done to a good extent under various context in the site]. When the two great wheels of world economy collapsed on September 11th 2001, America took a great blow to its “I” and its conquering motive. I hoped that America would open its senses, realize the reality of nature, its truth and oneness, and return to positive path. I struggled to reach out to the big brother of the world [American president], the father [chief of United Nations] with the knowledge and truth of nature that can save humanity but I failed. Since then, the ignorant America gripped in fear and the world which in turn existing in fear of American material power, has traveled the wrong way to death and destruction.


Common sense tells us that Terrorism is a recessive form of war. The powerful wages war and powerless and oppressed adopts terrorism. The root of both these evil lies in the same spot – ignorance and human conquering motive. In this sense, America is the father of the terrorism. War only breed’s terrorism and terrorism breed’s war. It is a vortex of evil, that eventually leads to death and destruction only knowledge can save the situation for humanity


Opposition is a necessity for existence. It is the rule of nature. It is the foundation, on which democracy is built.  Nature calls upon us, to respect the opposition. It empowers us to use the material power to defend not to offend. In this sense, the fall of Soviet Union marked the beginning point of death to the world. No wonder the tools [Osama Bin laden] engaged by America in its fight against Soviet Union turned the biggest enemy of America heralding new generation of hope to the oppressed, which America is fighting hopelessly. Terrorism being the product of American conquering motive will only grow in it strength and strike in various forms as the American conquering motive spreads. The ultimate win will be for the opposite for simple reason that the spirit always favors the oppressed and helpless. There are two wrongs to be chosen, one dominant and the other recessive. Since the action of recessive is a manifested product of the action of the dominant, the life force will only eventually favor the recessive bad. This truth will stand out in the light of the truth of nature and its oneness that is expressed in the site.  


Time to Take Side


I always have equated America to Karna of great epic Mahabharat. Karna is all powerful undefeatable. However, in the design of God the world  is protected by a curse on him. The curse is that his knowledge [power] deserts him at the time when it wants it most. By this curse, the good and the world is protected from the dominant and the powerful taking the whole world on the road to destruction. Karna by destiny takes the side of the evil, for he is ignorant about his birth. He knows neither his actual father nor mother. Thus, he finds him self at the pinnacle of the evil force, fighting his father, mother, brothers and perishes.


Looking at the world scenario, I always felt the epic of Mahabharat is being enacted. Israel, America has failed to recognize their origin, their Lord. Very clearly Christian populated west has lost its sense, it exist in absolute ignorance of their origin. If they had little sense, they would not have taken the path of war to conquer the world. Jesus Christ very clearly showed the secret of conquering the world.


I have been following the speeches of president Bush, I must painfully state, the elder brother determining the destiny of the world looked internally quite nervous and externally putting forth a bold face. He is very much trying to cover up his consciousness.  Everybody with whom the subject matter came for discussion including the uneducated and immature aired this feeling.


American Presidents call to Iraq’s people to support him looked ridiculous. It is a call to individual to sacrifice his individuality and self-respect.  It is a call to break individuals ties of life with his family, his community and the nation and they’re by to the Lord. However, bad a father and a mother be, their status as mother and father is irrefutable and calls for respect.  There is an inherent bond in a family, that extends to community and nations. One who does not respect his father and mother and the bonds of relationship is not human.  It is thoroughly disgusting to call out individuals to revolt against their family, community and nation. America which overlooked United nations and its own consciousness to attack another country unilaterally was calling upon the publics of another country to trek the evil path it  is treading. American culture, which has little respect to relationship and survives by divide and rule policy will not understand it with out a great introspection 


Our world is like a living system, the countries are like the different organs of one whole living system. The system works when the organs work coherently. Externally the functions of the organs might appear contradictory yet they are the essential and specifically sketched parts of the design that maintains life. It makes no sense for the Mouth to ask, Excretory organ to take input to the body or stop evacuating and vice versa.. This is exactly America is doing by interfering into Iraq.  The arguments that Bush and Blair puts forth are rather childish, it speaks of colossal ignorance on which they stand. This is exactly why every individual deep inside feels America and Britain is at the  wrong end.


If anybody has the right to enter the territory of another, then it is the life force, the spirit that binds the whole into one. Mr. Bush, Mr. Blair and all their intellectual and scientific force is quite ignorant of this force. It is shame that the leader of the worlds strongest democracy  does not know the meaning of this word democracy. Does democracy gives you right to offend?  Power in some ones hand can be constructive and destructive. The life emerges when it shows the constructive aspect of the power. This world has been destabilized because America has been consistently showing the negative side of the power to the world and the world that looks at the big brother has been following it building a vortex of death force. The ignorance of relationship and oneness on which America is standing and its split and rule approach is the source of all disorder, destruction and humanitarian disaster that we are witnessing. It is time America makes an introspection of their fundamental thinking. American thinking and its approach is based on the principles of science. But it is important to note that the foundation of science lies broken with contradicting developments and without knowing the basic knowledge of how things are interrelated to form one whole. The problem of the whole world  thus could be deduced to fundamental flaws in scientific thinking. This prompted me to research a new foundation to science that brings up the interrelationship and oneness of nature. Much of what I write is based on this foundation.


It is hope that sustains life. Life is built on it.  Change is universal and human life exists on hope that next change occurs for good and towards life, towards peace. Saddam very definitely erred when he attacked Kuwait. He and his whole nations have been punished for 13 long years.  It makes no sense to invade him and destroy. What is going on in Iraq to day is not war; it is the march of evil force that has grown beyond limit, it is war for wealth, it is war for oil.


Every man with  conscience and a little intelligence will understand that the war on Iraq has nothing to do with liberating people of Iraq but is aimed at holding the control of the fertile crescent that in addition has second largest oil deposit. A devastated country, with a puppet government, will be a fertile field for American companies to graze to extend its economic pursuits. Ordinary people may not perceive the American Plan but America is forgetting that every force has equal and opposite force, with a determining force hanging above it.


Yesterday American president expressed hope that American prisoners of war in Iraq, would be dealt humanly. This statement I feel is a mockery of humanity, truth and justice. I do not understand what right American president who broke the basic humanitarian rules of respecting the father, respecting the truth and justice, being true to his own consciousness, has the right to speak of humanitarian rules. The world has witnessed how the thousands Afghan prisoners of war are treated. The picture of thoroughly bruised soldiers behind the barbed wire, with their  hands and legs tied, being dragged by American soldiers,  [Pictures aired by BBC] is still in my mind. The attack on Iraq [younger brother], after destroying His arsenals, in the name of peace, through the father’s mediation is not bravery. It is the act of human cowardice. It signifies the failure of all justice and truth in this world.  When you attack a helpless neighbor it is not called war it is called conquering. When it is done in the guise of peace, it is called cheating. I can only conclude that America has cheated Iraq and the world. There is no other base left to which America can fall. I always believe there is no human being who is absolutely good and who cannot deteriorate in time and there is no human being who is absolutely bad and who cannot change to good in time. America has fallen very miserably from good to bad. 


Saddam, after thirteen years of sentence imposed on him and his people, appeared a gentle man so far. He has restrained himself from lighting up his oil wells [his people’s wealth], restrained himself using biological weapons and promised to follow Geneva Convention. No body can find him at fault even if he lights up his oil wells, breaks Geneva convention and develop weapons of mass destruction or brings out hidden ones and use it for self-protection against the forces that has entered his territory. It is shame for individuals and nations to sit back witness the assassination of truth, justice and peace. When president Bush and Prime Minister Blair, repeatedly speaks of a fact that Iraq people are with out food and medicine and has suffered under Saddam's regime, they seem to forget, they are the principle cause for it. The world took its wealth and denied his country the food and medicine. it is a shame to all human beings on this earth specially the Christian dominated west 


In contrast to Saddam, president Bush has rendered his people recruited to defend his nation die in alien soil, being captors of aliens. A soldier dying defending his soil is called martyr and American president should tell, what do we call one who loses his life in an alien country trying to conquer his wealth?  American leader is loitering American wealth to uphold his ego, yet he stands up  to speak to the world as if he is a protector of humanity.  How nice it would have been if the wealth spent on war was spent to feed and care the unfortunate ones around the world. The truth is that he is sacrificing innocent American citizens and world peace to establish His  “I”, THIS REMINDS ME OF HITLER, who in order to propel His “I” took millions of life and caused great destruction to this world. 


We must not forget, the weapons of mass destruction are America’s own creation. America can succeed in destroying the biological weapons stored by Saddam, but the very action of America is bound to fuel a thousands such centers and thousands of Saddam. Biological weapons are the cheapest, deadliest and easiest to prepare. Few spores of a germ in a glass tube and the knowledge of the media on which it can grow is all that is necessary to mass-produce it. We are in an information era, knowledge exist in space, very much open to every body. Information is a raw force. America the inventers of this era appears to have failed to understand what would happen to this world, If all these information takes a negative path to express the hatred that America is spilling around the world. I wonder whether the world has watched the Iraq civilians hunting for the ejected British pilot with sickles in their hand. It is horrifying, who is to blame for it? I wonder whether the public, American and British, understands the full significance of what the world saw on the television.  Our leaders are safe being protected to move at will by elaborate security at the expense of public funds, but the freedom of the ordinary ones is sacrificed. Where is American democracy heading to?  


American president and his administration in their approach to annihilate the weapons that spilled from their territory looks quite childish and stupid [provided it is their aim]. America can never win a war against terrorism and biological weapons unless it makes a self-searching path.  These are plain truths,  truths that will appeal to every American and every citizens of this world when they speak with their own consciousness. America with a good net work and a sweet deceiving tongues can reach out to the world and influence public to eat the untruth, just the way Coco-Cola and Pepsi, using the powerful media,  exploits human ignorance and make them drink  concentrated sugar and essence in water in competitive manner.  However, the truth remains and is bound to surface. One will only be a party to truth when one looks at once own consciousness and allow it to speak.    


Where is America leading the world?


I would say America is leading the world to light and moving itself to destruction.


1] The failure of united nations the [father of the world] would lead to coalitions of the younger and the oppressed sons against the big brother. The world would realize that the father of the world [UNO] is only the father of the ignorant America nurturing the conquering motive. Like all fathers he has the weakness for his son and little respect for justice and truth. [He depicts the blind king Dhratarashtra of Mahabharat] This will surely make others to join hands, appeal to the real father above him, and lead the world to a great fight – A Third World War that has potential to destroy the whole. The world is open for a vertical split and a great clash that gives two choices to humanity – light and darkness each of us is forced to take one side. The decision should not be influenced by the media propaganda but by a talk with once own consciousness. 


2] Like, for the wrong of the their leader, the whole nation of Iraq was punished, American citizens would have to face the punishment [The internal struggle and opposition does give some hopes of speedy recovery]. It is obvious, that the American leaders have sacrificed the freedom of American people. Nowhere in the world, an American is safe, not even inside his own country for his conscience pricks and makes him revolt. The signs of it are already evident in the American Soldier throwing grenades at his own comrades. Thank God, he only got a grenade to use! That makes me question, was the disaster of British Bomber a mistake? The concept of globalization that America installed with a negative motive is bound to fire back at it.


3] People will grow intelligent to understand the ulterior motive of American existence. The world would begin to boycott American multinationals and fail to fall prey to unreal advertisements through the media that would lead to collapse of many multinationals. Slowly American Economy will Collapse. It is inevitable and to be positive, one can look forward for true globalization with positive intent replacing American induced one with a negative intent.


Does Humanity have any hope?


As ordinary human being with my limited perception, in the early stages of my research, I could only see disaster to humanity. However, beyond me from the eyes of my father I saw hopes for humanity. This hope does come from discovering the Lord who sacrificed himself in order to conquer the evil forces. His promise to return is the hope on which I rest and fight. He is the ruler who rules by heart and in whom you and I can depend to survive.


If Christian dominated west were aware of their Lord, this world would not have been in an uncertain critical state as it finds itself today. It is time Christianity discovers Christ and save this world. It is time the sleeping Popes and Bishops discover their Lord and take to street to fight the evil.

This article is not written to hurt the sentiments of American leaders or American people, nor it carries any hatred to America. It is an effort to speak out the truth that can open their senses to the reality of nature and the path in which they are leading the world. I have made attempts to reach out the American Presidents office, British Prime Ministers office, office of the United Nations, calling their attention to the reality of nature and the truth of nature that was revealed to me, which clearly and scientifically speaks of the end to which they are leading humanity out of ignorance of knowledge of inter relationship and oneness of nature.

The mind of the Leaders and their actions reflect the mind of the majority in a democratic system. So I have placed the whole truth and the oneness of nature on the web, appealing to each and every one to read, react, and lend their little cooperation divert the world from an impending  death and destruction to life.


I humbly call open all those who come across this writing and the site to spread the message, such that the world evaluates the truth, leaders get initialized in truth and help sustain the world.

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