
The Good Day of Judgment The day Lord Shiva Opens His Third Eye  

Every beginning is doomed to have end and every end should have the seed of beginning contained in it. Every birth has a death. The concealment of the beginning in the end and end in the beginning is the essence of existence of nature or the ultimate understanding of nature.


This secret is well defined in the age-old philosophies of the East, specially the Vedas. Unfortunately [or by design?] The knowledge of the East has remained passive under onslaughts of the Western science.

The West’s approach to understand nature has led to contradicting developments and today it is leading us to disaster. It has reached a dead end where it has failed to explain the cycle of origin end and origin. The East has conquered this step by introducing a tem called “involution”. Unfortunately, minds of the East have not fully comprehended this concept of Veda – Thus the fear of the doomsday hangs around. The increased natural catastrophes both in its intensity and number have further increased the fear.


Doomsday or death is inevitable; the fear of death comes from the lack of knowledge about death. Second law of thermodynamics tells us the universe is tending to heat death. Einstein’s theory extended says that universe would collapse to a point at which everything would be destroyed and new beginning occurs. However, the scientists have failed to comprehend the three moments that would lead to the collapse and the new beginning. They have failed to explain the process that leads to collapse, the process of collapse and the process of origin. In other words, one has failed to explain the cause of collapse, how it collapses and its originates.


Scientists have built the picture of nature based on the material thinking where gravity is assumed as the force behind motion. Gravity we all know is a centripetal force. It is based on the assumption of non-equilibrium. Here the direction of the whole system is towards attaining equilibrium or dead state. If nature is directed towards a dead state, the cause for origin and all that we witness in nature become senseless. All the great minds of science have ended in dead ends when it came to linking the origin and end. Infinity thus has remained a curse on science. Scientists have failed to come out of it.


Biographies of great scientist from the beginning have expressed a sort of helplessness. All of them directly or indirectly have accepted that science and its approach has limitations to explain nature. Plato explained that scientists are prisoners chained to chair at the mouth of a cave. They see shadows created by the moving objects on the walls. He said that by studying the motion of the shadows one could picture the objects and its motion. However, he added that the picture developed would be inferior to the one developed by a freed prisoner. What Plato said was common sense because a free man would be able move around the object and into it. Un fortunately the basic requirement to be a scientist is to throw up common sense


Einstein clearly said that the science has reached its dead end and it needs to be restructured on to a new foundation. He came close to it when he tried to introduce Anti- gravity and spoke of ratios.

The base of science as we all know, rests on the isolation mind and matter. Science limited it self to understanding the matter. The approach it fallowed was splitting. The approach led science to contradicting developments. Now it has become quite apparent that mind matter and consciousness are related and should be understood on a single plat form [quantum interpretation] the whole of science is in a great commotion without able to link mind consciousness and matter on a single platform.


The great Eastern philosophers never had such dilemma. This is so because they never tried to separate mind and matter. Their approach in contrast to West was constructive.  They turned inward working to understand the link between mind matter and the consciousness. They were principally searching for ways to live in harmony with nature. Thus, they led to discovering the truth of nature.


Eastern approach led them to discover the cause of motion within their actions. They also could locate two paths to their action, one influenced by love the other influenced by hatred, one causing friction and the other frictionless. The approach of the East has ended in knowing that the great origin and great collapse rest within him. The first step in this discovery is discovery of “I” as the disturbing point. “I” is the point that creates friction. “I” is the path to destruction and death. The teachers of the East always have functioned to lead the student to discovering his “I” factor. The actual discovering part is the domain of the student and his will to know it. A student of the East always taught that there exist a greater “I”.  It is left for the student to discover his relative existence. He discovers the great “I” that leads him when he submits to it. This is a crucial step of transition, where one is motivated by “I” and the conquering motive and learns that it is not conquerable. Thus the searcher end up saying “ This is not”


However, the inquirer finds peace and happiness when he submits to it. In scientific terms it means that as the inquirer goes deeper and deeper into his self his pulse is tuned as he discovers the greater “I’ he pulsates one with the universal pulse. He obtains peace and happiness because there is no friction between the two. However, this is momentary aspect for living system. Because “I” is life. Giving up “I” means death or departure of the soul from the body. The body is the source of gravity and soul is the source of anti-gravity. Their function together creates the pulse of the living system. The system dies when “I” force goes beyond certain limit. The system also dies when the “anti-I” force goes beyond certain limit. The functioning of the system occurs when the system fallows the super “I” guiding the universal motion. Thus, our ancestors devised prayers and customs that could bring us back to the fold of center stage, which is moving and evolving.


The present generation is so much under the grip of science that no other path can lead them to truth but science. The need of the hour is to unearth a new foundation to science such that it can lead it self to truth and unify with philosophies of the East. The site deals essentially with it. Here I am attempting to sketch a common sense path, which can turn out be a introduction, an appetizer and an eye opener to the matter presented in the site.


The most important step an individual / community has to take is to stop for a moment to observe themselves and their action. [ This is a basic requirement for understanding the truth of the Eastern philosophy]. An individual or a community, which stops for a moment to observe their actions, discovers that he is the source of disturbance to nature. In other words, he is the source of motion – the fundamental phenomenon nature. We must note that if not for Galileo the ball would not have gone to the top of the table for him to role it and show that free fall acceleration is the same for all bodies. [The first experiment of science] Here, in the action of Galileo one can locate a new force that is anti- gravity. It is impossible to understand nature without understanding our actions.

When we locate origin of action and they’re by motion in ‘life’, then we also see that it has two paths – Positive and negative. An action done out of love is always positive and action done in hatred is always negative. One leads to life the other leads to death. All action can be classified into positives and negatives that are linked. The supreme action is an action with total love to the external world.


When we observe our selves and conceive that we are the origin point of disturbance and there by action and motion then it means that it is the receiving point of the reaction too. We know that a system moves only when a critical amount of force is applied to the system. This means when the reaction reaches certain critical point it leads to action and vice versa. This gives us a cycle. In other words, action and reaction is linked and is separated by time. Science deals with this type action and reaction in a relatively new branch of science called non-linear physics. The failure of science in one way exist in its failure to explain how action can be both immediate and be separated by time.


When we bring life in to the center stage of action, force that controls the world could be related to life characters, like love, hate, trust, fear and so on. Among this love and hate becomes principal force, one binding things together without friction, the other distances things with friction. One coheres and other splits. One is gravitational the other is anti-gravitational. The cause of much of the world problems could be located in the lack of knowledge of these characters their relation and the limits.


The existence then rest on knowing the limits of co-existence or the knowledge of time, its end and origin. Origin occurs in that fatal [male and female] attraction [gravitational collapse] leading to sexual interaction production of off springs and sustenance. Much of life does it by the ignorance of knowledge of this fatal attraction and in this attraction also holds the secret of existence and maintenance of information. This fatal attraction in normal case is accompanied mixture of love and material attraction of the body.


Suppose this process could be enacted with pure love and no material attraction, then it becomes the gravitational collapse enacted that turns the wheel of life or the living universe. It could change or turn the direction of time. When body interacts there is friction, where there is friction there is a loss of energy and the second law of themodynamics or direction comes into play. When the act of conception is done without friction then the direction f time is arrested.  


In other words, when we bring life and matter together and study it, the big bang or catastrophic origin  could be located in life with a extraordinary perception capacity. In other words, the big-bang point lies in a soul [life] and its supreme action. If this is true, the end is also concealed in Him. The two acting points are the minimum and maximum at which transition is a necessity for the existence. [ end of time and beginning of time]


At the minimum this supreme soul initiates a big bang expansion of the whole system and at the maximum it initiates a great collapse. We must note life exist between to limits, if it is pushed to the limits, the system collapses. The collapse initiated by the supreme soul here is a positive step towards the existence and survival of nature. Christian and Muslim believe it as the day of Judgment, the Hindus believe it as the day of opening Lord Shiva’s Third Eye and Destructive Dance of Lord Shiva  [Rudra Thandav]. Though it is preceded by great calamities, we must feel happy about it because, with it the creator initializes the universe in his path. This is the time, when humankind discovers the God and his nature, this is the time when truth wins over and rules the untruth, it is the time when the corrupt is trampled down and the uncorrupt rules and the Mother Earth eases and calms down. Thus, what we assume as doomsday has positive content for humankind.  . We can eliminate the vision of material collapse and the fears associated with it and replace it with origin of waves and its collapse. [ see -- Path to death, Big Bang and Big collapse, Big bang and Jesus Christ]


This thinking invariably means that ordinarily humankind is ignorant and blind. The cause of ignorance exist in “I” factor. “I” is the meeting point of all the negative forces. It is the cause of war and destruction. The Eastern teachers thus lead their student to discover various factors influencing the expression of “I” and elaborate methods to overcome it. The Indian philosophy very clearly and quite logically proves the existence of great “I”.  All “I” is destined to die. Even the super “I” has no exception. However, this death is accepted in full knowledge for the sake of giving life to the whole. This means the existence of nature some how is related to cycle of birth, death and birth --- of super “I” or the king of kings


Super “I” is synonymous with the concept of God. All the philosophies project the God in the image of the humankind. Indian philosophies clear bring two instances when the God intervened to save the world and restore justice and truth.

The first is the instance of Lord Rama taking birth to fight the rakshas and restore the world to the devatas. The second was when lord Krishna came down to earth to restore justice and truth. We must note that here the clear demarcation between rakshas and devatas is gone. The war of Kurukshetra was precipitated by the blind king. It is not physical blindness that precipitated the war but the inward blindness and the incapacity of the king to rule the kingdom without “I”. The victory here was not for the Pandavas but it was the victory of truth and justice.


In the trinity of existence, the third event that fallowed is the birth and death of Jesus Christ. A little reasoning, a little search into ones self. A little study of Vedas and Bhagavad-Gita clearly point that it was the key point in the cycle of existence. When lord Krishna revealed his real image to the warrior Arjuna, he revealed himself as the creator and destroyer. He revealed to him both the positive and negative face of his. He revealed to him as the king of all the Devatas and all the rakshas. In other words, he showed him the anti-gravitational and gravitational phase or the first pulse of the universe. A little observation of our own “self” shows that we are mixture of positive and negative characters.


Under the overriding influence of “I” one fails to comprehend once own action. Thus, act against nature and its direction. We unknowingly become the source of friction and lead the nature to the gravitational collapse and anti- gravitational collapse. Both these dead ends are averted by the intervention of great “I”. At the minimum point the great “I” sacrifices his “I” and gets a new birth. This sacrifice and new life could be linked to death of Jesus Christ.  With it, an anti gravitational or expansive phase begins.  In this expansive force gravitational and anti-gravitational wave exist in 3:4 ratio. The magnitude of the wave increases in certain quantum steps. When it reaches the maximum the Great “I” reacts averting anti-gravitational collapse by favoring the gravitational collapse by revealing the knowledge of the ultimate truth to humankind. It is the return of Jesus Christ. - It is the time of judgment. It is the time when humankind understands the oneness of nature and all religion.


All “I” has a defined path. It has maximum expanded area and minimum constricted area. We are bound to fallow in the path. When our individual path opposes the path of the universal “I”, friction comes into being. The whole of New Testament is a call to humankind to fallow his path and take a New birth. He showed us how to conquer death. The New Testament is a call to humankind to fallow his suite before he changes his direction. Once he changes his direction or the wave collapses or when involution starts, one will find himself on the loosing side.  An important point is that in the cycle of existence, truth and justice is protected. Every thing is predetermined by the will of the super soul and there is nothing that humankind can do than to fallow his path and yield to his judgment. There is no true Christian than Christ Himself. The importance lies in how close one can grow to Him. 


One would ask why the greater “I” should intervene directly? The three points we discussed at which the great “I” interacts are three critical points at which the system breaks down reorients its left and right frame and drops to the next lower path. [See three critical points of break down discussed in the site. See also figure below. They form the points where left turns right]. The ratio of force guiding this cyclic path to the center is 4:3 towards the center. If there is no extra force at this critical juncture of break down and reorientation the whole system can collapse to the center. The three critical points are three critical states of non-equilibrium.


If you follow the action and reactionon the fundamental particle we note, the each jump from upper to lower is in turn a spiral process. The path is made of three three curves of definite decreasing radius.Possibly at every midpoint of the curve at which the left turns right or vice versa the great “I” has spoken to mankind through great saints, preachers or prophets to lead mankind in his path. The last of such prophet is prophet Mohammed. There is only one Truth, one God and one Path that lead to existence. It is our ignorance and our “I” factor which has led to developing various religion and the sects.


What I am speaking is nothing new. It is very much there in our age old philosophies. It is there in science. The work of James E Lovelock and Marguelis Lynn has shown that our earth is living and evolving one. Developments in non-linear physics, and quantum mechanics all point to the fact our universe is living and evolving. I have just attempted to comprehend how it is taking place





When is the dooms day or the judgment going to come? This is a question, which every body would ask. I have no answer to it. Mathematical and precise prediction is not my approach. However, the symptoms of the present world really says that this is not far. The clear symptom that the day is near comes from the fact that the land of Vedas is in danger. Its rulers by the negative approach, driven by corruption and the force of “I”, greed for power, have given her neck to hangers loop. The rulers of West are unconsciously negative in its approach to under stand nature. That is it is directed away from the center. However, it is uncorrupt and therefore it is not blind. Its approach is positive and well within the design of nature.  It accounts for the rise of the mind power, but by its conquering motive and ignorance it has breaking the rule of nature. Nature is bound to react violently


In contrast the rulers of land of Vedas is corrupt, blind totally self-centered. Justice and truth in this land is dying. The land of Vedas - the light of the world is now absolutely in the hold of darkness. Since independence its rulers in trying to copy the West took a negative approach to rule the country. Slowly its rulers cohered with the middle segment of the flow to concentrate and they’re by constricting the flow. Now that its rulers without protecting its primary producers and tertiary consumers opened the boundary for the external forces to exploit the flow of the country, it invariably means death to the land of light. It is time for the great “I” to react, to bring victory to justice and truth. The ratio of force between the West and the East is shown in fig below

The breaking of the boundary invariably means the ratio has turned to suicidal 4:3 directed away from the center of the whole system. Ideally the land of Vedas should have opened its eyes fought corruption before opening the boundaries.

[ Since this article was written we have seen some great happenings in the world, that forces us to review our approach to individual life, community life, and the life with the whole]