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Death Points of Democracy

Destruction of Humanity and America's Role in it

Jesus the Originator and Savior of Democracy  

America, governed by democracy, is a model for the whole world and humanity. The younger generation is influenced by it and the whole world is accelerating at a great speed to an unknown point under its force. No body seems to stop for a moment to think, where humanity, guided by American democracy is leading the whole world. I feel, hardly few know the very principle of democracy.


True Democracy is a principle that sustains life through three component phases. One can view it as Bramha, Vishnu, Maheswara or Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.


The basic principle of Democracy is freedom to an individual, community  and the whole. This principle  gives the individual, community and the whole the force to explore, expand and grow. In short it gives the living principle. The unflinching support for this basic principle is the cause for the enormous growth of the western countries, specially America, which has emerged as the path setter for the whole world and humanity.  The three elemental force of  democracy are the exploration, expansion, and growth. This force stems from individual and reflects in the community and the whole.


Since the principle of democracy is life and life always struggles to maintain itself. This means democracy should have been directed at gaining peace, harmony, happiness, and sustain life. In contrast, we see a world that is at war, burning, quaking, erupting, flooding and where humanity has turned against humanity. It is apparently clear something is wrong with Democracy and its approach. It is time that we let our senses turn active to conceive our fault. The fault I believe lies in the fact that the American Democracy is expressing its power built on Science.


Science is the product of the tendency of life to expand. However, unfortunately it erred at its foundation. America and its democracy is hardly aware of the fact that science is a force, that is built on human quest to conquer matter and therefore is partial and one sided. Therefore, it is causing imbalance to nature. In the site I have struggled to focus all the knowledge that nature revealed to me, to call the attention of scientist to the key flaws in science and correcting them and giving them a new foundation, that can lead to Unification Theory, - a theory that can bring peace and life to humanity. It has escaped their attention for 14 years. 


A Call to Youth to Know and Protect True Democracy - Build a Living World.   

Democracy is built on the foundation of Freedom and is expressed through three elemental force- expansion, exploration and growth. In its dictionary  there is now word called conquering, and corruption. It is built of mutual trust and respect to opposition. It is a process of constructive growth and development of information.


It is a quantum process, which puts forth two paths to humanity, positive and negative, life or death. To avoid death one should know democracy and its two paths. Some important points of democratic system are


1] Its foundation  is built on a secret of nature and humanity called sense perception and ability develop information- A gift from our Father and Mother [Mind and Heart]


2] It is built on the foundation of freedom for individual to make a choice- Positive or Negative. The choice is reflected in the family, in the society and the whole in time. Wrong choices bring wrong results. This is the law of "Karma" described in the Veda


3] It gives humanity an opportunity to develop information. In other words in true democracy, the force is always directed positively towards truth and life. Here the negative only becomes a stepping-stone for growth and development of information that leads to life. For example, if I hold a glass in my hand and propose two options to the public - drop it on the table or gently keep it, then it presents a case for development of information.  In one, it breaks, in the other the glass is maintained for future use. Suppose the majority supports dropping it, the leader drops it, washing his hands [Just as judge Pilathose [Pilate] washed his hand and left the fate of Christ to the choice of the public, in spite of the fact he could not find a fault with him]. The glass breaks as it falls and the public looses a glass, they are left with the job of cleaning it, and then find resources to procure a new one. However, in the above process, vital information is built, and the public when encountered with the same situation, opts for the positive path, of expansion and growth.

In scientific terms this is the law of freedom df = k-1 where " k" equals the total number of classes. Democracy always allows two choices and gives a chance for both classes to express such that the other experiences the opposite and develops information.

4] A positive and constructive opposition sustains life in a true democracy. In other words, the principle of opposition helps to maintain democracy and thus maintain life between two limits. The important point of survival of democracy thus becomes knowing the upper and lower limit or the death point of democracy.

Since sense perception is the fundamental stone on which democracy is built it means one has to work to polish the sense perception such that it knows the limit, retrieves the in built information and chooses the life forces [good and constructive one] and oppose death forces [the bad and negative one].  A good democratic system can be built only when the building blocks of democracy - the individuals, are taught the importance of sense perception and the truth of the whole. Our ability to perceive our nature gets diminished when our "I" conquers our being.  In simple terms, it means the secret of nature exists in discovering the secret of "I". It means discovering the mind that is conquering the matter and conquer it. [This is discussed in depth in the site]


To know the death point of democracy all one has to do is a simple experiment. Take a string, tie a stone at its one end, and start rotating it. Beyond a minimum, the revolution stops and beyond a maximum, there is the danger of the string breaking. Thus the reality of nature exist not only in knowing the information about the string, and the stone, but the power that is being generated and the direction at which it is going and the sense perception to know the limit.


Let me put the death point in another picture. Let us imagine two rivers. These rivers stem from millions of tiny springs that emerge from the earth. It has two choices, it either flow to the west or east, clock wise or anti-clockwise.  If these two rivers are equal in magnitude then, then the flow opposes in equal strength and the flow seizes. Which means there should exist non-equilibrium in the left and right [The law of non equilibrium is also applicable to origin of springs] when there is non-equilibrium, the flow opposes as well as flows. How much stagnates or neutralizes and how much flows depends on the non-equilibrium content. [The concept of equilibrium and non-equilibrium is discussed in great depth in the site]

The non-equilibrium gives a direction to the left or right, center, away from the center, or in favor of stagnation or flow. In other words, the strength of flow decreases and stagnation force increases or vice-versa. After several such cycles, one should end up at a time when the flow seizes or reaches the lower critical point. Unless a new direction is set opposite to the old, the flow is bound to stop. If the former was directed at winding matter to the inside, the new direction now should be directed at unwinding the matter to the outside or increasing the flow. This aspect also in time should reach a limit, where something should happen to reverse the direction in favor of the former. In terms of science, it means that the system would reach a 0 and 1. However, something happens at these ends that sustains the whole system. This problem is manifested in all fields of human interest. Einstein’s relativity theory Includes 0 and 1, the whole big bang theory is built on it. However, scientists have failed to conceive how this zero state is reached, they are equally unaware where the expansion is leading and how the whole thing collapses. This aspect is also reflected in the second law of thermodynamics, which opened a demonic conclusion that the universe is leading to heat- death. Scientist took solace in the probability theory, keeping aside 0 and 1. Einstein struggled to save his theory by introducing anti-gravity thus trying to bring up "existence theory" based on opposition. Unfortunately, he could not conceive its origin. The fault lies in the very approach of science, which is splitting. Scientist split mind and matter turned their attention to investigating matter by a process of splitting. The growth of science is beginning of a new vortex in which, humankind got entangled and his senses, started loosing its strength.

Simple sense experiences tells us that life is Anti-Gravitational. It is very clear that if not for Galileo the ball would not have gone to the top of the table for him to role it and show that free all acceleration is independent of weight. It is apparently clear that as science advanced humanity has lost his sense perception capacity. 


A world where individual builds his sense perception, learns the art of controlling the flow or the revolution and such a person becomes a true democratic individual, a collection of such individual reflects a true democratic country. A true democratic country becomes self -disciplined and self- sustaining.   I believe that Jesus Christ flesh symbolizes the stagnating force or the gravitational force and His blood signified the flowing force [anti-gravitational force]. As he gave it to His disciples, he was giving a message to humanity to strike a balance between the two and that He exists between them as - Life force.

Jesus knew Humanity will not understand His message, thus he said He will come again as a spirit or light from the sky or as Bramha the Creator creating the new universe.  The aspect of creation from light, that is very much written in Vedas, Bible and Koran thus becomes a truth. This world cannot survive unless it is initialized in light or true knowledge of things - the unified aspect of all things in nature.


The important point to note here is that at the beginning point and the end point of democracy there is only one chance. You have no second term to correct your decision. This decision makes the difference between death and continued existence of life. Only the superior most can perceive it, and make the correct choice. Thus, the creator himself intervenes at the 0 and 1. I believe Calvary is '0' and His second coming is '1'.


Let me now slightly change the previous example of rotating string with a stone tied to one end. Let us assume my father has transferred an already rotating system into my hand. Then I am not aware of the full information about the strength of the string, the weight of the stone tied at the end. Even if all the information is passed to son, the law of nature limits the father to expose his son to the sense perception of both directions. He can only transfer it in one of the phase - Gravitational or the Anti-gravitational, centrifugal or centripetal. The son can only exist either on the left or the right of the father and thus is limited by the relativity.


The laws of science  very clearly tells that one has to provide enormous energy begin the act of rotation but its sustenance can be achieved by a constant input of energy. Therefore, the son needs to find little resources to play with the turning wheel. Since the son inherits the fathers will, he can spin it to danger point of breaking the string or being lazy, he can make it collapse. He does one of them because; he has no clear information about the other. Every father loves his son, that bondage exist alive deep inside though time and stress can cover a thousand layers of mud and dirt above it. This love makes him give the turning wheel into the hand of his son, sharing the joy of his creation but not the pain. This love makes him forgive the pains he inflicted and come to his rescue as he tends to death point.


Once the power is in his hand son enjoys the creation but forgets the father- the most powerful force the Creator.  As the baton is passed the creator is distanced, the truth or knowledge of creation gets embedded in layers of dust and mud. The force that is necessary to keep the rotation going subsides and reaches the critical point of total collapse, or gravitational collapse or the '0' point. The father, who has remained silent, emerges to save his creation and give it new life. What is at stake is His life and His creation. Only he knew the Secret of Creation.


What this means is that every thing that is born should die, the second law thermodynamics is a reality. However, the Father knew the secret - The secret of overcoming the gravitational collapse and keep the cycle of life going. He achieved this feet at the Calvary, where Jesus His only son [“I”] was sacrificed. The spirit of God came to earth to give new life. He submitted His "I' to restore life. One must recall here the Veda which clearly states the whole universe exist in "I"


The message was clear to humanity yet it failed grasp it. The message was passed to the disciples to spread to the world.  slowly "I” interfered filtering the light or the message of God. Christianity became an organized sect that began ruling the mass by infusing in public mind a picture of a Lord who punishes. Science we must note originated, questioning the very dictums of the Church. As science flourished, the power was shifted from the soul to the mind.


The truth of nature, the truth of God, the Art of Living, exists revealed to the East and their approach to know the reality of nature [Inward in contrast to outward of the west]. It was the duty of the East specially the Land of Vedas to live on its resources and the gift of God and act constructively controlling democracy and its journey to death point.


But when this land of Vedas ruled by corrupt self centered people, ignorant of their own wealth,  importance of their culture and not knowing their basic duties, let the neck of innocent peoples of this country to hangers loop, I started to perceive the vital aspect of democracy, that becomes applicable to humanity and the reality of nature we live in. The September 11th attack on the twin towers confirmed it. The world is totally under the grip of negative forces.

Speaking truth boldly, I do not find any difference between Osama Bin Laden, and President Bush. Both are terrorist of humanity, you me and the future of young generation is caught between them. One is the dominant side and the other the recessive of the same coin called Evil. If I am to find origin and fix the responsibility of terrorism, I will fix it on America. The reason is simple, the theory that nature revealed to me supports it  - America takes the role of Elder brother, the dominant and the ruling force, and it was his duty to see that the recessive are not suppressed. If the roots are correct, the Muslim are the younger brothers of Christian.

The Christian populated America, the Christian president of America, failed to understand Christ when he acted on the innocent peoples of Afghanistan inflicting deep wounds. The actions of both are wrong. It is a case of negative action creating a negative reaction. Both are acting from the foundation of ignorance of their own power and its relationship and oneness with the other power- the trinity. One is acting from the pseudo power of the matter, and the other on the pseudo power of the religion. The truth and the real power exist between them in a central point that completes the trinity -the life. Unless the individual discover the central point and yield to it, humanity will face increasing destruction and death will conquer them.


I feel that it is time that humanity rediscovers democracy or the life and transform. Only when individual transforms will the whole transform. Only when the whole transform will the life survive. It is like human being covered by an inferno on all three sides with a lake on one side. The information and danger to life has to be generated at least in one cell of the whole body, and this has to be communicated to the whole body such that it runs towards the pond. The information that an inferno can kill life, exists there deep with in each cell as a gift of God- The Father. Life now depends on the perception of the information and communicating it to other cells such that the whole responds. If the cells of the muscle does not perceive the body fails to make it to the pond. Lesser the perception capacity, lesser the speed of communication higher will be the damage. However, one thing is sure the body will run to the pond and survive. The question is with what percentage of Burn? 

It is important that we note that this information is different from the information that our computer age has given. This information is biological and superior; it is based on sense experiences.  It is always positive and works at sustaining life, truth and justice. It brings peace and order and strengthens life. The technology of computer can transmit what nature revealed to me; it will be a futile exercise unless you perceive it. The art of perception is built on emptying oneself or breaking down the "I" factor. In other words, it means you have to read it, by emptying your mind. 

I have kept the site and its contents as a humble but open challenge to scientist of the west and the power that holds it.  In doing so, I was hoping to infuriate and light up their senses such that they sense the reality.


In short, survival of  freedom, democracy, and this world exist in the transformation of individuals. If only we the individuals transform can the whole, transform. The art of living written in Vedas and Indian Culture very clearly defines methods and means to keep your senses clean, such that it reflects your own image, there by of the world back to you.


  Click her to go to-  Where Globalization is taking Humanity?
