Origin of Force and Creation of the Universe

Non-equilibrium and the Big-bang Origin

Understanding the process of Origin of Force and Creation 

An imaginary exercise that lays the foundation to understand nature  

In the previous pages we discovered the fundamental particle, sensibly visualized the possible origin of the fundamental properties such as gravity, mass charge, energy that is associated with it, we reinvented force and explored new dimensions of force, differentiated light matter and atomic matter, understood the origin of uncertainty, visualized formation of living matter and understood the basics of living system or dynamic information unit that pulsates and sustains. However we noted that this basic information unit alone couldn’t account every thing that we witness in nature. It does not tell us an important aspect of nature that is the origin and direction of time and evolution. 


The Cause and Necessity

To understand the beginning and to know creation it is important that we sketch the force of non-equilibrium acting within this information system. The information unit we visualized has an outer cover of matter made out of 8 matter particles covering an inner particle that is distinct and is opposing the matter particle. We called it living particle. We can also call it the soul.  To understand the cause of origin of force and creation we must sketch non-equilibrium force acting in the components of the individual system - Dominant and the Recessive 


Non equilibrium in the material system:  

3/4 of the of the equilibrium of the individual material system is directed to their own center, that means away from the center of the whole system. 1/4 is directed to the center of the whole system. We must note here that because of the non-equilibrium [4:3] the center of the whole system lies beyond the center of the individual living system that is the male and female. It lies between the two systems on to the left or right by 1/4th. In other words, there is no geometrical center point. This is so because female here is recessive by the law of non-equilibrium.  The center point is determined by the dominant component. It is an elusive point; A point that move within certain zone.


 Non-equilibrium in the living system:

¼ non-equilibrium force of the living system is directed to the outside that is against the material force. The system has 2/4th matter as neutral and directed to its own center; it also has ¼ non-equilibrium force directed towards the center of the whole system.


Non equilibrium in the whole system and the Big-Bang Origin:


Moment Zero : - The male [dominant] and female [recessive] system has a relative existence. Their structural disposition in space gives scope for attraction between them. They tend to wind towards each other in search of increased stability. This attraction invariably means the ratio of the material systems that surround the living particle tends to a non-equilibrium state of  3:1. Here one part is contributed by the external material system directed to the center, one part is contributed by the structure of the living particles [The instinctive attraction between male and female or the instinct to reach higher state of equilibrium or we can also simply put it as contribution from design] and the third is contributed by the superiority of the male component.  At this ratio [3:1], the whole system winds to the third critical state and breaks down and inverses. In the process left turns right and vice-versa. The whole process is compression and expansion- it is the first Pulse of a Living Universe- the Big-Bang origin of Macrocosm. It is similar to the first pulse of a living system created by the union of male and female gamete [Microcosm]. The mind of the universe is constructed on this pulse. Mind thus is a created product. If we sketch the change of the fundamental ratio 4:3, we note that under the compressive force it shifts to 3:2, then to 2:1 and then to 1:0. Here the female submits to the male and facilitates the change of direction left to right or vice versa.  


The above process is accompanied by a huge explosion, because the three step winding would have taken the external material system to the third type of critical winding we saw previously [sub heading - 2:5 in the previous page]. The explosion is not the type which originate from a point but resembles the Inflation Theory of Origin


Let us note some important points before we go further  

1] The structure of living particle makes it a four-tier system. Each tier having a dominant and passive component.  This means the whole system [male and female] has eight tiers. The dominant tiers are expressed to the outside the recessive tier is hidden. The first order of non-equilibrium invariably means the 8-tier system is wound to 6-tier system. Three are expressed to the outside as dominant and the other three is hidden as passive.  One pair is wound to the center or away from the center. In other words it is wound into the opposite plane [We must note that our space is three-dimensional and our system at any given moment can only be moving in any one direction, left to right or right to left. This is always accompanied by a fourth dimension that is winding or unwinding]. Now, this explains active and passive gene and triplet code. There is enough reason here for biologist to break down one gene one-enzyme hypothesis and construct a dynamic gene relation ship. Six pair of gene forming an immediate group. It is linked to other group with two more genes. [Bio-Technologist’s please note this] We will explore it in detail later on  


2] The male and female system [Creator System] when it reaches the critical 3:1 ratio, because of the non-equilibrium exist not at the geometrical center but away from it, in proportion to the non-equilibrium.


3] The explosion occurs from 16 systems, which are spatially distributed in three layers [three frames of left and right] around the male and female system. [The birth thus involves 18 systems, 16 material and 2 living systems]. 


The explosion or the Big bang throws up matter into space as we visualized in the third type of action and reaction. [See sub-heading 2.3 in the previous page]. This results in the spinning and spiral displacing motion of the individual system. This motion of individual system is relative to the other systems.

This motion shows up as two waves one moving left to right, the other right to left. One of them is dominant, the other recessive.  Both these waves in turn has a passive wave component which is opposite on the same plane. The angle between these two waves decides the characteristics of the wave See Fig below 






Earlier we noted that the emitted matter or charge unwinds in space in a stepwise manner. Let me write the figure again for you. See fig –37 





In our above visualization of explosion, we can conceive possible collision of light matter expelled. Fundamentally, two types of collision can occur here

1] When two matter particles are in the first state of unwinding. 

2] When two particles are in second state of unwinding.  

In the former case, it results in the formation of non-equilibrium system, which emits light matter in to space. [Formation of radiating systems] In the latter case, it results in to relative equilibrium system. [Material systems] Nature is so designed that all these collision occurs between two particles that have a ratio 4:3.

3] The third state of unwinding simply adds or negates to the external flux


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