
Science of God - The Conclusion of Grand Unified Theoryy


The truth of God and light is very well written in ancient knowledge systems – yet it is important that one should rediscover it in relation to the present time if this universe has to survive from human conquering motive and corruption.


Universe  is a ratio of two opposing forces, gravitational and anti-gravitational. Above these forces exists the creator who controls both these forces. He is neither affected by gravitational force nor by anti-gravitational force. He is the silent observer in the middle who interacts when His creation takes negative path to death. Death engulfs His Creation when His creations by its ignorance - our conquering motive and corruption moves the whole to the two limits, one to the center and the other to the periphery [The Centripetal Limit and Centrifugal Limit]. In other words when we move away from Him in the middle.

God is a Reality and every life exist with Him and He exists in every life. His images are Love and Light  [Intelligence]. They form His dual nature, one concealed in the other to form one, one being dominant and other being recessive at any moment. He takes birth in Love and rules by Light. His field of existence is truth and Justice. He is the Heart and Mind of the Universe. His Reality exists between the two. We are simply the cells of His Body. He is timeless. Time is created by the minds of his creations- the mind of human beings. Because of the limitations of the human mind He is forced to show His dual nature such that this universe and His creation is sustained from collapse and death.  We humans are like sheep where the sheep in the front runs we all go. Thus it becomes a necessity for the creator, the perceiver of the direction, to bring about certain phase change at the limit. The Central Reality or God is like a coin, we can only exist in one side of Him. It is impossible for Human to see His Reality Unless He Shows it. Everything goes fine when we live to our side and one with Him. But the created system is endangered when we fail to perceive Him and set out to conquer the opposite. The creator is then is forced to show His two faces - the duality

As humanity take unidirectional movement to the center [centrifugal force] it stresses the Universal Soul. This necessitates an action form the Creator to save His creation from death or perpetuate the cycle of existence. Very clearly Vedas tell us that Creation Occurred through the self-sacrifice of the Creator. Two different branches of science, linear and non-linear science, explain creation in two different ways. The former tells us that it originated from a singular point through a big bang; the other tells that it began in a single perturbation in a calm space containing matter and field. Both these sciences are based on matter but neither theory explains the cause and origin of such a situation. A third science [Quantum science] very clearly tells us that matter is some how related to mind and consciousness and one cannot predict anything without taking into consideration the interaction of consciousness and mind.

The new science discussed in site brings out the union of matter, life and thus the truth of nature. It explains the origin and creation very much satisfying the all these notions in a unique way and goes ahead to uphold the ancient knowledge and its life giving properties. Very much in line with the Vedas it locates creations at Calvary where the Lord the all powerful oozed Love and made the supreme sacrifice in order to avert the collapse of the universal system under the force of Gravity or our material pursuit. At Calvary he was showing the secret path to life. The secret of submitting our “I” to the super “I” or light from which all creations came. The site discovers this universe as simply a cycle of light, light unfolding and enfolding. This is also is the substance of Veda. [See - Jesus, Brahman, Spirit and Veda]

Our mind is a barrier in understanding higher mind that is controlling the whole. The Light of the Lord can only be perceived if our “I” dies. His light exists, in the soul and to see and understand it, one has to wear the goggle of consciousness. Our mind cannot conceive truth, His spirit has to lead.  Very clearly the Vedas and Upanishad lays out the knowledge of God and self disciplined life. It tells us the existence five Kosha's or world, Annamaya kosha [the physical body that is maintained by food], the pranamaya kosha [the life in the body that is maintained by spirit], the third is Manomaya Kosha, the fourth is Vijnanamaya kosha [the intelligence world, where the spirit exist], the Fifth is Anandamaya Kosha. The world lives in the exterior cell, the word of matter. It is ignorant of the other  worlds of life [Prana], world of Mind, and the world of spirit [light] and the world of Bliss. The ignorance sets forth the time and evolution both physical and psychological. The physical is carried out by humanity but psychological is carried by light. The evolution caused by humanity leads to death but the accompanying psychological and spiritual evolution takes it to Life. The spiritual light manifested in the highest form is Calvary. Lord Rama and Lord Krishna is the manifestation of the same light at some critical points in the quantum evolution, where the intervention of creator became a necessity to lead the whole in a predetermined path.  The Light manifested directly and indirectly [through messengers] bringing in messages of life, but humanity fails to perceive it, thus the deterioration continues. The messengers come to slow down the time. But when the inevitable happens he directly intervenes. The Calvary is the height of human evolution at which Divine intervened to save. It is one end of the pendulum the other is Second Coming  – the coming of the light and the initialization of the world in justice and truth.

Where are we today in Relation to Him

We are in the womb, in the protection of the mother; we are in Eden with Him. We failed to perceive Him and His command, so the inevitable is bound to happen. We have crossed the point eating the forbidden fruit. By conquering motive and corruption we have led ourselves to the dead end. The world is going through the pains of Delivering His light. Only His light can save humanity. Our conquering motive and corruption has made this world unsafe to live. Now the world of science that exist in the ignorance of the interrelationship and oneness of nature, has stepped into Mars, thus is poised to corrupt the dynamic system called universe. It could mean total destruction of Humanity – Destruction of Humanity was a fear that engulfed me more than 15 years back when I freed my “self” and looked back on science from a point of freedom. But the Light that revealed to my enquiry from a point of freedom showed hope at the end. This hope was written in the Lord at Calvary and the promise of His return, to restore His Kingdom – I am only his servant holding the candle for you.

The Universal Law

The universal law is that anything that takes birth should die. All life is sustained between two limits. Any attempt to push to the limit will cause death. The instinct, the super soul or the creator within us works constantly against the forces that take it to the limit. There is nothing called good and bad; everything is made up of these two elements. They are His creations, like day and night they coexist. How can light be known and differentiated unless there exist darkness. Science tells us that energy exist as a ratio of potential and Kinetic, it is the flesh and blood, consciousness and spirit of the living body called Universe. The Lord the creator exists as an instinct calling to us not to overdo any thing. It calls us to steady one self in truth and justice by staying with the consciousness, which is the field our existence. But human mind becomes a barrier in hearing this call, thus it inches it self to death. The death to the whole comes from humanity and its mind that falls in to the vortex of conquering motive and corruption and thus de-links it self from the Creator. The Creator is thus forced to enact the act of creation to perpetuate His creations by the secret of conception of seed from the Father, the growth in the womb and birth of the child. These three states are the three births Vedas and Upanishad describes. It also form the secret of Bible. The light coming to the world, the light growing in the womb and the light emerging for every one to see. The first two phases is not perceptible to human mind. With the emergence of light every one gets initialized in the Light and a new cycle of light and darkness begins.  

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