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The Central Dogma of Nature 

Trinity, Flow and Time



Trinity is the foundation of nature and the flow in it is the life. This trinity is reflected in the fundamental structure and function of  a living cell, an individual, a community, a society, a government, and the Whole. However, humankind by his conquering motive and corrupt tendencies has failed to under stand the Truth of Nature. This Trinity is nothing but Heart [Seat of consciousness], Mind [The seat of intelligence] and Body [The seat of channels for the flow of the energy]. An individual and the whole can attain peace and happiness only when he understands Trinity.


Trinity creeps up in every aspect of our knowledge both in science and religion, yet humankind has given little attention to it. Following are the some of the key list, where Trinity stands out prominently

1] The gene [the fundamental building blocks of information in living systems] is a triplet code but the whole of bio-technological world is unaware why gene is a triplet code?

2] The ratio of acceleration of two interacting body is always three. But no body knows why?

3] All colors in this world stems from three basic colors, red, white and green. No body knows why?

4] Economy and flow of a system comprises of Trinity- Producer, Trader and the Consumer.


These are only few important cases, Trinity in fact reflects in all aspects of life and nature and forms the law of flow of energy.


Trinity forms the basis of Veda and all the religious writing

 1] The Hindu religious philosophies project a concept of Trinity in Bramha, Vishnu, and Maheshwera.  The Originator, Sustainer and Destroyer

2] The Christian Philosophy too presents a Trinity, The God the father, Jesus the Son and the Holy spirit. [Originator, Sustainer and Destroyer {Light that burns the ignorance and reveals the truth and brings justice}]

3] Veda and Ayurveda understand the living universe and individuated living system, from a point of Trinity of force.


[The number three and its multiplication and its importance reveals it self as one understand the new foundation to science that is presented in the site. As time permits, I hope to bring up the importance of the number 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12, 16, 18 and 24 in relation to the whole of Vedic science. Let me here restrict myself to Trinity.]


The three principal forces recognized by Veda and Ayurveda are

1] Material force - This is related to the body and is cohesive. In scientific terms it could be related to gravitational force.


2] Living force – This stems from the mind. It is the power that moves, accelerates. [In the unification theory, this has been discovered as the anti-gravitational force]


3] Conscious force – This is the source of light that is principal source of power. It is the source of true knowledge. It is the controlling point. It is the source of energy out of which the universe is made.


Veda and Ayurveda describe life energy as Prana. It states that all energy follows a movement of inhalation and exhalation like breath. All material energy is a development of pure energy and its power is life. In other words life has no meaning without a body and a body has no meaning without a life. The ancient seers thus perceived life force as ever seeking greater life, awareness, freedom and creative unfolding of the mind in a body. This unfolding of the mental faculty culminates in the knowledge of the conscious will – Which is pure light or ultimate knowledge. When one is exposed to this light the “I” in him gets defeated and this leads to the free flow of energy and life. Both an individual and the world are initialized when this happens. Veda and Ayurveda thus very clearly states that the energy of the universe is Conscious Will in action in the outer world. In other words, a Creator guides the universe.


[As you read through the site you will understand why , I a scientist and Biotechnologist who once never believed in God, feels great about this knowledge. The site presents a universe that is pulsating under the action of two basic forces gravity and Anti- Gravity. Anti- gravity is located in life. Gravity is centripetal force and anti- gravity is centrifugal in nature. One has its origin in the matter particle and the other has its origin in the  life particles. They both are made out of the same particles of energy. The opposing nature comes from the way energy particles are joined to form a system. These two forces are visualized to exist in a ratio. Two opposing force cannot be equal and yet produce an action. Thus they are visualized to exist in a ratio. At any moment the universe exist in one of the state contracting or expanding [under the grip of gravitational force or in the grip of anti- gravitational force]. A third force became essential to control, the expansion and contraction and bring the phase change at the maximum and minimum. This force was discovered as the conscious force or the force of God the Creator.]


The knowledge of Trinity is important to the analysis of the problems of the individual, society, a country and the whole. Whenever flow is obstructed, only this knowledge can set it tight


Trinity comprises of three basic units, Consciousness [Heart], Mind [Intelligence] and Body [the channels of flow].  Here consciousness is the originator and controller of the flow. The mind is sustainer of the flow. The channels are the one where it is transformed and retuned to the originating point.


Here the originator is always positive and the channels are always negative. They balance each other. The heart produces the flow and the body returns it. The fluctuation and the direction that leads to the critical state of destruction are contributed by the mind, which alternates between two states; Light and Darkness.  As Darkness increases to a critical state, it leads the system to death. At this point Light or the consciousness Shines bringing up a phase change. As this phase goes to the limit, Light shines again bringing a phase change and gives way to Darkness. In other words, light and darkness are two phases of the one whole. The Knowledge of Light and Darkness forms the complete knowledge of nature.






The universal system is endangered by the mind, which fails to comprehend its limit, position and relation to the whole system. Thus the consciousness or the heart the originator is forced to changes the direction of the flow in order to avert the collapse.


Let us explore this reality from science and its development:

Science set out to explore nature by splitting. First, it split mind from matter, then it went on splitting matter. [ We must note that here it gives no importance to the life which is central to the process. This approach is the central aspect that humanity has adopted in every aspect of human life including administration of self, family, community, the country and the whole]. Science teaches us that every time something is split some energy is lost to the environment. Which simply means the temperature of the environment is bound to increase. We all know that particles in solution increase their speed as the temperature increases. Thus, the chance of collision increases and disorder increases and the predictability decreases. It is quite apparent that with the uncontrolled technological development we are increasing the heat content of the environment at an alarming rate, stressing various systems, producing disorder and destruction. Much of the present problems, war terrorism, religious and racial conflict of the world are the product of chain of increasing disorder and stress.


It is very clear that something is wrong in the foundation of our knowledge of nature. True knowledge should have helped humankind to live in peace and order, strengthening the system than weakening it.  It is important that we trace where we have gone wrong and correct it if humanity has to survive.


If we trace the phenomenon back then, we see that there should exist two systems, which were held together by some force [environmental or centripetal]. They were forcibly separated [split] by force or energy; in the process, energy to the environment is added. The moment the separation is stopped, the two things that were separated collided with increasing speed. Recall what happened to the ball when Galileo left the contact with ball at the top of the table. As the two systems collided with more speed, it splits into smaller systems.  The process adds more energy to the environment. When the separation is stopped, the systems collide producing more systems. As the process is repeated, number of systems increases. Slowly the process starts to appear random and the whole system appears a disordered one. Here I am concentrating on the phenomenon, overlooking the aspect of critical mass and such statements.


The process increases the strength of the environment. Since the surface area over which this force acts is proportionately increasing the whole system remains stable. Then there would be a limit beyond which you cannot split it further. Any further attempt to split it would produce increase of the energy of the environment and decreases the area over it is acting. Thus begins the unbalancing process. When this imbalance reaches a critical point the system would break or collapse. In other words splitting process would stop and union process begins. The union process is the opposite of the splitting process. The surface area decreases taking up the energy of the environment. At some point, this also reaches a limit. Any attempt to push the system further would create an imbalance, when the critical is reached the system breaks down the direction is changed. This is the secret of nature. There are two processes here one winding the other unwinding. The problem with humanity is that he becomes aware of one direction and moves unilaterally. How this occurs, where we erred in our understanding etc., is explained in the site.


Let us now visualize the above vision in three dimensions. Let us imagine a system “A” covered up by another system “B”. A third system “C” [environment] covers the two systems. The environment always acts to the center or produces the gravitational force. To split “B”, “A” should act away from the center to the outside against “C” [anti-gravitational]. Common sense tells us that there should be some non-equilibrium between the two opposing force for a resulted action to take place. Recall Newton’s fundamental assumption here. The assumption of non-equilibrium invariably means the process of split is a twitching one. [This is described elaborately in the site]. In the process of splitting energy is added to the environment. Since “B” is split the surface area has increased in proportion, this balances the added force [centripetal] to the environment. In the second stage another split is effected, more energy is released to the environment, again there is proportional increase in surface area that balances the energy and central force being added to the environment. An important point to be noted here is that this split is being initiated by “A”. However, it never feels the stress of the split and the increasing energy content of the system. We can assume that “A” is undergoing an unwinding process. However, after a limit, surface area fails to increase in proportion to the energy that is rising in the environment.  The balance is upset the force becomes directed to the center. Now the action stems from the environment the energy is absorbed by  “A”. In other words, it goes into winding state. The split systems of “B” begin to cohere.  The energy released in the fusion increases the energy of the wound state of A. As this process reaches the critical point of break down. The ratio turns in favor of action from the center or unwinding process begins the process goes on. This is the simple cycle of nature - the Secret of nature. The three components “A”, “B” and “C” forms the trinity. The component “B” was initially was one but was split in two under the action of force. I call “A” – Heart, “B” its two components mind and matter, “C” the Spirit. I call heart and the Spirit the Living force. They control the very existence of nature. Humanity lives in total ignorance of the living force and thus leads the whole to death.  However, the living force of the whole reacts to maintain it.   


These conclusions have great significance for extending to the present state of the world, evaluating it and to find living way out of it. Peace and order to the world has come from the platform of knowledge Not War and Terrorism

Let us understand it in from another vision of reality:

  Let us imagine a Heart that begins to pulsate at the center of a calm ocean. Let the pulse originate from left to right be directed to the outside. [Expansive phase], The pulse spreads in the ocean hits a boundary and returns to it in time from right to left and becomes the cause for next pulse. There will be steady pulse and waves moving in the ocean. Here we are visualizing mechanistic world-view, where Newton assumed a basal motion, which is steady.


The world we witness is not that of a single heart, there are thousands of hearts on the left and right of the parent Heart at the center. If they are pulsating in the direction of the central pulse then it strengthens the pulse that is being transmitted from the center. The pulse returns to the center in quick time, the rate of pulse now increases and it leads to a critical limit. Suppose the hearts out side the center produces the pulse against the central pulse, then the rate of pulse of the central heart decreases in proportion and it leads to another critical limit. The time thus becomes the creation of the hearts outside the central heart.


The rule of life is that, one should know once own pulse or the heart, its relative position and the direction to which it is acting. In other words in order to sustain life there should be opposition. Universal life cannot be sustained unless there is opposition between the left and the right. When the opposition breaks down, it invariably means the central life is pushed to the limits. [ This is the reason why I have specifically argued that Globalization unleashed by the west, and the submission of the East specially the land of Vedas as a critical point in the break down]  The Instinct of the whole life always works to survive.


When all the external hearts works [centripetal] against the central pulse [centrifugal], it stresses the central heart to the minimum point, and then the central heart has no other go than accept it. It breaks down and reorients its direction such that left turns right and vice versa. The centripetal force or death force now turns into potential centrifugal force or life force. When all the external hearts joins hands and works to stress the central heart to the upper limit, then again the central heart changes it direction. All the centrifugal force focused to death now turns into potential centripetal life force. Thus, the pulse goes on endlessly.


This takes us to Einsteinian world of relativity and quantum world of probability. The "0" is the point of big bang, it is the point of maximum centripetal force and minimum centrifugal force at which central parental heart breaks down and left turns right vice versa. With this expansive phase begins. "1" is the maximum point at which right turns left or the point where the expansive phase gives way to contractive phase.  Both relativity and quantum theory are real. There are two distinct paths that lead to death. One to zero, the other to 1 or to the maximum of centripetal and centrifugal force. That leaves us to locate these two end points at which the creator intervenes to give life. 


Unification theory, differentiates three different types of living particles or life, one that gives rise to plant kingdom, the second giving rise to animal kingdom and the third gives rise to human kingdom. The kingdom of plants and animals are sensible, they live their life without a conquering motive and corruption. The kingdom of human beings however is insensible and blind and works to conquer and is corruptive [eats up the flow]. Thus, death is the product of human ignorance – his conquering motive and corruption [“I”]  takes him to the extreme left or right. Time is thus is introduction of human being and his ignorance. A herd of sheep can survive without a shepherd, but humanity is helpless without one.


The Unification Theory, which involves life at the center of matter, locates these points of origin and collapse in Jesus Christ and His life. The Calvary is the beginning point or expansive phase and the Second Coming is the beginning of contractive phase. [Centrifugal and centripetal phase of the pulse]. In both these point He represents the love and concern to humanity – his family. The second coming is light or the knowledge of the reality. Only this knowledge can save humanity from the collapse or bring order to this world, which is running at ever increasing speed to disaster


The quantum mechanical vision of action and reaction discussed in the site gives us two more vital points at which the system breaks down and reorients. Together they form the four points of a circle at which left turns right or vice- versa. [The better way is visualize as four step winding to the center and unwinding from the center]. The first point is the origin point, the second is the first critical point, third is the second critical point, fourth is the is the third critical point, which paves the way for the beginning point.  In all these points, the system breaks down and reorients. The break down occurs because of the two opposing forces, one of which turns helpless and weak and the other turns dominant. Earlier we noted that the time is invention of the hearts out side the central heart, this invariably means the breaking is caused by hearts on one side of the central heart which turned dominant and destructive. If the process is not supported the whole system would collapse. The central heart now comes to the rescue of the recessive such that, the collapse is averted and the life moves smoothly in the predetermined path.  Each of these steps we noted has three more winding steps concealed in it. They are critical points of transition in which the instinctive force life acts, through Prophets.


Lord Rama, Lord Krishna and Lord Jesus are different incarnation of the same reality that leads life of the Universe in a specific path. All the prophets were the messengers of life force that took birth in different critical times. However, humanity failed to understand the truth. Second coming is revelation of light - his true nature to humanity as a whole.  One can view Calvary as the conception of the universe or the big bang origin of the universe and Second coming the birth of New universe or New world in light – A world where Justice and truth is restored. The light in time fades and darkness grips and cycle of light goes on.


Unification theory has immense potential to reinterpret, many  aspects written in the religious scriptures, Vedas, Bible, Koran etc. For example, Krishna revealing his true image to warrior Arjuna shows that everything comes out of his breath and returns to it. Elsewhere he says the action and reaction is not his creation, he comes in various forms to protect humanity, the righteous and bring Justice.


I wish I got time to move into the realm of religious scriptures to bring up its unification with the unification theory more strongly and effectively, such that science understands religion and religion understands science. However, as an ordinary farmer living in an interior village, surviving in the most corrupt country, where neck of agriculturist is given to hangers loop, I am helpless to keep my struggle going. It is with great struggle and persistence that I have managed to put up the knowledge nature revealed to me on the net. I kindly request your help to spread the message.  I request the students of Veda, Bible and Koran, etc. gives a helping hand towards this goal

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