American Election 2004 - Last Chance Open to Humanity to Survive

The Failure of Highest Human Office

A Reflection of Failure of Sense perception of Individuals of Democratic World



The fate of Humanity is now guided by the action of the powerful Human office – The White House. Humanity because of his ignorance about himself and the nature around him, always exist in uncertainty and fear. His instinct to make himself secure leads him into constant struggle against nature. The fear of death makes him strive for constant vigil and strive to conquer death or the enemy. Every components of our society, individual, family, community and nations constantly lives and grows out of this fear and uncertainty.  This struggle is the source of all knowledge humanity has accumulated in parts. There is a classic difference in the approach of the west and the east in this struggle. The west believes that the enemy comes from out side. Thus the west has always looked to the out side world with a negative intent and has ventured to conquer the material world. The east in contrast believes that the enemy comes from inside and thus has always ventured to conquer the inner world - the world of soul or life. The attitude of both east and west in its essence is negative and thus escapes the reality of nature. [These characters exist in individual, family, community, nations and the whole as ratio, one dominant the other recessive] The truth of nature and God is life or pulse. In its essence it means to maintain balance between the outer and the inner movement from the middle.

“Self” or “I” is the biggest enemy of humanity. It is the veil that separates humanity from truth and absolute knowledge. All the ancient knowledge systems specially the spiritual ones, therefore speaks of knowing our “I” and its relationship with the universal “I”. Every religious practice that the ancient seers designed is oriented to make the ignorant humanity vibrate one with the universal “self” by maintaining our identity and yet working in unison with the universal self to keep the pulse going.  The great ancient secret speaks of submitting one’s “self” to “Universal Self” to know the truth or the reality of nature. In brief they strive to tell us the art of balancing and maintaining life by accepting death. The ancient knowledge thus speaks of the art of living with death – knowing it and conquering it. Life is the instinctive force but death is not instinctive and thus all knowledge gets directed at knowing death and its faces and works for ways to conquer it.

“Self” or “I” in fact is life. Submitting “self” means accepting death. Everything around human life exists in fighting death. Thus the secret of conquering death by accepting death is some thing incomprehensible to humanity. Thus humanity exists in a great conflict without being able comprehend the truth and the knowledge of conquering death. [Why humanity is incapable comprehending the death and truth of nature is explained in in the site]. Universal self or Consciousness is the source of life to the world and thus our religious scriptures speaks of intervention of an all knowing, all perceiving consciousness or spirit from time to time ensuring the perpetuation of Life and existence of the world. The Vedas, the Epics, I – Ching, Bible, Koran all speak certain truth that we have failed to comprehend because we are caught in the vortex of  “I” and “self- survival”. There is no “self-survival” without universal survival. 

Two Human Offices leading the whole to Destruction

In all components of the society, individual, family, community, nations and the whole there exists two powerful offices, one governing the material force [Mind] and the other governing the spiritual force [soul]. Today we are in a time where we are in a position to exploit the power of spirit and matter at will. Consequently the world is going through a critical phase of end times, many of the process I feared would happen due to human ignorance of the interrelationship and oneness is happening. On one hand we have nations and offices that rule by material power building bombs to destroy souls, on the other we have  spiritual offices manipulating spiritual force to develop human bombs to destroy souls. I have come across Christian Ministries projecting Mr. Bush as Great Christian and now humanity is proposing the name of Bush and Blair for Noble prize!, We have Bush and America proclaiming that God is on our side. It is the height of human Ignorance!!! The prophesies of end times written in the Bible is happening, yet my brothers and sisters at the pinnacle of materialistic pursuit [scientific power] and spiritual ones exist lost in hallucinated state without being able to comprehend the reality of nature. I have reached out to many of them personally but they have failed to come out of their frame of mind to realize the truth.

Both the powerful human offices have failed to present any clear direction to humanity. The partial knowledge gained by advent of material force and partial knowledge gained by advent of spiritual force is leading the whole to clash and destruction. The only way out for humanity is knowledge that is complete and that exist between the two.

Where the Highest Human Material Office is going wrong

Science tells us that all matter has an associated wave. It tells us that matter and wave are simply two forms of the same substance called energy and is interchangeable. Definitely there should exist a balance between the two. It should exist in a ratio [The site equates it to Flesh and Blood of Christ]. Our nature is cyclic this invariably means that this wave also should be cyclic. There should be a minimum and maximum time in which it makes a cyclic revolution. Any attempt to disturb it will result in disorder. Thank God, nature has its own ways to oppose any one-way disturbance of this ratio in favor of Blood [flow] or flesh [stagnation]. Much of the disturbances and natural catastrophes have direct relationship to human intervention disturbing the basic flow and its ability to balance.

We all know when the temperature increases, flowing energy associated with matter increases. Common sense tells us that through reckless exploitation of matter we have been increasing the flowing state of energy and thus upsetting the ratio of fluid and solid-state existence. Further all the advancement we have made in science has given humanity the capacity to create drastic changes over a short period disturbing the cyclic flow, hindering the capacity of nature to repair the flow and balance nature.  Nature is erupting, quaking, flooding, firing and consciousness of the suppressed human beings is taking suicidal paths under the stress humanity is creating in the absence of knowledge of interrelationship and oneness of nature. [For more details see natural catastrophes]

Every American and the world citizens very importantly the highest human material office, should realize that science has come to conclude that matter is some how related to the mind and consciousness. This means all actions and exploitations of material world have its effect on the mind and consciousness. Actions on matter with a negative intent will have negative reactions on the consciousness. Thanks to this great design that our world is still sustaining in spite of the reckless exploitation of nature. This great secret is already unfolding to humanity. When on one hand humanity is exploiting nature and unwinding it to the maximum, the stress it is producing has activated the Universal Consciousness and through it the individual consciousness. We are witnessing tremendous increase in spiritual force. The number of minds that are submitting to the consciousness and discovering its power is growing by every second. It is producing the winding power opposing the unwinding power unleashed by men who depend on material power. Even the terrorist sacrificing their soul in the name of God also could be viewed as the force opposing the human conquering force that is taking the whole to death and destruction. Collapse of Twin Towers was a call to humanity to review its approach, but the world failed to comprehend it.

Failure of Highest Human Spiritual office

Spiritual force discovered under stress under the banner of various religions institutes and its multitude of sects is heading to create friction and heat that are potentially dangerous than thousand nuclear Bombs. This is what we are witnessing in the conflict of war and terrorism. Every religion speaks of one God, it calls for faith in God, it tells us faith should be genuine and should grow. All human religious preachers exist saying that, for right growth of faith, it should be taught rightly. However by their limitation they end up calling the attention of humanity to their center and humanity by their limitation end up falling into the vortex of religious institutions. This is the process by which thousands of religious sects have come. Technically this means all individuals are religious institutions. When one becomes a religious institute then one fails to perceive reality of God. Spirit of God calls us to know him and pulsate with him in accordance to the time. The whole process of formation of institution is directed to deterioration and reaches a dead end. There is difference between a preacher and perceiver. Those who perceived God asked us to look beyond them. However, our perception failed to go beyond them and thus begins the deterioration of Knowledge. In the process the one God and the Knowledge of God got split into thousand Gods, each fighting for their individual survival. It depicts the failure of human spirituality or knowledge of God or Knowledge of our existence in nature.

Democracy gives every individual the right to chose the path he wishes [to life or death]. It however gives one chance to correct and to move towards Him or the Knowledge of life. However, because our self-nature, our inability to look beyond our self, we fail to perceive our source and our Godly nature and de-link ourselves from the Father - God.  No institutions, no religions, can ever help us come out of our self to know our relationship with God. In fact our religion, our human teacher and our mind becomes the greatest barrier, which we need to fight to find our real nature and our relationship with God. Today Humanity is in a great fix, on one hand is the immense force of matter and the other is the equally and more powerful force of spirit. These forces built on partial knowledge are directed in opposite directions and is creating immense stress on humanity.  Our survival now is depended on God, the Central Reality that perceives time, death and therefore the Absolute Knowledge. At Calvary He revealed His soul to ensure life to us. It is time that He reveals His Mind so that matter and soul can exist in union

The only way out of the dead end to which humanity is moving is Light or Absolute Knowledge – the Great Secret of Nature released by the one at the Center. The knowledge of relationship between matter, mind and soul and the oneness of nature – The secret of family and information flow and how the whole dynamic universal system exist in cyclical manner.

Where our Democratic knowledge is Erring

1] We must note that every individual, family, community country by instinct strives to maintain some balance. In other words the individual and the whole works by instinct against imbalance. This means there are two opposing forces acting and its existence depends on the knowledge of these two forces and its co existence. Democracy we must note is built on opposition and respect to opposition. Democracy is designed such that humanity can choose his destiny out of his sense experience. It gives him one chance to correct his decision and help him build information. [See- Reviewing of Democracy]

2] Any attempt to conquer the opposite is thus against nature, its against the principles of existence and is bound to react. [This is explored and discovered in depth by rewriting the foundation of science, accounting for all the developments in science and at the same time answering what science and humanity failed to answer sensibly]. Much of the present situation of the world is direct consequence of human conquering motive and corruption without understanding the basic principle of nature and its existence. This means Globalization and American Conquerism is against nature and its principles

3] Every individual of this democratic world specially American public and the Highest Human Office [White House] should realize that the foundation of science on which it is trying to conquer the world is broken. The advancement in science has broken the foundation on which it is built. The advancement in science has taken humanity away from reality of nature. Humanity today exists in absolute ignorance of inter relationship and oneness of nature. It is totally blind to the action and reaction process and how nature balances it self. Well known scientists have warned humanity against the reckless exploitation of partial knowledge that they have contributed to humanity.  Science every one must know is designed to conquer nature, not to understand it. American president determining the fate of humanity should be aware of the limitation of the knowledge and power he is using to pursue his negative intent.  He must know that the scientific force which is speaking of sending manned flight to mars against gravity does not know the answer to fundamental questions such as why free fall acceleration is the same for all bodies? How gravity comes to existence? Why speed of light is the maximum speed? Why uncertainty exists in nature?  How the planets exist balanced in its orbit against the second law of thermodynamics and so on.  It is in the backdrop of this ignorance we are speaking of conquering the solar system. In an election year an announcement of a multibillion-dollar project to conquer and reach heights unknown to humanity will surely light up common mans inherent conquering motive and make them stand one with their president. We must note that everywhere democratic election is fought exploiting human weakness, his ignorance and thus democracy it self has taken the negative path and deteriorated. In the East politician play the dirty act of igniting publics spiritual weakness to get to power.  Democracy is a system that works on senses and help humanity to take chance and build information that  in the right direction. Failure to sense perceive the failure of previous selection could mean moving towards great disasters. [See -  Reviewing of Democracy]

3] Every American should know that the affluence it enjoys and which it is over doing is done at the cost of denial of the same to millions of his brothers and sisters. No father and mother would approve it. The 500 plus billion dollar of investment on space exploration that Mr. Bush has announced would surely stress the American public and the America as a whole. In an interlinked world where negative intent is let loose in the name of Globalization, this can only be achieved at the cost of stressing the weaker who would collapse. In an interrelated living world every part has its own vital role to play. Light has no meaning unless darkness exists for it to pierce. What use is the soul and mind with out a body for it to rest and act?  In pushing our material pursuit on partial knowledge with out knowing the interrelationship and oneness of nature, we are upsetting the balance of nature and digging our own grave.

4] The highest human office, the public who chose the occupants of these office are miserably failing to know the spirit that is guiding their life and the life of the whole. Its failure is leading the whole to destruction. Democracy gives individuals the freedom to choose its destiny. The system called democracy washes its hand as Pilate washed his hands after passing judgment to Crucify Christ. American’s when it voted to power an individual who have little respect for the consciousness that guides his life and who has little awareness of his own religion has erred miserably precipitating death and destruction to the world.

I look at the offer of Mars exploration to the American public as the offer of Devil to Jesus when He got ready to make the supreme sacrifice for our sake. The only difference is that now in a democratic society this offer is being made to people who are taken back from Satan’s jaws by the Lord and who are still not aware of the significance of the act that happened at Calvary. [The science of Calvary is disclosed for you and the world in the site]. Only those whose consciousness and living force is alive [in whom Jesus is living] will perceive the truth of my statement. I would have taken my hat and kneeled before the highest office, if it had made such fund mobilization to help those billions who are deprived of food and shelter.

The Vital Errors of White House

1] The highest office as it pursued its conquering motive [negative intent] in the name of globalization it went against the principle of nature and its existence. Its dependence on material power with out knowing the interrelationship and oneness of nature is a vital blunder.

2] The highest office, in waging war on Afghan to kill one Osama Bin Laden, [who happened to be its own creation], conceived million Osama Bin Laden's. [Potential bombs that never fails] The environment that the highest human office is providing is proving to be very much conducive to growth of evil seed it has sown. Its war on terrorism is the wind helping the flight of terror to take off. [See - War and Terrorism]. The Highest office posed as defenders of freedom and democracy but in reality sacrificed both. America fell to unfathomable depth in the inner eyes of the world and sacrificed the freedom of its own people.

3] The highest office lost the Grace of the Father and the Mother as it attacked Iran [his brother] against the Fathers wish specially when he surrendered his weapons at the Father’s feet [U.N.O]. No arguments by any human being, least so a Christian, can justify the attack unleashed by the highest office on the helpless brother. Every Christian Knows that Lord Jesus sacrificed His life at a time when there was not one man left on the face of this world whom He could call good. We have not been restored to Kingdom of God yet. What right do then a Christian has to call groups of nations and millions residing in them AXIS OF EVIL? How stupid it is to say that God is on our side to wage war on a hlepless brother !! [however bad he is]

What should be noted is that, all these errors happened from the highest office after the, great secret of nature and its existence [the interrelationship and oneness of nature, the secret of mind matter and soul] was placed repeatedly on his table for his evaluation. In touching Mars we are now tampering the dynamic unit of the universal system. We are in for trouble

We human being have single root and are brothers and sisters. Our Father is not dead nor Has He Lost His perception or Control. Christianity is founded on the principle of “self sacrifice” as a path to life - A path very clearly Lord traversed and showed us. [The truth and importance of this great sacrifice is scientifically put forth before you in the site]. It is important that we note that the most important command Lord gave to humanity is to never offer any sacrifice with a heart that is not at peace with his brother. Love thy Brother and thy Neighbor as you Love yourselves is the most important command of the Lord. – I do not understand on which ground a Christian populated west justifies its attack on Afghan and Iran. America under Bush has failed miserably to know the boundary between defense and offense. To defend is once right, to offend is not a right.

America is considered the leader in scientific exploration of nature and truth. America should realize that, though the partial knowledge contributed by science has given ways to exploit material world, it is miserably far from understanding the truth of nature. The highest goal and challenge of science now rest on understanding the interrelationship and oneness of nature. I do not understand how the Highest Human Office can overlook the attention called to Unified Theory that all his scientific force  is seeking very much.  White house’s failure to analyze 9/11/2001 properly speaks of the failure of the intelligence of the highest human office – thus the failure of human intelligence.

Danger! Danger! Danger!

American Election 2004 is vital to humanity. It is a test of true democracy.  Lot of responsibility rests on the shoulders of American Public to chose and mold the right leader to White House that determines the destiny of humanity. In a democratic world, leader is a reflection of the state of knowledge and intelligence of majority of the people of that country.  It is time that America looks at the soul, perceive the light glowing there, through it analyze the mind and visualize the path one is moving and taking the whole. Democracy gives us two chances, the second chance is to repent and correct. It is time for the world to know the trait of Bush and where it is leading the world. It is vital that we fight the trait of Bush within ourselves and outside.

For a country that rest on material power and has least knowledge of interrelationship and oneness of nature, it is improper to claim that God is on our side; it signifies the height of ignorance!!! Let America chose a leader who respects his Father and Mother and Loves his brother and has space for him, irrespective of his shortcomings. Let America chose a leader who understand oneness of nature or at least understand its importance and shows a willing ness to advance in science to the truth of nature.

Let America chose a leader who rules by spiritual power than the material. Let America chose a leader that does not create seeds of hatred and terrorism and then wages war creating vortex of self-destruction. Let America chose a leader who knows His God in His Spirit and follow His Path


The Secret of God and Human existence

We live in a world that is determined by science, a science that has miserably failed to understand the interrelationship and oneness of nature and thereby the reality of nature. The evolution of foundation of science has concluded that matter is some how is influenced by the mind and consciousness. Thus the Science founded on the inorganic vision of nature has come to conclude that nature is some how organic. However, it has failed to perceive the organic form of the universe we live in. The Modern Knowledge has built us a world that has turned miserable for life and very much endangered the existence of the planet. He has found himself unsafe in spite of all the arms and technological advancement he has made. Both material and spiritual forces are peaking in a conflicting manner without having sensible answer to creation and existence of this world. Modern knowledge is hardly few centuries old. In contrast, ancient knowledge that has several thousand years of past, tells us that we are created in the field of Universal Consciousness by the Universal Mind and thus have our linage to a single source. But we are failing to comprehend the truth of the ancient knowledge.

Site reviews the foundation of the science and rediscovers it on a new foundation that is sensible and goes ahead to account all the developments in science and explain all the unanswered questions of science. In the process it present the organic worldview that encloses the inorganic aspect. It goes ahead to discover the ancient knowledge system and reinterprets secrets of religious existence and presents a knowledge that can transform and save the present world from the jaws of death. It concludes that nature is built on information and controlled by two aspects Consciousness and Mind. Consciousness is recessive and Mind is dominant. Creation is conceived when Mind broods over the consciousness. Death to this created world comes when the individuated systems it created in its image [the cells and organs of the body] goes against Him.

The creation and existence and evolution of this universal system can viewed in terms of conception of a life [information] and the formation of family and its evolution. The consciousness is the Mother and Mind is the father they are one and form the source of creation. Everything else is created out of it. The death to the created world comes when the individuated systems it produced in its image to the left and right, in other words the cells of His body goes against Him. In terms of family it means death to the father comes when his children goes against him. In terms of nations, death to the world comes when the west tries to conquer the east and east submits to it and vice versa.

No wonder the great religious scriptures depicts great conflicts and war between good and evil, between brothers in a family and between nations. History of religion tells us three instances where Lord has taken human form to mediate for justice and truth. They are Lord Rama, Lord Krishna and Lord Jesus. Site recognizes them as the three critical points of quantum organic world at which the very existence of the system [justice and truth] is endangered. It also points out evolutionary significance to these three critical times. In the time of Lord Rama the Good and evil were clearly separated as Gods and Rakshas. In the time of Lord Krishna, the war is between the family members of elder and younger. God mediates for Justice in favor of the deprived younger ones and fails. When the war is precipitated Lord puts choice for the two factions, to choose between him [conscious force] and the material power of many nations. The elder chooses the material force of many nations and the younger the Lord.

The Lord leads the family of the younger in the battlefield. The Great knowledge of the Vedas was unrolled to warrior Krishna in the battlefield by the Lord.  He even reveals His true nature to him by giving extra perceptional capacity. In the revelation Arjuna the warrior sees the mouth of the Lord, which is inhaling and exhaling all the demigods as well as rakshas at will. Very clearly telling us that both are His creations and the right to judge exists with him. They are parts of his great plan of creation – It is built on simple sense that existence of light is incomplete and meaningless without the existence of darkness.

The third and the most important is the manifestation of Lord Jesus who sacrificed himself on the Cross-at Calvary. The war of Kurukshetra was a time in history when Lord found some good people for him to support and restore justice and truth in this world. Bible tells us that Lord Jesus took human form became a sacrificial lamb when not one human beings was left for him to side. The Creator thus was forced to sustain His creation.  Vedas very clearly tells us that creation occurred with self-sacrifice of the Creator. But everybody failed to perceive the importance of the act that took place in the Calvary. What occurred at the Calvary was conception of New World – The Secret of the Organic World and its Existence – The Perpetuation of Information. 

The great significance and the secret of this sacrifice are not yet known to humanity, neither to a Christian believer nor to a non-Christian believer. For a non-Christian the idea God being crucified reflects the Picture of God who is helpless. Christ is not only a way of life but it is also life. However, institute called Christianity failed to perceive it. Science was born in the west when Christian priests were ruling it virtually by force. Today offices adorned by Christians are the virtual cause of the endangered world we live in where justice and truth once again is at risk. Lord was fully aware of the future to come thus clearly said he would come again to give Justice.  With the death of Christ, every one is liberated on to new plane to move according to his will. He is given the choice to enter the new world in the making or remain in the old body. The soul of God came to the world to renew its body, just as the conceived seed in mother’s womb develops a body of its own out of the blood and flesh of the mother, the spirit of Jesus renews his body and the parts. 

We live to day on partial knowledge when the knowledge of the whole comes piercing the womb the partial will fall. Every thing will fall into order to find its rightful place and a new organic cycle begins. We are going through the process of pains of delivery of a new a world where His knowledge leads the way for thousand years.

The best way to assume the relationship between individual and the God is to visualize the working of a human body. Another way is to visualize a sphere, which in turn encloses many spheres within it. Sphere within the whole exist in pairs and can be described in relation to the pair. [To be more correct in 4pairs see fundamental particle] However, the sphere at the center is unique and it is relative to it self. It is a miniature of the whole. The central sphere and the spheres on the left and right of it are balanced on the principle of balance. The disturbance caused by the individual is balanced by the disturbance caused by the opposite. A winding force created by an individual is balanced by the unwinding force cause by the pair on the opposite. It is a random world guided by the law of chance. Time is set in this random world by the mind of Humanity that sets out to conquer and corrupt Nature [Negative intent], thus pushes the creator and the creation to two possible limits or death points - one to the center and other to the periphery. At one point [to the center] humanity pushes the universal soul to death point. This is Calvary. At the periphery it stresses the Mind of God to come active and make the Judgment. The site concludes that the Calvary as the big bang point at which the universe is conceived and the second coming the birth of the conceived universe and the beginning of the return to root. The Christian life is a life of anticipation of Second Coming of Christ. The second coming is revelation of his Mind of God or Absolute Knowledge. 

The site understands and notes that only the absolute knowledge can break the walls built by human minds separating them into parts and from the whole. Once His knowledge pervades there will be No Hindus, No Christians and No Muslims, there will be only Humans and Knowledge. Every preacher and his limited knowledge will be revealed when the whole knowledge comes. Everyone falls in comparison with incomparable and calls upon his own judgment. I am just another mirror polished by Him to reflect His image to the present time.

A word about Christian Revival Movement

2000 years have gone since Jesus spirit cam to exist with us. People have been reading the Bible and interpreting it thousand ways. Many a churches have branched from it. Christianity is witnessing bloom of ministries, which is interpreting the revelation part of the Bible in a unique way. Many of these ministries are taking human minds to some higher plane and leaving them in a hallucinated state. Non-linear science tells us that before a system reaches a critical state of collapse, it goes through an uncertainty state at which creativity comes into being. It is the highest disordered state of a system. Survival instinct of the system is maximum here.

Human being pursuing material exploitation with out understanding its relationship and oneness with mind and consciousness has virtually caught himself in a vortex leading himself to dead end. He is going through the uncertain state. He is feeling insecure, fear has gripped him, his mind is failing him, his mind has gone week and a week mind is a sitting target to exploitation both by evil and good forces. The Master Scientist, the Creator very clearly cautioned humanity that during the end times, many will come in his name, making prophesy out of his imagination and dreams. [Ezekiel 13:1-5, John 4:2-5,]. Disturbed mind is a field for dreams of all sorts. Only when the system collapses into order will it reveal the reality of things. When this happens one path prevails the other deteriorates.

1000 years after Christ spirit came there was a time when the Church and Priests was virtually ruling and amassing wealth in the west by imparting fear of God into mankind. Very clearly humanity failed to perceive the spirit of God. Science I believe was Gods Creation, a part of Grand Plan, to skim the butter out of the Curd.  Advancement in science has virtually stirred, individuals, family, community, and nations to high state of fluctuation such that the one with substance settles. The creator is a participant of the wave; the judgment is forced on him. No body can be sure which side he will come to stop. Very clearly I can tell you He will come to stay where there is a positive intent, where there is justice and truth. Will any one of us find on his side?

I am just another ordinary servant, an utterly human, a great sinner and once a great non-believer who defined God as Invention of the intelligent to rule the ignorant. I took to research with small aim of contributing some thing to humanity and make my life worthwhile. If there is any reason for the lord to make me a tool and let you Judge me, then it is the fact that I made consciousness the base of my research and mind simply a tool to explore. I revolted to come out of science than bowing to man [who preaches the field of consciousness] and a system, which for the sake of little money, fame and name sacrifices his/its consciousness in favor of the mind.

I still consider still myself unworthy of speaking about HIM, but I cannot stop myself from speaking of HIM