Knowing the Unified Knowledge on a New Foundation to Science

Rediscovering Absolute Reality and Ancient Knowledge



Human kind from time immemorial is constantly trying to understand the reality of nature. His quest has led him in many paths, physical, psychological, spiritual, conscious, mathematical and so on. All these paths however has led him away from reality and absolute reality. The problem with human approach to know things is that his “I” always interacts and influences his quest and leads him away from the central reality. He instead of following a cohering path follows the divergence path and gets lost. The reality and absolute reality thus has remained beyond his ability to comprehend.

Science is the dominant path in which humanity is treading to day. Science’s approach is physical and centuries of scientific quest have failed him to bring any where near reality let go going near absolute reality. In their splitting approach, they have found themselves entangled in many fields with no signs of unifying them to understand the reality. Their approach has led them to a point where they have conclusive evidence that, the physical field is some how related two more fields, mental and conscious field, about which they have least knowledge. The scientific quest thus has come one circle back to the age-old question- who we are and what is our place in this Universe?  Well known scientist, Ervin Schrodinger declared that one and the only Question of science is to answer who we are?

The principal goal of age-old knowledge was to know who we are and what is our relationship with nature. The approach was however different from the science. Unlike science, which is directed at searching the outer physical world, ancient knowledge systems were directed at searching the inner world of life and its interrelationship with the outer word. Thus, they were in right path and could explain nature and its reality fully. Though all the ancient knowledge system speaks the same truth, the Vedas I believe is the most logically laid out one. To understand the reality of nature and absolute reality it is important that we reinvent the absolute reality, in the context of science that has bound human mind. The site is a humble effort at this direction.

Principal Goal of Age Old Knowledge

The Vedas describe the absolute reality as God or Paramatma. The central focus of six Indian systems of Knowledge, Snakya, Yoga, Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Purva Mimamsa and Uttara Mimamsa [Vedanta] is to answer the nature of man, universe and God. [Jeev, Jagat and Iswar]. Here the first step is understand once own self or discover ourselves. In Kathopanishid, Nachiketa in the quest of knowledge about death, request Yamasura [God of Death] to tell him the knowledge of self. This clearly indicates the knowledge of self is a path to the knowledge of Universe and the God or the supreme reality that controls the whole.

Knowledge system of Vedas logically deduces God as an essential central reality of Nature. It presents God as absolute truth, one with out a second, omnipresent and self-illuminating. God is described as Sat –Chit- Anand. Meaning pure truth, pure intelligence and Bliss. It is assumed that God with this trinity is the universal source of all things. The Vedic definition of God shows that God is not the privilege of any particular religion, community or individual. He is not enclosed in a temple, mosque, or Church. He is infinite, and omnipresent, He is approachable to every body. He is inside you and outside you,

The Vedas proposes the existence of individuated souls [consciousness] or particles of life that is linked to a super living particle system or super consciousness, which controls, illuminates and guides every thing. Both these particle system are indestructible but are interrelated to form the oneness or the whole system. The whole of Vedas, and all other religious philosophies for that mater, describes the necessity of self-realization and obtain the knowledge of our relationship with the whole or the "higher self" or the God, also called Brahman. Yoga is the system by which Veda proposes to regain our forgotten relationship with the super soul or higher self. It describes human beings as the supreme beings.  In the ultimate sense it means God is noting but our own pure and infinite self and is what illuminates our intellect and the whole universe, by knowing which nothing remains to be known or defined.

According to Vedanta, our intellect cannot illuminate or know God; it needs the assistance and help of a guru who leads you in the path of truth of God. It says that human intellect can know him only when the ignorance is dispelled and is illuminated by Vedic core knowledge “I’ or “ Aham Bramhasi, or I myself am Brahman”. It does not mean that all individuated souls are God, but it simply tells us that you are a part of God. That everybody has an essence of God in him. It is like a small piece of a tasty mango fruit, which carries the same taste or quality of the whole. However, we are ignorant and ill equipped to sense it and enjoy it. [This aspect is dealt in detail later in the page]

The state “I myself a Brahman” is a state when one discover oneself by merging with the higher self at the center. Such merging is a state of enlightenment, where one realizes the truth that, God is simply a true and pure extension of his own self. It is a state where individuated self realizes its own relative position in respect to the one and only super soul. It is said that cognitive power of intellect is unable to illuminate the ultimate reality, but the knowledge of the universal self or Brahman lifts the veils of ignorance and reveals once own self and its relationship with the whole. Vedas thus tells the super soul intervenes and directs and controls the whole. Nothing escapes him and nothing is beyond his control. Nothing happens without his knowledge. [The Bible too very clearly speaks of this].

Vedas speaks of a guru who can lead you to ultimate reality. However, the actual realization of the reality is left to the disciples. Their mode of submission to the universal consciousness becomes a vital point guiding the process. Vedas propose Vedic science of Yoga as a means to understand, experience, verify for themselves, the knowledge of self and spatial relationship with the super self or the universal consciousness. The Vedas tells us that studying of Vedas alone does not lead you to enlightenment. It tells us that the enlightenment occurs when you verify the truth. The whole thinking is equivalent to quantum science, where the reality collapses when it is observed. Bramha- Samhita clearly tells us that the Lord is inaccessible to the Vedas, but is obtainable by pure unalloyed devotion. Bhagavad-Gita, Bible Koran all speaks the same. [ Here I am tempted to visualize Jesus as the ultimate Guru that Vedas spoke about]

The Bhagavad-Gita describes the super soul as supreme truth that exists both internally and externally, in moving and non-moving. He is beyond the power of material senses to see and know, all though far away he is very near to you, he appears divided but he is never divided, he devours all and envelops all and maintains all. He is the source of light in all luminous objects. He is beyond the darkness of matter and is unmanifested. He is the knowledge, he is the object of knowledge and he is the goal of knowledge. He is situated in every ones heart. He is the embryo, from which every thing is manifested to which everything returns.   

Reinterpreting the Vedic Reality and the Absolute Reality

The Vedic interpretation of absolute reality could be equated simply to a living system, which originates from apparently two identities male and female, which in reality is one. The whole system emerges from the embryo, which forms out of the union of the male and female information. The embryo gives rise to millions of cells each of which has all the information of the whole. Technically each cell is an individual living system and thus is an extension of the original system, but its information is curtailed and thus it lives in the ignorance of the whole but remains as a part of the whole, being interrelated, mutually functioning to maintain what is called life.  [This interpretation is not new to science James Lovelock and Margulis Lynn have shown through computer generated models of environment that our world is a living system].

The Vedas tell us that the universe is a living system and we are the individuated parts of it, responsible to play a role to maintain the whole such that the whole maintains the individuated system. But by our ignorance of “self” and the lack knowledge of interrelationship with the “higher self” we act against nature and life there by leading the whole and ourselves to death 

Vedas clearly tells us that whole truth or the complete knowledge lies in the knowledge of “I”.  It tells us that there exist a universal “I” that knows every thing, which is the creator of everything, the embryo from which everything originates. It tells us that the individuated parts or cells also have their own “I”, but this “I” is limited in the knowledge or the information field from which it works. The individuated “I” thus by ignorance works against the universal “I” or higher self. This creates the friction, the deterioration and death of the whole system. [The second law of thermodynamics]. This  necessitates reproduction that sustains the whole system by developing the information.

The whole thing becomes very clear if we take a circle and try to put points in it. There can only be one center point. All other points drawn in the circle takes a position left or right of the center point. This center point becomes the universal soul that can see “self” and the “whole” at the same time. All other points becomes the differentiated souls of the central reality which are limited by their relative position and fails to have complete vision of the whole that can be obtained by being at the center.

We know that a point is an area in space, which means to know the truth one has to move to ones own center [discover self] and then to know the higher self one has to move to the center of the whole. In fact knowing once own self takes you to the center of the whole. One cannot replace the center but can transform through the center such that you can have the glimpse of the whole and realize ones own self.  The process of transition gives what we call the enlightenment. The call for enlightenment is the essence of all religion. Bible calls out to get reborn in the spirit of God.

The Vedas and all the religious knowledge describe how human beings caught in the vortex of day-to-day mundane life, not only  move away from their center and the universal center but how in doing so they loose their control over their  “I”, and how  it works in friction with the universal “I”, introducing deterioration and death, not only to self but to the whole. It clearly describes three vital components to all the systems. The soul, mind and body. [Primary, middle and outer]. The individuated souls by their ignorance always work in the field of the mind and body. With out the knowledge of the absolute reality of nature. It is caught in the mind field and gets attracted increasingly to the body field or the material field. Vedas note that the field of the mind and body always has elements of death.  Life it notes exists in the soul, whose knowledge is absolute reality. Thus it insist on moving to the center, than moving away from the center to know the reality of nature and its existence. Human “I” thus is the cause of deterioration and death. 

However, nature is so designed that life survives. Death cannot be the ultimate end of the living universe. The Universal soul thus should be beyond death. Death comes because of friction, and friction comes because of lack of knowledge.  All life has an instinct to survive that gives it the evolutionary aspect. The evolutionary aspect is nothing but growth of information. The whole process thus could be viewed as the unfolding of information. The concept of unfolding of information invariably means there should exist a phase, where information is enfolded. This means there are two phases to the living universe or the super soul, unfolding one and enfolding one. The unfolding one gives out the information, and enfolding one takes in the information. One is revelation period and other is forgetting period. Both should be mediated by the super soul.  The complete information revealed to humanity breaks down the “I” of humanity and restores, the individuated system into his field [enfolding]. When in time, the information is lost and it reaches a critical point, the Lord intervenes to cause unfolding. The cycle is very clearly described in Vedas by four Yugas that go in cyclic form. It is also described very clearly in Bhagavad-Gita where lord Krishna clearly shows that everything comes out of his mouth and returns to it. What remains is to understand this truth from the present scenario our existence, where we are caught in the grip of science the part knowledge and blinded by our own “I”. This bondage with every passing moment is increasing the friction and leading the whole to death.

The ancient knowledge having known the central reality and the knowledge of the whole very clearly described ways and means to live in harmony with nature. Methods were drawn in to daily and larger cyclic periods at various levels like individual, family, community, village and so on. All their effort was designed to up hold the Truth and Justice. They were quite aware that nothing could stop the turning of the wheel of time. However, their efforts were directed at smoothening the wheel such that the friction is lessened and life is extended.

The ancient seers very clearly new that death is the creation of humankind and his ignorance. Being the parts of the whole, limited by our vision and ignorance, we the human beings lead the whole and ourselves to death. The instinct of life is to survive. Thus when the life of the whole or the central soul, which remains a simple witness to our action, when is stressed to the critical state as a resultant of our cumulative ignorant action against Him  He reacts to defeat the death forces and lead the whole in the path of life.

The instinct of individuated soul and the super soul has the same function, that is to survive. Individuated Life survives by mixing and evolving information before it leads it self to death. [Reproduction]. The whole does the same. The difference between the two is that the whole does it in pure love and full knowledge of birth and death. In contrast, the individuated systems do it with an element of impurity and lack of knowledge of birth and death cycle. Here I tend to give importance to Jesus Christ and His death at Calvary  

Science and Absolute Reality – Knowing God and His plan for our Salvation

We the humanity are associated with one or other religion. Religion is life and life saving one. The knowledge of religion should have taken the world to peace and happiness- a world that moves to increasing peace, truth and Justice. The world we live in is very clearly leading it self to increasingly disordered state, away from peace, truth and justice to self-destruction. The part knowledge that was revealed to humankind has only increased his power of “I” and his destructive intent. This is being manifested in the intent of the leaders of west and their conquering motive and in the leaders of East and  their corruption and selfish motive.  The only way the whole could return to peace and order is by the knowledge of the whole. When the whole comes, the part knowledge vanishes and all those flourished on their “I” will fall. The law of karma then will take its course.

This is written in the Vedas, and is very much written in all the religions. In fact, as I understand today, the Lord, the Super Soul, the instinct of the living universe,  is  working through all the religion, to keep the life going. All the religion is time-to-time effort of the, universal soul to communicate with the individuated souls to keep the life healthy strong and going. However, human beings failed to understand the truth as they institutionalized the religion, kept the god chained to Temples, Church and Mosque and moved away from its essence giving scope to their own “I” and the elements of death forces in them.

Universal soul very much aware, that there is no other way for him than breaking all the religion and fulfill human wants or his “I” and his attachment to material force, thus the science was born. The universal consciousness gave every individuated system to choose what they want. Those who wish to move to the center he allowed to move to the center [life] and those who wish to move away from the center he allowed to move away from the center. He created the centrifugal force such that the individuated system can move in it according to their free will and take their own position according to their content. Through science he was fulfilling human free will and his attachment to the external world before revealing himself, initializing himself and establishing His will. His will is established when he reveals the truth that would complete the initialization of his body. This revelation is spoken in the Vedas, Bible and Koran. This is something that is bound to happen, because He has already initialized His Soul. 

How this happens is described in the site by redefining the foundation of science. Science is the dominant force that is guiding our life. We are in the spell of science; unless this spell is removed, there is little hope for this world to understand the ultimate reality. Unless ultimate reality is realized, there is no hope for humanity. Two great powers, the science and religion are up against each other without knowing the interrelationship and oneness of nature. World and humanity is paying heavy price for the ignorance on which it is riding. I hope I need not elaborate it. The media that reports death and destruction, the media that is revealing the conquering motive and the corruption speaks it all. The only way this world can be saved is by knowing the Absolute reality of  nature or the absolute knowledge of the system we are living in. With it  every single individual will turn into a warrior fighting the two devils, conquering motive and corruption within himself and the whole. Nature heals herself as people do this, order and peace will return to this world. Unless conquering motive and corruption is defeated there is little hope for humanity

The site reinvents the reality and absolute reality spoken by Vedas and all the age-old religious philosophies. It invents the living particle, its relationship with the non-living particle, how motion and life takes its origin, and how a living system or the living universe is formed, why it dies, how it sustains it self etc. The site describes the quantum nature of cyclic existence. It elaborates quantum nature as a three-step process that leads to the third critical point at which the unfolding of information starts. The end of this unfolding of information is the enfolding of information. This too takes place in three steps.

The site notes that the Lord intervenes in the first, the second and the third critical point of enfolding of information, personally to save the collapse and lead the whole in a specific path predetermined by him. They form the three incarnation of God. The site locates them as the Rama. Krishna and Jesus. The incarnation takes place to protect Justice and Truth.  The site notes that the three critical points of quantum action in turn enfolds three minor critical points. Site describes these points as the emergence of messengers of God to lead the humanity in the right path.

With the third critical point, the Lord comes to live at the center in the form spirit, as a force that is acting away from the center. [Internal observer controlling the system]. His action is mediated by his people but his people forget him with time and goes against him expressing their own “I”, pushing the whole to another third critical point, at which he is forced to react and establish Himself.

This phase is also has three critical points each of which in turn contains, three critical points in it. These points are the emergence of messengers of God, who speak to humanity the truth of God the absolute reality. However, humanity fails to understand the truth thus pushes himself and the whole to death point.  Prophet Mohammad is definitely is a messenger of God trying to speak the reality of nature and the days of Judgment pronounced in the Bible and the Law of karma pronounced in the Vedas.

The spirit of god has tried to speak the truth through many great modern philosophers, like Jiddu Krishna Moorthy, Osho, Sai Baba and many more, who tried to grow above the institution called religion and make humanity understand the importance of Love, Truth  Justice and calling the attention of humanity to the importance of self observation. However, humanity under the spell of science, has failed to comprehend the message. That made me feel that the only path open for humanity is to understand the reality of nature and the God as an extension of science it self. The site is an attempt in this direction.

The picture of living universe that the site present could be compared to our own cycle of life of birth and death, and its perpetuation giving rise to off springs that ensure the continuation of life. The universal life is sustained by the birth of an off spring in pure love and complete knowledge. The unfolding of information probably began with His Self-sacrifice – The sacrifice that took place in Calvary. With it, the lord initialized His soul and came to live in the midst of the people. This is one phase of Lords breath. The Second Coming is the unfoldment of His true knowledge to humankind such that life is restored to one and all [His body]. The world is not going to see peace unless it discovers the absolute knowledge the knowledge of God.  These aspects are discussed in the site. [We must note that reality of God revealed to Arjuna by Lord Krishna in Bhagavad-Gita shows two phases of the universe an exhaling phase where everything comes out of his mouth and inhaling phase where everything goes back to Him.”]